General Discussion

General DiscussionHave you ever been carried by a sniper for the last recent patches?

Have you ever been carried by a sniper for the last recent patches? in General Discussion
lm ao

    When somebody picks a sniper in ranked, shit just tilts me because i know he'll either try irrelevant builds on him and 6v4 the whole game to our disfavor, or let him killsteal with assasinate because he cant literally do anything w/o items so i let him catch up

    GG moment 4Head

    E: maybe a general sniper buil thread? I might want to spam him when im done getting cancer with puck spam. Is mom+blink legit?
    Pt or phase?

    Тази тема била редактирана

      Yea back in 6.84 patch

      lm ao

        That was like 45 years ago


          Yea 4head

          Dire Wolf

            Nothing on sniper is legit. Actually the only legit sniper build has more to do with your team than anything else.

            First let's talk about opponents team. If they literally have no gap closers he can be a decent pick. That means no spirit breaker, no phantom assassin, no bounty hunter/riki/clinkz/nyx all the invis gankers, no slardar/wk/sven/cent cus all those guys will blink and blow him up in one hit, no spectre cus he'll kill him in an ult with no items even. So if enemy team is like idk, windranger offlane, dk mid, np jungle, jug + cm safe, idk maybe you could pick him then, though wr can still dive you pretty hard with ease.

            Then you need your team to TP mid if/when you get ganked and have a bunch of front liners playing a 4 protect 1 in team fights. You basically need like tide, void, cent, clock offlane, plus another stunner like earthshaker, plus some beefy right clicker who will attract attention like a shadow fiend or drow or something. Like this, this is a great team for protecting sniper.


            That's really more a factor than anything else. For build just go phase, aquila, maelstrom, s&y even game and decide from there what to get, whether you need a blink or dmg with daedulus or butter, or finish mjollnir or need true strike mkb or lifesteal or tank with skadi. All good options depending.

            Pale Mannie

              I got carried by a sniper recently as he caught up in the 40th minute and i was phoenix there

              Fee Too Pee

                most of the time useless and never farm right items. ez useless minute 20 + shadowblades lol


                  Does it count if our whole team does well xd


                    no but i lost to sniper once lolz


                      like in the patch where he was shit, after the nerfs FeelsBadMan


                        Man i really want to 1v1 you puck butt fuck mah exams ;-;
                        Btw i have 100%wintate with puck

                        ASSESS Product

                          Usually the item that I rush is phase boot > Blink dagger(optional if enemy can rush easily to u) > sange > bkb > maelstrom > skadi > boot travel > mjolnir > either mkb or daedalus but I usually buy mkb since it is true strike > moon shard.

                          For skill build, i full the first skill > 3rd skill > 2nd skill. Dun underestimate its first skill. It pretty handy when you try to gank or got ganked. I dun remember the dmg but it so painful in early game.

                          Just remember to play safe all time and dun go yolo. Stay shooting from furtherst range and stay alert all time since sniper are so easy to die.


                   I was sniper mid, the hero isn't bad just now has a high skill floor and is very positioning based however in normal skill I can imagine its easy to feed with him

                            ASSESS Product

                              And one thing, just ks every hero if you can.

                              Dire Wolf

                                yeah but your whole team rolled that game, you probably won every lane. What if your safe hadn't? That opens you up to ganks and being behind and feeding.

                                He always needed good positioning, the difference now is shrapnel activation time is really terrible, the cd is too long, and losing the mini stun hurts a lot against casters. Before he was great vs a lot of casters like es, wd, enigma, cus he'd stun them and mess up their combos.


                                  last time it happened just about 1 year ago.


                                    They really should buff him enough to not be complete shit , I am not asking for a buff to make him meta like he was just somthing so he's not complete garbage every game .

                                      Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                                      bum farto

                                        Sniper loses games then wins them again. That's all he's good for is basically HG defense till you wear your team out. I used to play him loads offlane for years but then he got buffed then shit on.

                                        Venus, MBA

                                          I've probably been carried by 2 or 3 really good snipers in the past few months when I make sure they stay alive. (Keep in mind I'm just a 2k scrub.) he just has too many glaring weaknesses right now to be considered relevant for the next few patches.


                                            I've apparently had Sniper on my team 9 times in the past 6 months. Won 5 and lost 4.

                                            I don't remember the Sniper ever being the cause of the victory.

