General Discussion

General Discussion@kitrak, dd, matrice or anyone above 6k

@kitrak, dd, matrice or anyone above 6k in General Discussion

    i like how the graph of the mmrs of people responding is going
    6.8 => 6.2 => 6.7 => 7.1 => 2k


      arin u r just gay, thats why ull never b gud @ doto. but ur still my frend dont forgt that ok?

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            similar to academic examinations, you cannot excel in your term papers if you just spam practicing all previous term papers. You need to actually know the stuffs inside out (hero mechanics, item builds and interactions, game mechanics) , and then you practice (practice in demo mode , do the drills), mock practice (play ranked/unranked pubs), then learn from mistakes (watch all your replays, and analyse which parts you should have done better, and which mistakes you shouldn't have made).

            this is how i reached 5.5k as an offlaner @ SEA.

            Before 2016, I just played without watching replays, without actually trying to mend my mistakes and thinking about my bad decisions making during games. At highest I could only reach 4550 mmr, but after I started to actually learn all the mechanics (basic dispel, strong dispel, item interactions, and generally all the mechanics, and also watch my replays), I easily went up to 5.5k.

            and I am not even trying hard.


              I'm seeing so much motivation stuff and lifelessions, but in the end, it's just a game ppl playing league of lesbians can also have the same dedication and positive attitude, anime retards can spend 9 years of their life watching anime, and it's a fact that not everyone can be professional players. We are just a common group of ppl got lost in the corner of the society.


                Why are people so eager in telling others what they can and cannot do?
                If you wanna be good, get good, dont ask other people for their opinions or care when they give voice to their shit.

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                    Bernie says we all get 8k MMR


                      do you guys actually watch ur own replays? i heard it helps a lot, but in the same time its so boring.


                        nah, its boring


                          #Go Green

                          me, government hooker

                            it doesnt really help


                              gr8, then i certainly wont do it

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                                  Its better to watch replays of people who are owning and try to copy what theyre doing


                                    ok mr kitrak, then what do you look for?

                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      I'm 4.2 after 2 years, but I never actually sat there wanting to consciously improve (maybe a little, but not to the degree someone would expect) I never watched replays, and I rarely ever watch guides. I literally got to my MMR by just PLAYING the game. I'd apply myself now, but I'm kind of done with dota, and only play party now, i'm done dealing with the solo struggle, solo que is literally bad for your health. (It really is) If I ever got 5K, it would be in party MMR.

                                      It's crazy how some people have like 5+ years of experience, and still aren't 5K at least. But they shouldn't feel bad, MMR is just a number (Kappa) and i'm sure if they applied themselves they could do it.

                                      I have a friend who is 2.1K MMR, many times falls to 1.9, the dude is literally CONVINCED he belongs in 4K, and says " I've been playing Dota since Dota 1, I'd like to think I know a thing or two about Dota yorkey, unlike you who started in 2014, so don't tell me what MMR you THINK I belong at, i'm pretty sure I can gauge that for myself. "

                                      I like my friend, but really? I can't believe people like him exist, and worst part is, there's probably 1.1Kers who think they belong in 4K, scary to imagine. My friend literally had mask of madness, crystalys, and treads at 1 hour into the game, and said " yeah, had a rough start early game " (when in reality, i had made tons of space with a killing spree on my TA that game...) the excuses will never end, don't be that type of person.

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                                        tips when watching replay, of course you watch only the section you wanted to see, like a stupid mistakes you made last game but you felt you shouldn't have done, then you see how it happened, or you watch replay to see how you got killed in a fight when you think you wouldn't die.

                                        i usually check replay to see how opponents ward their sentry (im mostly playing riki since 6.86) and i almost dewarded at least 2 sentries with just 1 charge of sentry.

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                                          Welt aus Eis

                                            fuck 6k


                                              "I'm 4.2 after 2 years, but I never actually sat there wanting to consciously improve (maybe a little, but not to the degree someone would expect) I never watched replays, and I rarely ever watch guides. I literally got to my MMR by just PLAYING the game. I'd apply myself now, but I'm kind of done with dota, and only play party now, i'm done dealing with the solo struggle, solo que is literally bad for your health. (It really is) If I ever got 5K, it would be in party MMR."

