General Discussion

General DiscussionBounty Hunterino

Bounty Hunterino in General Discussion

    Bounty Hunter Best Hero


    please no LUL


      what questions do u have

      Fee Too Pee

        anyone know how to item build roaming bh?


          start orb of venom tangos clarities
          arcanes vlads drums all good, desolator if needed
          veil is good situationally because shuriken bounce


            default build for position 4 bh atm is
            arcanes => mek => blink or pipe, followed by less demanded items - in most cases, lotus, vlads or linkens. u should also consider eul, hex, force staff, solar crest, halebard.
            dont get greaves recipe early unless you are being killed by orchid carriers a lot; its not worth 1650 gold early on.


              desol is pretty awful, drums dont fit the current meta. veil is just awful unless u have nothing to buy and want to get it for someone else in your team.
              starting build should involve sentries. u can skip clarities or even tangos.

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                ^ Is he still viable as an offlane? I played one game with him this meta as an offlaner and I won that. But the sample size's too small to prove anything other than my enemy was neglecting their carry way too much. My roamer build netted me a woeful winrate BibleThump, I'm bad at bounty generally lel.


                  My roaming bh build:
                  start with tangoes , orb of venom and a clarity
                  build urn
                  build arcane boots then meka so later we can have guardian greeves
                  solar crest is also good tho it depends
                  vladmir's is good for aura lifesteal
                  blink dagger - since foes used to bring dust, your only escape now is a blink
                  pipe- this also depends
                  orchid - depends on situation

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Bouncing Shrunken is bullshit. It's so good the vision on Track had to be totally removed but the hero is still good.


                      oov tango sentry
                      no gold for clarity just suicide
                      always camp the midlaner, if not find the jungler=> offlane imo
                      apart from other items alr mentioned, wand is really useful i feel, and urn too if no ones getting it

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        he's not good as an offlaner, cz hes only getting exp. nowadays, offlaners should be strong and get farm, either on the lane or using their camp. bh is way less viable than beastmaster/np/ld/ench/void etc.

                        urn delays ur mek, and they got a pretty shitty synergy, too. also since rightclick on bh is absolutely useless now, the str u gain out of urn/drums is meaningless, which makes these items highly suboptimal.
                        wand is just bad, imo. you are either dying in any case, or not coming close to die. the current playstyle of bh is a bit weird.

                        bouncing shuriken is good cz u can throw it at creeps, that just makes the range bigger.

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                        King of Low Prio

                          Just build dagon a flex all over these bitches

                          King of Low Prio

                            Mek is awful on BH in pubs


                              huh, i forgot a core item
                              bh is 2nd best gem carrier in the game after NS
                              buy an early gem if you are not very far behind and u can actually run around the map and deward stuff. you probably need to get it after arcanes, mek and whatever you build as ur 3st item.

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                              King of Low Prio

                                Don't build mek in solo q ever you fall off too much and hope your teammates are organized (1in10 chance). Dagon gives you infinite more options and map control in the pub meta. I only go mek if I have tricore lineup AND they are all competent.


                                  ^idk if u build dagon in 5k+ matches, or even in high 4ks, you gonna lose the game for ur team on alone just with this decision only. if the enemy team is at least half competent in the game, dagon build gets easily punished.
                                  mek feels great in current meta and i didnt feel like skipping it a single time, neither regretted building it.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                  King of Low Prio

                                    I've had no problem with dagon in 4.5k matches if utilized correctly. Mek just does not get used to its full potential in pub matches and leaves you in a situation where you have no impact on the end results. I'm not saying mek is awful on BH I am saying you can't utilize it to the full potential when you lack team coordination.


                                      idk, i never had this kind of troubles in the current patch

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        Arc, Mek, GG, Lens, Hex, Dagger, Crest, Lotus, Linken, Vlad's, Eul, Dagon, Gem are all viable items on BH.


                                          i dont agree with lens, particularly considering that u shall get dagger in ~99% of your games. blink kinda does everything that lens does, but way better.


                                            Ambulance BH is the best BH.
                                            Guardian G's, solar crest, AC, vlads, Urn... Etc

                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                              Lens has synergy with Hex and Dagger.


                                                1) u dont need additional range on blink for bh, ever. why would you?
                                                2) when u build hex, u already have blink. blink lets you use hex properly regardless of hex range itself.
                                                3) hex on bh in current patch is a luxury item you barely ever get, and when you do, it usually means u r 6 slotted. lens is a waste of slot at that point.

