General Discussion

General DiscussionSven true carry of 6.86?

Sven true carry of 6.86? in General Discussion

    Why is this hero so strong at the moment?

    Since I started spamming him a week ago I have won 13 out of 14 games, quite often turning games around with a 2 man stun + ult.

    The lost game was due to the sheer pressure they put + jungling LC meant no room to farm like mad to keep up.

    I play at 3.5k level at the moment and it seems absurd how easy it is to get ahead with this hero even from a meh laning stage. What is it that just works with this hero?

    On the other side, what do you do those games where you are getting rofl stomped, and they are roaming your jungle and patrolling your ancients? How do higher MMR players still seem to secure farm in these losing games?


      They don't. They don't have as much farm as the enemy team, but they build more effectively. For example, instead of building a sange and yasha, they might build drums.


        "How do higher MMR players still seem to secure farm in these losing games?"......

        by farming when you know the enemy team isn't somewhere..??

        building team fight items to hopefully come back?

        the other day i was getting wrecked as OD , i built veil and with a couple of veil + ult comboes we ended up winning the game

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          When I realised that I need years to climb mmr with sup I started playing carry, what I found out that effective farming is just as important as using the ult (eg sven,slark,jug) for your team to get a key pic when ur team has problems to create space or just dies, normally you as pos1 with decent farm can kill the 3rd pos with pretty low risk. Even a rotation of the enemys with tps gives ur team 1 min more time, like this it was for me pretty ez to get my items and hit my timing.
          Like this I got 600 mmr in 8 days and it only stoped with the retarded cm,rd (right now I dropped back to 3,7 bec too many random picks with afk captains :/ )
          Even if this is shit to play and boring, it works every time in 3k

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            What is it that just works with this hero?

            Literally you get two Battlefuries at level 7. Combine that with QB, SnY and ancient stacking and you will come online pretty fast. Not just in terms of gold, but in XP as well. In games where you have a decent start you can out level enemy cores by 5+ levels and supports by 10.

            Since I started using SnY build, I won most of my Sven games. 67.39% out of 46 games with 708 GPM and 687 XPM.

            Key to this hero is to have a semi peaceful lanining stage. This means 1) no dying 2) 80-100 CS @10 mins. If you achieve those two things, you need around 10 minutes more to achieve critical mass. This doesn't mean you should afk farm for 20 mins, but you should maintain around 12 CS/min wile getting towers and joining only good fights. No dying and ez win.


              @?-_- Yep I fully agree with you on the levelling. I love spamming alt click on my hero level when im maxed out at like 30 min and everyone is 18-20 :D

              Similar success past week :D

              Tell me though, How do you deal with his severe problem of slots. It is Blink, Dom, SnY, Boots, and BKB (80% of games) and consumed shard. These are core and cannot be changed. If there is nothing I need to counter, I fill 6th slot with Crits.

              Besides the games the games where you can skip BKB, I find it extremely frustrating to have to build AC vs TA, or MKB vs PA, or Abysall vs Furion. What is your favorite 6th slot? Would you sell SnY?

              Този коментар е бил редактиран


                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  I usually go PT, HotD, SnY, Dagger, Shard/BKB, BKB/Shard, eat Shard for Buriza/MKB, BoT, Satanic. Most of the time I end game before full build cause it's not smart going late with Sven.

                  Don't sell SnY unless you desperately need another item.


                    Forget Sven, next patch is around the corner.


                      In games where they are stronger and chasing ur dick u deal with tracking their movement and split pushing farming places where it's safe forcing tp's and trying to fight with 5v4 advantage.


                        is skadi good
                        everytime i build it after selling sny i usually regret it anyway

                          Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                          Dire Wolf

                            cus skadi is less offense than s&y. It has a lot of int, hp and a nice effect but not needed on sven.

                            Is that supposed to be anti mage and sniper at the bar? or gyro? The color and markings on the short one's face look like AM but why is he so much smaller than a dwarf?