                                            Conversely I've had 7 games with a Bloodseeker on my team in the same time. Won only a single one of them. Hero was nerfed to complete shit and I doubt 6.87 is going to fix that.

                                            Also played with TB 10 times, lost 6 and won only 4. If Icefrog wants to keep going with this retarded constantly fighting, constant grouping up meta then he needs to give TB a proper buff to his strength so he can actually take part in these early fights. There's nothing like a carry sitting on 650hp at a time when other carries are running around with 1300 hp.

                                            Mike Wazowski..!

                                              The sniper in my last game carried the opponents.. :/

                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                I prefer have a dagon brown boots necro than a useless shadow blade + PT minute 20+ sniper feeding all day


                                                  I haven't been carried, but did carry as a mid Sniper in the current patch:
                                                  Decent farm, highest Hero and Tower Damage. No win out of a prolonged HG defense, we could win this quite quickly.

                                                  Sniper is still a decent hero that excels at keeping immobile carries from getting into attack range, but is frail against anything that can easily close the distance to him and lock him in place.

                                                  lm ao

                                                    yes its really a challenge to siege t3s against sniper. look at my last match, shrapnel nullifies my refraction charges, omni dont wanna repel cz i lost mid against a batrider (i expected the sf instead but fml). took us at least 20 more minutes to win the game.

                                                    anyway, my concern for sniper has always been farming speed. like, he just shoots itsy teeny frags into the skulls of potential gold, takes years to clear camps especially when youre saving upshrapnel charges for furure ganks and stuff. like, do u still mom on this guy

                                                    lm ao

                                                      and maelstrom. do u evn get it?

                                                      bum farto

                                                        Stack maelstroms


                                                          In 3.5k bracket i see snipers being more successful than anti mage in this patch, although its very rare pick.


                                                            I carried my team in my 2 last sniper games. In the last one everyone was feeding his lane except me. I held the base solo for like 10 mins.


                                                              last time i've met sniper was when i randomed him in lpq
                                                              we won

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Honestly I wish they would change him back to 6.81. I don't know why they decide to put charges on shrapnel and remove building dmg, it makes no sense. And give me the old mini stun back. I loved maxing shrapnel and pushing down all the t1s with it. He was my favorite hero but then they completely changed his playstyle and for what? I just don't understand why.


                                                                  any time a sniper is picked in ranked he just get counterd hard and ends up feeding no matter how good he is


                                                                    he used to be really good but unlike most op heros (invoker slark od spec) hes been so debuffed that now he sucks


                                                                      I randomed sniper here and had a ping of 180 avg.

                                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                                        really miss playing as sniper thou. the feeling kinda right click from best position. outplaying by positioning is kinda fun man.
                                                                        this patch : sniper dps = literally no damage

                                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                                          Imagine now:

                                                                          Phantom Riki is unbanned and commented here right now

                                                                          My reaction to him would be


                                                                            As long as you don't face a spectre / invoker, sniper is actually quite decent


                                                                              Some how over past three months in games with sniper in it I am 2-2 . Not sure how we won those two games but I pretty sure it wasn't due to sniper


                                                                                Nope,pub snipers are retards,even worse than the PA picking noobs :/
                                                                                Can't farm,dogshit builds like 20 min mom shadow blade kind of shit even when the enemy has great initiating heroes


                                                                                  ^matrice dont judge all skill brackets like yours. My last game as sniper had a spectre AND an invoker against me + Nyx and venge who are quite annoying to sniper too.

                                                                                  Pontic Greek

                                                                                    OMG they picked like EVERY possible Sniper counter for you and you only die once?


                                                                                      ^matrice dont judge all skill brackets like yours. My last game as sniper had a spectre AND an invoker against me + Nyx and venge who are quite annoying to sniper too.

                                                                                      yeah because it's better to tell people bullshit just because it works in trench tier, instead of showing others how does it actually work


                                                                                        sniper is far from the ideal hero in this patch, but you can still make it work


                                                                                          @arin. What? :p. Strats are different in each bracket.
                                                                                          @Pontian once you get blink those "counters" find it very hard to kill you. Omni also saved me once.


                                                                                            Why does anyone want to play a dota hero where u just simply have to press Right click for almost an hour lol


                                                                                              ^thats not true :(

                                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                                Old times...


                                                                                                  Haven't been carried by sniper but he did well reason why we lost was dusa being completly useless and not buying bkb or manta so she would never pop her ulti in TF. Also techies and bb feeding slark 7 times in 10mn at the start.