General Discussion

General Discussionnext level meepo 6.87 build

next level meepo 6.87 build in General Discussion

    treads/travels -> aghs -> blink -> 3x dragon lance

    dragon lance is the most cost efficent stat item in the game
    1900 gold for 15/15

    orb is 2200 for 10/10
    skadi is 5600 for 25/25

    so you spend a total of 5700 gold to get 45 str and 45 agi
    the buildup is super good and you dont need to save 2k or 3k gold

    in lategame you just sell them one by one to replace with other items
    it's good when you are behind and you die losing gold
    thoughts by meepo players?




        Huh guess you don't need items slots anymore
        Secret meepo buff you can give items to clones now.
        The reason you get these big items is because of their slot efficiency. Maybe a position 3 meepo but then where would you get the money for the other items?

        On another line I love the +4 base damage, last hitting just got a lot easier :D and +20 total damage with five meepos. Is this what he needed to not be countered by every hero in dota?


          Ur a genius

          me, government hooker



              Eh, you don't really need it as you don't get anything out of item itself.
              Getting eb or a hex is still better even with lesser stats. You'll also run out of slots that way too fast.
              Boots dagger aghs (aegis?) and then you have like 2 slots free.
              It might be better alternative to skadi whoever likes to make that item first after aghs, not me tho.

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                PogChamp this is the smartest thing ever PogChamp

                im gonna start buying this srsly but only 1

                < blank >

                  Silver Edge is the new shit


                    Who cares about slots? When you are six slotted you start to save money for mystic staff /Eaglesong/ulti orb

                    Sounds super worth it

                    Silver edge is overpriced for stats but the active can be really good

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                      Ive tested Meepo today but with an ordinary build, and here;s the game


                      +4 base damage seems nothing, but it really makes it way ezier to last hit right now. It was a total distasta last hitting in the past.


                        If you think wasting 1000 gold every time you sell an item for a slot (x3 = 3k) is worth it when you should be ending the game instead, knock yourself out.

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                          sounds like a waste