                                              Yeah, 4200 is pretty damn good if you compare yourself to 2k or low 3k, but it's easy as fuck to fall from 4200 to 4000 and lower,and while getting 4200 is not easy at all, losing that 8 games in a row is easy as fuck.

                                              Difference, on the other hand is hardly noticable, but in your head(at least mine), it fucking bothers me once I drop from like, 3900 to 3700 so much.

                                              If I drop from 4100 to 3900, it's even worse. But in reallity to 6k/7k people, 3k or 4k is pretty much same shit, and difference is pretty much small.

                                              I think MMR is not just a number, but in the same time, it literally destroys your motivation/dedication to get better once you lost 100-200 mmr.

                                              Idk, it just feels so easy to lose it and so hard to earn it.

                                              I think everyone who was like 3.7-4.1k would agree that getting out from that bracket is hard for mortals, you know, human beings.

                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                hows losing 8 games in a row easy as fuck
                                                my longest loss streak on solo ranked ever is like 5 games

                                                if you think about it in a statistical sense it's extremely unlikely to lose 8 games in a row
                                                your problem is you're a tilter


                                                  I am tilter. Once I lose few games I just want so badly to recover that MMR and I lose few more.

                                                  That should answer your question "how do you lose 8 games in a row".

                                                  At the end of the day,just by losing more than winning on average should be enough to eventually drop 100-150 mmr at least.

                                                  Happens to everyone who plays solo ranked at least 80% of his Dota time.


                                                    it's only one chance out of 256 to lose 8 game in a row, assuming perfect balance. If you take every player last 2048 ranked game, on average every of them have one 8+ game lose in row in those 2048 games.

                                                    (and that's just looking in cutting every of those 2048 game in sample of 8 games, if you were to check continuously, it would be way bigger)

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                                                      Maybe I went too far, I see your point, still, losing 3 games in a row, winning 1, losing next 3, winning 1 will lose you plenty of MMR.

                                                      It's easily doable.


                                                        Anyways, just quick analise:

                                                        This guy lost 6 games in a row:

                                                        Arin is on 4 losing streak:

                                                        Dani is on 5 losing streak:

                                                        GG guy lost 3 in a row, won next 2, lost next 3

                                                        Basically losing more than winning is easily doable if you're equal with your eneimes.

                                                        While - 100 mmr in reallity should not be big deal, losing it, at least for me, means much more.

                                                        And that's how I start to tilt. Not sayin' I'm right or wrong, or anyone works the same way as I do, just droping my 2 cents..

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                                                        Welt aus Eis

                                                          arent you ignoring the fact that wins streak exist too

                                                          mmr fluctuates and thats normal lol


                                                            Nah, I'm aware. I know it does. I didn't talk about that. Just trying to say that losing MMR affects your motivation/dedication to get better at this game.

                                                            I think since MMR came out I started to tilt way more.


                                                              Its easy, I already got 3 times losing streak of 8 in only 170 games.. xD

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                                                                  That's actually nice advice and I should probably paint it on my wall or some shit.


                                                                    unless you bought your account or something, losing streaks more than 4-5 games should not be happening on even a weekly basis if you play several games a day. if for some reason you really had 50% chances of winning, but you pull some 1/32 5 game lose streak shit every few days, then the reason you are on a losing streak is YOU. Thats not being "unlucky" thats you saying "holy shit our mid is peru gg you fucks".

                                                                    However, if your "true MMR" is well below what your current mmr is.. your going to be losing some games unless you improve.

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                                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                                        I know how easy it is to fall (not sure why you're telling me that? Maybe to feel better about yourself? I dunno) but i'm not really worried like you are, if I applied myself, i'd be much better, but I just play every game not trying to improve, just playing for fun. My goal was to casually get to 4K eventually, I hit that goal, I don't even care. Also, what's with the mortal/human thing? I don't i'm special, I don't even think i'm good at Dota, you have issues.

