General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there a way to "predict" MMR?

Is there a way to "predict" MMR? in General Discussion

    Hello there, I was thinking about playing ranked games but I don't want to start at a low bracket.
    I know that if you're playing high skill games you are above 3.2k, but is there any other way to predict my avarage mmr?
    thank you in advance, and sorry for my bad english :P


      open and check the mmr estimation it gives you


        Thanks, didn't even know that was a thing :P
        My mmr aparently is not that high right now better train a little more before going ranked I guess.


          So what MMR YASP estimated you?


            2331 ± 984
            I want to start playing ranked at around 3k, if I can get there :P
            Just out of curiosity what's your mmr?


              Hey Henry, i was 2500 on YASP like 5 games ago now i'm 3.3k, all you need to do is stomp (20+ kills) in 3-4 matches in a row and the hidden mmr system moves you up by 1000 mmr. Hope this was useful.


                Not on this account btw, this is my shit 1.2k baby account :D

                A. Snatcher

                  Yasp averages the mmr of all of the opponents that you have played who have an mmr shared on their dota profile.
                  For me that is only one person so far :(


                    what does that ± sign mean?

                    A. Snatcher

                      I assume it's the margin of error?


                        mid 5ks

                        interval of possible variation (confidence interval, to be precise)


                          Hmm, going to spam PA today to see how much MMR do I get :)
                          Thanks for the tip, BTW did you get that 3.3k on a smurf?
                          'Cause I'm pretty sure MMR fluctuate a lot more on new accounts.


                            Also while I'm here, may I ask if you guys think ranked is gonna be any different at my current lvl?
                            I played with a guy who didn't know that he didn't have to last hit to get exp... That's just sad.

                            Shadow Moon

                              Where is this mmr prediction on yasp?


                                in the mid top of your account overview, grey number (next to blue and yellow ones that stand for solo and party mmrs)


                                  You will get there eventually.. :)

                                  My MMR is about 3100 right now on main, Ive got smurf and calibrated at 3600 mainly playing supports and offlaners.


                                  PA is okay in 2k (you can probably go mid also), maybe try TA too? xD

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                  Shadow Moon

                                    But is it accurate? It says 3436 +-925 and I always play on normal skill


                                      it is kinda close to your real rati in most cases, but u need to realize that it treats all ur games equally (including party, unranked, lpq), and different kinds of MM can inflate ur mmr estimation.
                                      also it tends to be a bit wrong if you are above 5k and playing away from ur rating a lot (often getting lower matches due to lack of players of ur rating).
                                      in vacuum, when u always play solo ranked only, the estimation is nearly perfect.

                                      Shadow Moon

                                        I am talking about unranked. cause i want to know where i will be calibrated


                                          if you only play solo untanked, it should be very close


                                            I got 3082 ± 1250. What is that mean?


                                              three thousand eighty two plus/minus one thousand two hundred fifty

                                              Shadow Moon

                                                Yes, I only play solo unranked


                                                  Lol duh


                                                    3573 ± 890 lul


                                                      How to see MMR on YASP.CO.Please tell me Triple Steal.


                                                        so my mmr can increase and also decrease by 890??


                                                          Hey please tell me.How to see i can't.What is peers playera?


                                                            ^just log in there, and if u have some matches parsed, it will appear in the top part of the page.

                                                            @not like this
                                                            its confidence interval

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                                                            lm ao

                                                              hi dad nice job ur doing


                                                                inb4 i get banned PogChamp


                                                                  why on YASP my solo mmr and party still N/A? whyy?


                                                                    I already parsed some match but still not appear my mmr


                                                                      cz u dont expose them on ur profile, i suppose


                                                                        I alredy parsed some match but can't see mmr


                                                                          @dotoplayer, maybe you haven't played with someone who shares their mmr. just play more


                                                                            @TripleSteal- but is that work if my account still cant mmr? cause i need to know my mmr


                                                                              the n/a part is not the estimation, its just ur current mmr. the estimated mmr appears a bit on the right, and its grey-colored, afair.


                                                                                @TripleSteal- and everymatch i never seen someone expose their mmr cause their dota profile lvl 9 or 8 like me


                                                                                  @TripleStael- MMR estimate the one with (?) that logo?


                                                                                    i think i should start playing ranked when yasp sayz i m 4k
                                                                                    m currently 3.8 but the ppl i play r like 4.5 somehow


                                                                                      i still confuse why my MMR estimate on YASP still N/A? do i need more game? or what?


                                                                                        for some reason dotabuff won't let me get into high skill


                                                                                          @S- u said ur 3.8k? but u r on normal bracket? how can dude?


                                                                                            yes, the one with "?" logo


                                                                                              YASP can't estimate your MMR if you have never played with another player who has both Calibrated their MMR and chosen to expose it. I play on SA server where very few people have bothered to calibrate and even fewer have bothered to share it. It took quite a few games before I played with someone with an exposed MMR. As you play with more people it will have more MMR's to estimate from and will get more and more accurate.

                                                                                              My estimate is 1733 ± 871 but its only got 3 matches with a valid person to predict from so its probably not very accurate yet.

                                                                                              TL,DR just keep playing, eventually you will meet with enough valid people for it to predict your MMR.