General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about VHS ...Please read...

Question about VHS ...Please read... in General Discussion

    So I tried to make another account as my main acct (calibrated at 3.4k) was stuck between normal - high skill bracket. I wanted to see how vhs worked and how hard it is to play there. This new account got transfered to vhs on my 9th game. Now my question is, if I'm already very high skill in normal matches, by the time I play ranked matches, would I still be very high skill? I have a friend who got vhs on all his normal games but when it came to his ranked matches, he played on normal skill and got calibrated >3800mmr. Please do check my games as well. Thanks in advance.


      >3800 mmr is very high skill

      what are you talking about?

      and stop caring about these brackets, they're unimportant when compared to mmr. i think its better to focus on improving instead of finding a gimmicky way to 'increase' your mmr, it will feel more gratifying to improve yourself and see that number go up gradually


        srry I made it unclear, I meant less than 3800mmr. Anyway thank you, I'm trying to grind my way up in my main account as well though I feel that games in very high skill bracket are far more challenging than high skill. I can stomp games from normal - high skill but as you can see I've been struggling quite a bit in vhs. I've been forced to offlane (even if I picked carry) so much that I had to specifically pick offlane heroes every game.


          "I've been forced to offlane (even if I picked carry)"


          i personally do not recommend the carry role if you want to improve at the game, its too easy of a role imo, mid is obviously the best to improve your own skill and 'carry' the game but offlane makes climbing extremely easy as well, simply because people don't know how to offlane and it helps your team a lot when u go off

          i played offlane/support from 4.4k to 5k and then changed to support/mid and am sitting around 5.2k currently


            u can play whatever and still win, its just about what you pick and how well you play.
            you can pick skywrathmage support, wd support or earth spirit and have decent impact (sometimes more than your cores)


              i found jungle and im happy :)


                Yea I'm done with people first picking voker and picking carries. Less arguments = more chance of winning. I'm going to stick to my night stalker and slardar offlane I've been winning matches using those two. I try not to jungle since I'd be leaving my team 4v5 just to rush dagger 7 mins on lc or whatever.

                King of Low Prio

                  Stop making smurfs and you might improve