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                                                                          why would i feel better about myself tho? I don't even have specific goal in this game. getting to 4.5k would be cool, but it's not like my life depends on it.

                                                                          if you're playing casually this game so do i aswell, and nothing wrong with it.

                                                                          i do have passion for it and i enjoy playing it, hell, i do care about mmr and stuff like that, but the end of the day, dota is earning me nothing, some of us actually have to work and pay bills. I already feel okay about myself, and if I want to feel any better, that'd probably be on diffrent aspects, not Dota.

                                                                          On the other hand, I just mentioned that because everytime someone posts MMR related shit, you always come and you ALWAYS have to point out how you are 4.2k, and wow, you even had to tell "dont mind those high skill matches".

                                                                          Like, for real, do you really think any of us give a fuck about what mmr you got? Probably your friends, yeah, but I highly doubt Dotabuff posters come here to check your mmr/skill bracket of your recent games..

                                                                          Everyone knows who's good here and who's not, nothing more to add.

                                                                          Hell, even if I want to ask for advice I know where to go, why would you be proud of getting 4.2k so you have to put it everywhere you post...

                                                                          when I first got 4k on my main it was almost 1 year ago, never came here to shitpost and brag about it..

                                                                          It's low as fuck and bad as fuck, why would you add that everywhere.. yeah, it bothers me, since you started this shit for no reason

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                                                                          Welt aus Eis


                                                                            techies did pretty much nothing but feed, gave up 15 mins into the game, sold his items bought 20 tps and afked at base and tped to a lane and used suicide on creepwaves every now and then

                                                                            do you think im mad after this? im certainly not happy but i also know i didnt play well so i have myself to blame too
                                                                            if you get tilted by every single ruiner you're prob gonna end killing yourself

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                              "Im 4.2K (Don't mind me with normal skill unranked games XD low hidden MMR)(just practicing the hero's i'm trash with) I think can get to 5K, I believe I can, but just don't care if I get it or not, and I think it's all about not caring so much. Ever had those winning streaks that you can't explain? You probably stopped caring about winning so much in that point in time, and ended up cruising on the momentum. You probably just played to have FUN, or played to get better. I remember thinking getting 4K was insanely hard, and how the hell can these people get 5K and 6K. But then again, most people here have been playing since Dota 1, or other moba experience, while I started in 2014. Don't ever put yourself down and say "others are just simply better at life. " I suck at Dota, but I got to Global Elite pretty fast on CSGO, most people can't even do that (I don't smurf on any game by the way) everyone's just good at different things, you just need to find the game you're good at, or thing you're good at."

                                                                              "I'm 4.2 after 2 years, but I never actually sat there wanting to consciously improve (maybe a little, but not to the degree someone would expect) I never watched replays, and I rarely ever watch guides. I literally got to my MMR by just PLAYING the game. I'd apply myself now, but I'm kind of done with dota, and only play party now, i'm done dealing with the solo struggle, solo que is literally bad for your health. (It really is) If I ever got 5K, it would be in party MMR.
                                                                              It's crazy how some people have like 5+ years of experience, and still aren't 5K at least. But they shouldn't feel bad, MMR is just a number (Kappa) and i'm sure if they applied themselves they could do it.
                                                                              I have a friend who is 2.1K MMR, many times falls to 1.9, the dude is literally CONVINCED he belongs in 4K, and says " I've been playing Dota since Dota 1, I'd like to think I know a thing or two about Dota yorkey, unlike you who started in 2014, so don't tell me what MMR you THINK I belong at, i'm pretty sure I can gauge that for myself. "
                                                                              I like my friend, but really? I can't believe people like him exist, and worst part is, there's probably 1.1Kers who think they belong in 4K, scary to imagine. My friend literally had mask of madness, crystalys, and treads at 1 hour into the game, and said " yeah, had a rough start early game " (when in reality, i had made tons of space with a killing spree on my TA that game...) the excuses will never end, don't be that type of person."

