General Discussion

General DiscussionWho are you in real life?

Who are you in real life? in General Discussion
Mike Wazowski..!

    How old are you? Where do you live? What do you do for a living? How do you find time for dota?

    Pale Mannie


      Selfmade billionaire through dank memes and i have all the time in the world to play




          Why would want to know all this personal shit about ppl?


            im actually a cat. i play on my owners computer when isn't around which is like all the time. im 8yo


              I used to 💦masturbate💦 onto 🐦birds🐦 at a local park🌲🌳🌸. 🚫Not a thing that I'm particularly 😇proud of🚫 but I be💦CAME💦 quite ✅✅good at it. I was taking zinc 💊supplements💎💉 so I was shooting 💦💦💦massive loads💦💦💦 and it became something of a ⚽🎾⚾sport⛳🎳 to me. For anyone🙋🙏 interested😎 here is your best✅ strategy❌⭕.󾠮first󾠮, you need to find an 🌎isolated spot🌍 so you don't become a 🔪🙅👶sex offender👶🍼🍼. I found👀 a ⬇short kind of ↕channel area😋😉 where I 👀saw the 🐦🐓pigeons would 👪congregate. Next, you 😍😜😷arouse💦💦 🙋yourself. I was usually 😌😊content with envisioning👽👄👀 the occasional 👌🏃jogging 👭lady 💦💦coming💦💦 over and ✅✅taking a shit™ 💩💩on my chest🙋 and that was ✅✔enough to 🔥💥🚗fuel the fire🔥🔥🔥 but if you're 🚫not🚫 as ☺😇😉😜sexually 💡charged🍆⚡⚡ as 🙋me🙋 just take some 😻😝😘porn😜 on the 🏃go➡. After you're ✔good✔ an 😍🌵horny😉, you get some 🍞bread. My 🐦pigeons🐓 preferred 🍞🍞white bread but 🍆👍💪healthier 🐥🐤birds🐣 might have a 👅taste👅💦 for 🍼🍭honey wheat🌿🌾 or maybe even 🔢multigrain🔢. ✊Fat, unhealthy😷 birds🐓🐦 are ❌slower and ✅easier to 💦hit💦 so remember✅✔ that. Once you are 👍seated👇 on the 🌳bench and ⚠ready⚠ to 😉😉do the deed😍😛, whip👊 your 🍆roosevelt🍆 out and scatter 🍞bread🍞 out within a few 👇feet of you. use your 😕judgement based✊👌 on how far↔ you know you can 💦cum💦. I was a lonely😢😥 and depraved😲😵 soul💫✨ who could 🔒hit targets💦 the size of a 👌thimble at distances up to 󾠱feet. You wait for the 🐦pigeons🐥 to begin ✊👌eating and to get ☺comfortable with 🙋your presence. At this point⏬, you want to 😉😯coo gently👅 and talk 👄sensually💋 to them to 🔒gain their ✅trust. Now you're finally ready to 💦cum💦 on your 🐦bird. This is a 💪tough part because the 🏃rapid motion💨 of 💦masturbation🍆 is very frightening😲😮 to the birds🐤🐦, so you have to be 🙅🙈subtle. Once you 👵master💯 a 🆗technique, you simply wind🔃 it up⬆ and let it ♻go🔛, ❌aiming depending on your past 💦cumming💦 experiences🍆. I always 💦came💦 🍁high🍃 so I would ⛳aim for the 🐣neck of the 🐦🐥bird and catch it right in the 😢😛face. It's an ✅extremely 💯satisfying and 😍erotic feeling😜, 👀💀seeing those 🐥🐔birds reel🐬 around♻ covered in 💦cum💦 and maybe even transporting it to other places in the city🗼🗽🗾. ↕Either↔way I haven't 🍌done it🍆 in 🕗years🕝 but every 🆗✔now and then I ✊✊catch myself🙋 gazing👀 wistfully😻 at a flock of 🐦🐤birds, 🍆🍌cock 😩😍😋throbbing✊👌 and 🕑waiting for them to 🌎🌋land close🌍 to me🙋😌😝.


