General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy only 3,1k mmr?!

Why only 3,1k mmr?! in General Discussion

    So I decided to do a new acc. I played the most matches on vhs. But now after Calibration I got 3,1k MMR only. Anyone can explain to me why?!


      Seems to be just fine, cuz u did terrible in normal skill matches, u got what u deserve. (ᵔᴥᵔ)

      Този коментар е бил редактиран
      King of Low Prio

        Why wud you be any higher with those stats?


          I don't agree. This guy should be rated at least 4.5k, probably even higher. System is just broken..( ° ͜ʖ͡°)

          ASSESS Product

            That effort though. GG

            Eternal Ember

              From what I observed, TBD first 5 matches greatly affects your MMR. If you stomped hard on your first match maybe you went up back to vhs, but hence you didn't played well like a vhs gamer system decides you belong to normal skill. Don't be fooled by your hidden unranked MMR. It seems your unranked he/vhs borderline that's why your first TBD match set you in hs bracket

              Your Wife's Boyfriend

                Kinda weird, I had a smurf once, my first game was in normal skill bracket - went like 5/10/0 cuz i was vs a 5-stack (whatever) and then all the games after that were in VHS. I ve never managed to get to ranked but the point is how do I get transferred from normal to VHS bracket after having a 5/10/0 stats and losing the game pretty hard with no cs/hd/td or anything so Idk I really think it's something with the apm to be honest. I've never had a normal or high skill bracket game after that unless im in a stack with 2ks. About the ranked, no one really knows the calibrating formula but you had a lot of normal skill games and that's not something common for a 4k+ player so I guess 3,1k is what u deserve. Whatever, even if the system is broken you should be able to get to the mmr you "deserve" in no time. My calibration sucked hard and I started from like 3.6k.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  You know what really works? Not smurfing.