                                                                              Yes dude we know you're 4.2k, 2 times you said in same freaking topic.. give us a break XD


                                                                                Haven't been enjoying it forever now. If I had a better game to quit it for would have done so ages ago.
                                                                                Meepo only saving grace. (and lans sometimes)

                                                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                                                  Dude, you definitely have issues, now I can see why you don't climb. I play CSGO and Street Fighter V seriously, I do not, and NEVER did play this game seriously like YOU OBVIOUSLY DO. Also, I never noticed how much I mention my MMR, I'll stop saying it I guess? If that makes you feel better? Rofl You're probably the only one who noticed that I do that, cause not everyone like is obsessed with MMR to the degree that YOU are. I just said it, cause people would say raising MMR is impossible, and I like to give them hope that it's possible to rise from 1K I did, not cause i'm some bad ass, but cause ANYONE can do it. One more thing, I said that, cause people ACTUALLY HAVE TOLD ME " Why does your skill brackets say normal skill then. " You should follow me on Twitter if you really care about what I say so much.

                                                                                  You even had an MMR experiment on another account (and I didn't say shit to you, nor did I think what a dumb ass, I just thought: Hm, cool. " I actually thought it was interesting, and wanted to see if you could maintain a win rate, cause I don't secretly go around judging people off a few things they do, or SAY in this case) and you kiss up to every 5 and 6K players ass here, I don't, that's the difference between you and me.

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                    even if i was the only one who noticed it, nothing wrong with it. I come here to read posts, so I read yours aswell, noticed it, said what I meant, didn't want to be rude or some shit.

                                                                                    Well I never said I don't have my own issues, at the end of the day, everyone does. I am not playing this game seriously at all, even tho sometimes I really try to be serious and actually gain some mmr, I tilt a lot, still trying to change it, but it's hard.

                                                                                    It's not about me tho. I'm not jelous at you that you got to 4.2k, it just felt like you think 4.2k is something you should be proud of, that's it.

                                                                                    And we all know it's possible, esp. since if someone is stuck in 2k/3k or lower, getting out of that is just work and dedication.

                                                                                    Anyways, take care bro, no hard feelings.

                                                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                                                      Nah' I don't even think it's good MMR, yeah, take care, sorry.


                                                                                        "and you kiss up to every 5 and 6K players ass here, I don't, that's the difference between you and me."

                                                                                        Wtf this means. xD care to explain?

                                                                                        I barely have 5k and 6k players on my friendlist, and tho ones I do i usualy use to ask them if I'm not sure with something Dota-related.

                                                                                        If that's kissing their ass then yeah, okay, whateve.

                                                                                        Good thing you have time to actually compare shit, nice one

                                                                                        Welt aus Eis

                                                                                          hey yorkey how do i git gud on SFV dude my roommate bought this shit for ps4 and i loved it but the skill floor is somewhat high
                                                                                          i cant do combos for shit XD

                                                                                          Welt aus Eis

                                                                                            im super bronze scrub Xd playing it for 3 weeks now, i guessi m doing okay


                                                                                              @arin praise the sun more DS will make you motivated again.

                                                                                              Mike Wazowski..!

                                                                                                @arin as mentioned earlier you grow in spurts.. When I started dota about a year and a half ago I dint give a single fuck.. Spammed sniper and I was total shit.. Calibrated 1.7k.. Stayed there for a long time until about 6 months ago. I really wanted to get better and I learnt a few stuff..though I played very less I quickly climber to late 2k.. I thought I belonged in 4k..and I smurfed..but I calibrated only 3.6k.. So that's where I belong for now I guess.. Still looking to get better, but sadly I don't have that kind of time.. I know how it feels to be stuck at 1 place.. Take a break and come back, it will definitely help..

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                                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                                    sometime though i just cant fucking believe i get depressed by playing a game


                                                                                                      ^OMG right like I get so angry and sad when I'm making mistakes in game or in a losing streak