General Discussion

General DiscussionAll pick is back

All pick is back in General Discussion
muted all, it's just a ga...

    Ayy lmao :D

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      So I can peacefully play Sven/TA without worrying that they aren't in pool.


        I'll still play random draft tho ...kinda fun playing new heroes


          Yes! Great news :D


            Is there any change? Or is it the old boring all pick?


              Finally, I can finish my all hero challenge.


                is there any different timing or something ?


                  wait is it?
                  praise jesus

                  < blank >

                    41.1MB for just this

                    - Restored normal Ranked Matchmaking modes


                      Lol... Seems like no change xD


                        ok nvm i have riki carry against od omni

                        great expectations

                          HERES UR DIFFUSAL CARRIER EVERYONE~


                            Thanks volvo

                            < blank >


                              Does it help to play against bots to prevent low prio?


                                ap is back guys and them retarded carry pickers too


                                  there is a rumor that there was a bug in Ranked AP (idk what was ot), and the mode was excluded from queue for a while to fix it.

                                  waku waku

                                    back to seeing od spectre invoker and zeus every game again phew


                                      Back to seeing a cancer five-man carry again lol

                                      great expectations

                                        what do you mean?
                                        its just a more efficient way to level up accounts, i dont get the link with low prio
                                        or do you mean it helps to provide more matches where you dont get reported, so ups your behavior score? Possible in that case, im not sure.

                                        < blank >

                                          Ye I meant this with better behavior score


                                            I am gonna stay with Random Draft, the only place when i can play mid ember from time to time. Fuq dem vokers.

                                            muted all, it's just a ga...

                                              I also consider to play RD later, there's not much 1 hero spammer and RD matches have better quality and tends to be more balanced, since everyone there are versatile players. More fun :D

                                              Venus, MBA

                                                If Valve's hopes were to make people begin liking RD as an alternative to playing AP to avoid hero spammers, then mission accomplished.


                                                  All pick is back! 5 carry with no couriers..who buy couriers is commended..ez commend but ez lose..


                                                    now i can spam my riki again


                                                      @zPay.Frank can u elaborate about tranquils over treads on riki offlane? I am playing offlane riki from time to time as well but what we have in common is only PMS, would be nice to hear your thoughts about his build. Cheers.

                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                        its coming back boys , the OD picks ez 32 4 balance


                                                          OD omni'ing my way back to 4.9 party huehue. Also first 2 games of all pick i get the ol' 0-22 offlane dk and a midas no boots earth shaker the next game. Maybe it was just luck but for me it seems like RD was somewhat retard free.

                                                          Still getting +8 mmr games and shit though, 380 mmr difference in team avgs?


                                                            Ok I just played first All pick game since its back. Enemy team: Spectre Omni Safe, OD mid, Beastmaster DK offlane.

                                                            My Team: PA, lion safe, jungle troll, noob invoker mid and enchantress offlane.

                                                            Not going to play fucking all pick ever again in this patch.

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              you picked PA yourself one match ago and now you're bitching about the pick? Invoker is a great pick too he just lost lane.


                                                                Only thing i notice is theres a message "someone pick a hero!" When your team begins losing gold