General Discussion

General DiscussionThese carries all currently have a higher average winrate than 6.84 b...

These carries all currently have a higher average winrate than 6.84 bloodseeker in General Discussion

    Spectre - 59%

    Ursa - 56%

    Wraith King - 55%

    Medusa - 54.8%

    Sven - 54.7%

    Bloodseeker was averaging around a 54% winrate in August of 2015.

    Do you see anybody complaining about how OP Ursa, Wraith King, Medusa, and Sven are? Spectre is going to get a 6.87 nerf that's for sure, but all 4 of those other heroes have higher winrates than what Bloodseeker did and you don't see anybody calling for them to get nerfs the way people called for Bloodseeker to get nerfs. In fact, not only did Wraith King have a winrate higher! than Bloodseeker at the time, but since then he has had his base damage buffed, a useless aghs upgrade which was then buffed again, and some minor changes to vampiric aura to make it easier to control the lane and make it so the enemy don't see the aura if Wraith King is nearby and invisible which technically count as buffs.

    Anyway there's your 6.87 heroes to spam - Sven, Ursa, Wraith King, Medusa. The fact that mana burn carry heroes (PL, Antimage, Naga) are pretty crap right now because of how terrible this constant team fighting meta is for heroes who just want to afk and farm for 40 minutes means that you can get away with running Wraith King and Medusa easily.


      cuz they didnt give a stomp on competitive match, so valve didnt give a fck about it

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        Spectre can be ezily outpicked. Honestly I dont remember losing against spectre recently. Put high early pressure, proceed to win.

        Void + lich offlane is great for doin that.

        IMO spectre is fine. She is no different than what she used to be before, but only became popular cos of Badman. Now almost everyone knows how to play against her.

        Nerf OD orb.

        Von Darkmoor

          Bs Isnt a late game carry never was but in that overpowerd patch he was and thus the nerf his mid game hero and thats where he be long if u luv Ez brain dead heros you can spamm Ursa until his nerfd or harb but with harb u need atleast a little brain so perhaps hard for u despite it being OP as f*ck.

          If u luv u balance and OP heros try heroes of newerth there it is only one way to play Agi, str and Int.
          Sadly Dota is closing up on being the same Agi and build hp/str was perfectly balanced and one of the many things that made this game fun and unique Sadly in The pursuit of more trash People they try to streamline dotto to be Come more like league of f*ggot and heroes of newf*g thus to suit more People and destroying dotto completly.

          Hopefully they realize this soon er than later. They can just watch the stream this constant FOTM spamm thats been ever since TI4 have made viewers watch other games csgo etc and The claims that dota is dead and its all because every match looks the fucking same just because its fotmspamm after fotmspamm.
          Also ganking mids are dead so no enjoyment like TI3 ganks to watch and no 20-25 insanely actionpacked death ball like TI4 <3
          Where you couldnt miss a second.
          TI4 was a good varieté of heroes exept EG (enigma+Void spamm trash)
          And yes TI3 hade naix /alch spamm but still thanks to the mid ganks playstyle in that game it was still enjoyable as fuck to watch.

          The unbalanced heros should Simply be nerfd Quick as f*ck and they should make all heros that get big changes to be autobanned in cm.
          and The comeback mechanical should either be remove completly or Simply nerfd with 75%.
          They can remove the double Rune aswell to add a bit of Luck back to the game this will make it more enjoyable more things to hold ur thus for.
          Also for the europan viewers this is out of valve hands but if Navi and Alliance get back to their former self the viewers will increase insanely.


            Some heroes aren't fun to play against. (Bloodseeker ) It makes sense to nerf heroes people don't like.

            If Tinker ever got to a 48% winrate people would rage nonstop and he would get gutted. Meanwhile if omni reaches 65% people will barely complain and he'll get -2 int or something


              if tinker gets to 48% in pubs, it would mean he has 60%+ winrate in competitive

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Bloodseker is a shit no skill hero. Stop crying they needed him. Fucking embrace Sven as the greatest hero.