                Copyrino pasterino

                I used to 💦masturbate💦 onto 🐦birds🐦 at a local park🌲🌳🌸. 🚫Not a thing that I'm particularly 😇proud of🚫 but I be💦CAME💦 quite ✅✅good at it. I was taking zinc 💊supplements💎💉 so I was shooting 💦💦💦massive loads💦💦💦 and it became something of a ⚽🎾⚾sport⛳🎳 to me. For anyone🙋🙏 interested😎 here is your best✅ strategy❌⭕.󾠮first󾠮, you need to find an 🌎isolated spot🌍 so you don't become a 🔪🙅👶sex offender👶🍼🍼. I found👀 a ⬇short kind of ↕channel area😋😉 where I 👀saw the 🐦🐓pigeons would 👪congregate. Next, you 😍😜😷arouse💦💦 🙋yourself. I was usually 😌😊content with envisioning👽👄👀 the occasional 👌🏃jogging 👭lady 💦💦coming💦💦 over and ✅✅taking a shit™ 💩💩on my chest🙋 and that was ✅✔enough to 🔥💥🚗fuel the fire🔥🔥🔥 but if you're 🚫not🚫 as ☺😇😉😜sexually 💡charged🍆⚡⚡ as 🙋me🙋 just take some 😻😝😘porn😜 on the 🏃go➡. After you're ✔good✔ an 😍🌵horny😉, you get some 🍞bread. My 🐦pigeons🐓 preferred 🍞🍞white bread but 🍆👍💪healthier 🐥🐤birds🐣 might have a 👅taste👅💦 for 🍼🍭honey wheat🌿🌾 or maybe even 🔢multigrain🔢. ✊Fat, unhealthy😷 birds🐓🐦 are ❌slower and ✅easier to 💦hit💦 so remember✅✔ that. Once you are 👍seated👇 on the 🌳bench and ⚠ready⚠ to 😉😉do the deed😍😛, whip👊 your 🍆roosevelt🍆 out and scatter 🍞bread🍞 out within a few 👇feet of you. use your 😕judgement based✊👌 on how far↔ you know you can 💦cum💦. I was a lonely😢😥 and depraved😲😵 soul💫✨ who could 🔒hit targets💦 the size of a 👌thimble at distances up to 󾠱feet. You wait for the 🐦pigeons🐥 to begin ✊👌eating and to get ☺comfortable with 🙋your presence. At this point⏬, you want to 😉😯coo gently👅 and talk 👄sensually💋 to them to 🔒gain their ✅trust. Now you're finally ready to 💦cum💦 on your 🐦bird. This is a 💪tough part because the 🏃rapid motion💨 of 💦masturbation🍆 is very frightening😲😮 to the birds🐤🐦, so you have to be 🙅🙈subtle. Once you 👵master💯 a 🆗technique, you simply wind🔃 it up⬆ and let it ♻go🔛, ❌aiming depending on your past 💦cumming💦 experiences🍆. I always 💦came💦 🍁high🍃 so I would ⛳aim for the 🐣neck of the 🐦🐥bird and catch it right in the 😢😛face. It's an ✅extremely 💯satisfying and 😍erotic feeling😜, 👀💀seeing those 🐥🐔birds reel🐬 around♻ covered in 💦cum💦 and maybe even transporting it to other places in the city🗼🗽🗾. ↕Either↔way I haven't 🍌done it🍆 in 🕗years🕝 but every 🆗✔now and then I ✊✊catch myself🙋 gazing👀 wistfully😻 at a flock of 🐦🐤birds, 🍆🍌cock 😩😍😋throbbing✊👌 and 🕑waiting for them to 🌎🌋land close🌍 to me🙋😌😝.


                  Im Medusa in real live and im 150 years old im Wirkung as an ancient defender Most of the Day


                    im a very rich dude whos family controls a lot of shit, dont fuck with me

                    Pale Mannie

                      im Wirkung

                      Nass autokorrekt you haben


                        I think there's already a thread like this before.


                          year - 16
                          grade - 11
                          counrty - mongolia
                          everyday from school - 4 hours a day in public pc


                            17, got done with grade 12, India, I get time for 1-2 games a day maybe, rest of the time I gotta study


                              21 y.o. fuckboy and meme master

                              Swap Commends

                                25 yo.Old man trying to have some fun


                                  19. Pharma student. graduating this year.

                                  I can’t believe its not h...

                                    Im a japanese wall with a tiger tattoo. Im poor Because it cost a lot of dimes

                                      Този коментар е изтрит

                                        26, jobless, smoking weed everyday


                                          26, testing airline website. Drinking beer and trying to reach 4k in free time.

                                          Homzi(most wanted interna...

                                            I dont


                                              im JOHN CENA


                                                OP is a NSA shill

                                                D the Superior
                                                  Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                    I'm paranoid and am convinced everyone on the internet is a serial killer trying to find out where I live. Thus I will tell you nothing

                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                      ^so youre a selfmade billionaire too?


                                                        Train with older brother most of the days
                                                        I'm trapped in a fortress so I have a lot of time


                                                          law school
                                                          i just study so i manage to play dota in the time gap

                                                          Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                            12 y.o. COD player and full time savage


                                                              23, live with my mom and my sister, doing something with water, play when off project.


                                                                20, Lithuania, working/studying, it's hard to find time to play it, cuz I want to chill after work. I actually don't feel like playing it mostly, only tournament games motivates me, fuck pubs.