General Discussion

General DiscussionGaming IS a crime

Gaming IS a crime in General Discussion

    Just read "gaming is not a crime " replaies and now i think dota 2 destroyed my life ;-;
    I played 4k hours in only 3 years ;-:


      Im now like " wtf have i done to my fuckin life"
      I mean i spend so much time with my friends only playing dota
      I have no memories with them outside dota idk .... I just .. I j-j-just dont know


        i played 8k hours in 3 years


          i played like 4k hours in ~2years


            didnt even play an isane amount of games, like 2-3 a day with some breaks and sometimes more games on weekends

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              @OP, according to DB you have 100 days of game time, that's 3 months and 10 days. Your first match was on January 19th 2013. or 40 months ago. So you spent 3 out of last 40 months in DotA. Is that bad? Hell no. Could you spent your time better? Maybe. Basically nothing to stress about.


                Well this is a crime i think. Go outside have fun with friends. Be part of the society. Lol wtf am i saying

                Dire Wolf

                  the average american watches like 5 hours of tv a day, don't feel so bad


                    Yeah it is i could get i nice body (going to the gym) i could have more friends (now i have like 50 and all of them from school) and i could have a gf ;-; and i could study more (be smarter) and .. And .. And

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      And you would not be a normal skill pleb.


                        U know what .. This year is the mist important year of my life (last year in high school) i left dota for it i left my familly for it ( i study in my uncle"s house) i gave it everything
                        If i get more than 220 from 240 that will mean i am NOT a loser
                        If i dont i will be the lifeless loser who destroyed his life for a game


                          @Op - What is happening to meeeeeee!!!!!!!??? O.O xd

                          Player 175043649

                            i can relate op, when i try to be more social i realized the only thing i know well is dota, and most of my friends have no interest in it especially girls
                            so i have nothing to talk about except watching them talks and laughs
                            and im not even in vhs yet

                            mr octupus

                              played 4k hours. still normal skill. you better quit doto my friend

                              2k pub scrub

                                Dota is a hobby. If you need to take a break from it or stop altogether that is fine. Dota should be something to relieve stress from everyday life and just have fun. One thing that came to mind when I read this was a video Extra Credits did:

                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                  Dota should be something to relieve stress from everyday life and just have fun



                                    everyone that thinks this is a waste of time clearly isn't ambitious for life in itself.
                                    many of you already have 2000 games and above, all that time, and yet yourself in the "real world" is not gaining anything
                                    but what is it that there is to gain in the world?
                                    money? power? do they follow you to the grave? no.
                                    you would say, im not contributing to the world much less the community around me by sitting all day staring at my screen
                                    but look around you , who are the people gaining the communities opinion, be it negative or positive, all of those people are some way or the other just evil.
                                    or at least have evil intents.
                                    people ask me why is your name "kunkka" when you barely play him, it is because it resembles "conqueror" , be it this game or any other, doesn't matter if there are huge prize pools in the tournaments, i will conqueror this game, otherwise why have i played my first match anyways.
                                    whats the point in living a life filled with guidance, which will eventually lead you to being another guide, and the cycle goes on.
                                    im not saying go quit school, as it is essential in modern life , but why have you, after hundreds or thousands of losses kept coming back to win, yes, it is to conqueror this game, to conqueror the only thing life may have given you above the norm,
                                    JUST DO IT!

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                    King of Low Prio

                                      I always find these threads annoying where people blame a game for having no life. Dude you would have had no life with or without dota

                                      me, government hooker

                                        i played 5k hrs in 4 years


                                          where s that useful arin's copypasta


                                            about life, attitude and perception

                                            u know what i mean

                                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                                              dont be down, its not like your life has any value anyway


                                                ^that's a very good point, too. no real value is wasted anyways.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Dude you would have had no life with or without dota

                                                  Pretty much this.

                                                  Also who fucking cares? 50 friends? I have two. I have family of course and a dozen or so work acquaintances I would like meet at a bar to watch a game if I wasn't so busy, and I just moved to a busy neighborhood and expect there will be a lot of kids parties for my kids and bbqs and shit like that. But actual friends only two. and even them I only talk to the one guy maybe every other month. Friends are completely overrated and you'll realize that once you are out of school and being young. Adults don't have that many friends. We have a lot of acquaintances.

                                                  And what's the point of life? Without getting into the deeper notions of why are we here bullshit it's basically to enjoy it and/or leave a legacy (ie children). You're too young to worry about legacy, so enjoy it. If you enjoy dota don't feel so bad.

                                                  Like working out, I enjoy eating snacks and drinking beer and being a little overweight more than I enjoy looking good and not eating snacks. And I enjoy being overweight and playing dota/watching tv more than looking good and spending all my time at the gym. People forget that. Working out is not fun for everyone. It sucks.