General Discussion

General DiscussionPosition one carries the counter slark

Position one carries the counter slark in General Discussion

    I seem to have a problem with slark, I know antimage is good versus him but hate that you risk your team getting steam rolled at the 20 minute mark if u go am . What hero do y'all suggest. I was wondering if PL would be legit . Slark is my main hero and I know I have the biggest difficulties versus heros with aoe abilities which are usually either from mids or supports .

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          To counter slark as carry i dont care too much about him, i try to kill his team and take objectives, slark is a beast outplaying but he cant kill everybody fast enough alone he takes heroes one by one until everyone is dead, so i just play my main heroes against him who cares if dusa, naga or spectre arent good vs slark i just play my game and try to carry harder than him but i never play around killing slark with those cores.
          I played at least 50 games as naga vs slark i know naga cant kill slark she CANT, yes she can do damage to slark but that is the problem with most people vs slarky they try to manfight him with heroes who cant, tell me what can do slark vs naga split push? he cant do shit, what can do slark vs deathball build spectre waiting in fountain to initiate and rape the other 4 heroes? nothing
          See my point? if you cant fight him do something else
          BTW pl is great vs slark and you can play pl mid if you want and come online faster than am

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