                  Maybe, but that's not the point I'm making. I'm saying heroes like bloodseeker (who didn't have a good winrate in competitive) that people dislike are likely to get overnerfed. Heroes that are good, but don't bother most people like Tide this patch will hardly get touched.


                    thats true, and i dont think its bad tbh


                      I think I saw this theory on reddit - that IceFrog is actually a low skill player and so hates riki and bloodseeker because he gets stomped by them so much, which is why he nerfed them so hard. I would believe that.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Just when will you stop crying about BS? Yes, he is your most picked hero, we get it. Yes, the nerfs were definitely not deserved but this has happened a lot throught Dota's history. You don't have to cry about it every single day.

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                        < blank >

                          Icefrog saw this Omni + OD shit coming, so he buffed Diffusal Blade coincidence from a low skill player? I think not


                            Try removing the damage amplification on bloodseeker's first ability and he'll be fine


                              Reasons why people bitch about heroes being OP:
                              1) They are pain in the ass.
                              2) They are popular in pubs.
                              3) They are popular in competitive(This is more like an excuse than a reason).
                              4) When winning often have a lot of kills.
                              A good combination of this factors makes a hero that people will bitch about for being OP. Win rate plays almost minimal role(See Storm spriit, windranger, Queen of Pain).

                              Fee Too Pee

                                i never lose to medusa and WK recently just because ya know , people actually farm retardedly slow with them , BUT WITH SPEC? OH NO SHE HAUNT ME WHEN I LOW BAM COMEBACK GOLD 99999 EZ RADIANCE AFTER BIJILION DEATH BALANCED

                                and ursa just ya know with correct heroes get zoned and kited
                                the problem with spectre is RIDICILOUS COMEBACK GOLD SHE RECEIVES WITH HAUNT


                                  Nerf voker and nerf OD orb (1/2/3/4 int steal and 4/5/6/7% of mana pool as damage)

                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                    I've been complaining about Ursa for a while.

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                                      lm ao

                                        I see ur point kitrak-senpai, but u see OP's bracket? The majority of players of this game are braindead apes unable to exhibit coordination amomgst kin.


                                          Op trash player nothing new here


                                            Spectre deserves a heavy nerf.

                                            me, government hooker

                                              furion is actually so good


                                                The question is, do we nerf the hell out of OD and Spec, or do we just buff 10 or 15 other heroes?

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  you don't have to nerf the hell out of them, just a teeny tiny bit. Spectre nerf dispersion to 9/12/15/18. Not that noticeable early but helps a lot late.

                                                  OD nerf his starting armor, it's insane for a ranged int hero, it's 5.36, nerf it by a full 2 and you will see a drop in win rate cus mids will be able to harass him. If that's truly not enough, nerf int steal duration to 40 seconds or something.


                                                    Spectre's haunt duration needs to be cut to 3/4/5 and the aoe for desolate not proccing has to be increased to something like 450 or 500. The "7 seconds of radiance burn on everyone + 7 seconds of 65 pure damage and whatever other damage spectre has to every single person on your team + able to jump all the way across the map to join a gank or turn one around" is stupid crazy.

                                                    I mean Riki's ultimate is "5 instances of whatever damage riki has is dealt to anyone in a 500 radius nearby+5 second phase shift". The balance in this game a complete joke.

                                                    The hero excels at picking off people and excels at team fights. The only weak thing about her is her laning stage and you can't count on your team picking undying+1 to go offlane. Half the time they pick retarded shit like clockwerk/sven offlane and result in the spectre getting 60cs by 10 minutes and then the game is basically done.

                                                    Sven is either one buff, or Spectre falling off to be the next OP shit. Dude gets a free battlefury at level 7 and has an ultimate which lets him turn around any fight from level 6 onwards.

                                                    Wraith King has always been pretty good though he is better at lower levels. Outclassed by Sven though and more easy to counter, particularly if AM/PL or Naga are buffed next patch.

                                                    Medusa is mainly good now because it becomes impossible to lane against her solo (particularly as melee) and she is more useful in early fights because it's a pretty good nuke so she doesn't need to afk farm so much which is game losing unfortunately.

                                                    Johnny Rico

                                                      ursa was always good, and people always complained about him.
                                                      the good old days that you fury swipe towers to oblivion, those where the days

                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                        Ursa is so OP

                                                        Johnny Rico

                                                          buy halberd and use after bkb or ult, ursa is really easy to kite, a atos can make him be strong as a hard carry techies