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                  You're right. I only built Lens once on BH and that's cause someone else made Mek.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    You would be able to afford hex if u didn't waste gold on mek


                                                      it would make bh useless in the early-mid game (cz no items), and thats the period when this hero wins games

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        roaming bh= 1st item get sentry, salve, tanggo 2 clarity and wait for orb of venom. Sentry is for making sure you can deward just dont put it unless they have sent too. Get pb or arcane if you pb go bottle. Buy drum urn and dagon 5

                                                        Miku Plays

                                                          best item build for bh :
                                                          dagon, eb, boots and divines !!


                                                            i dont see how the str is bad just cause you dont hit ppl doesnt mean u dont need hp esp when ur hp pool is so low its super easy to just get bursted down and not being able to mek stick
                                                            anyway thats not the main reason for the items, i just find that with track you want to be able to fight alot, which was the main reason for mek orignally anyway, to enhance your teamfight capabilities in order to get those track kills. and wand urn are god tier early teamfight items
                                                            yea when he gets caught alone in the jungle wand doesnt save you but its the same deal for any support but they still get it cos it helps in early fight so much
                                                            that just what i feel anw

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                              Tangoes, sentries, 4x clarity, tp. Arcanes ==> mek ==> G.Gr. into either blink, or vlads. Items such as pipe, force staff (cant believe this item hasnt been mentioned before) and a gem are situationally built between/before blink/vlads/G.Greaves. Screw dagon seriously, just use voice chat and communicate to get your team that sweet track gold. If you wanna yolo queue and go dagon bounty to *decide* that game, just pick Nyx and go nuts. Being the financial feline means you're all about that GPM for your ganking cores, and use the ridiculous amount of gold YOU are getting, for teamfight/sustain items to actually get an objective after fights.


                                                                Good read guys, should practice him more :)


                                                                  Bounty hunter secretly a game winner .


                                                                    I've recently started playing bh in my trench 1.8k mmr and it's amazing, you destroy the early game and mid allowing you and your teammates to snowball off of track kills, plus no one buy sentrys or dust, so ez pts :) not sure what the ideal items are after mana boots, urn and Mek are, vlads? Force? Gem? Drums? Deso?

                                                                    Also what is the reasoning behind blink on bh? Isn't he already mobile with shadow walk?


                                                                      so u can scout and track ppl without dying easily


                                                                        yep, all those, and to get in range for some bouncing shuriken.


                                                                          Imo bh is ultra-good if u load it up on all stats: urn, drums, s&y, skadi, cuirass. Worked wonders so far.


                                                                            Using blink breaks invis right?

                                                                              Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                                                what mmr do u guys think i will calibrate when i continue playing bh till trophy 50


                                                                                  if u play well and keep winning u can calibrate over 4k ez WITH ANY HERO u fäg


                                                                                    Octarine => Radiance => Manta => Diffusal => last item.


                                                                                      My gameplay as roaming BH is usually like this

                                                                                      > Starting item :
                                                                                      1 set tango, orb venom, 1 clarity, courier or another clarity

                                                                                      > Progress :
                                                                                      Mana boots > Urn or Buckler > Mek > Situational / luxury item

                                                                                      > Gameplay
                                                                                      - Annoy mid hero
                                                                                      - Annoy their jungle if there's one. Either by blocking it or just sap their experience.
                                                                                      - Contest the rune,
                                                                                      - Look for courier snipe if you can.
                                                                                      - When you get your Mana boots + track, be more active on the map by setting up gank
                                                                                      - Don't forget to track your enemy BUT make sure you're in safe position and preferably when your shadow walk off CD. Even better, try to track someone from the fog.
                                                                                      - Shuriken is a really good nuke but try not to ks with it. Just when you think the enemy would escape you should go for it.
                                                                                      - ALWAYS look for the enemy inventory. You never knew when they have dust for you.

                                                                                      Roaming Bounty Hunter is like an assist machine. If you did well, even in 29 minutes you can get 30+ assist.
                                                                                      ^ My recent game with him. Huge success with 0 death and 35 assist

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                        no matter how narrow ur hp pool is, you just barely get hit during the game. i havent found myself actually fighting enemy heroes except for the first 10 minutes. you run around, throw shurikens, and set ganks.

                                                                                        sometimes you suicide to let someone else survive, though, which is in important aspect of bh's gameplay - if u see ur team not gonna fight in the next minute, u should die urself instead of letting someone else die, cz ur life is meaningless at that point. but u dont need a greater hp pool here as well.

                                                                                        its perfectly normal to have <1000 hp 30 min into the game if u have mobility items (= blink), and dont make positioning mistakes. bh's playstyle is very similar to omni in these terms.

                                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                        Von Darkmoor

                                                                                          75 gold observerward behind tier 1 snipe courir gg ez win.