General Discussion

General Discussionwhy did arc warden get nerfed so much?

why did arc warden get nerfed so much? in General Discussion

    i stopped using him when i got to 5k because he was too gimmicky and didn't work for me here (i know others spammed him but very small % of players)

    this changes absolutely DESTROYED the hero

    the minor stats buff do NOTHING for the amount of nerfs he got hit with lmao wtF???

    Your Wife's Boyfriend

      Perhaps thinking of another alternatives instead of "buy rapier sit in base and smash with double".
      Nobody wants the ti3 meta back and this hero is kinda rat doto inspiring




        that hero wasn't even best as mid/safe, he was best as a snowballing support role

        now u cant midas or necro farm, your is overnerfed

        i couldnt care less about the rapiaer

        the hero is now unplayable


          i think he got nerfed because if you pair Arc with heroes like NP / Ember / Invoker , i think it's impossible for your team to defend.

          Imagine an arc with mjollnr , BoTs, Necro 3, Desolator, hands of midas,

          on the same team with NP with Aghs, on same team with ember or invoker,

          you lose the game slowly just cause of so much push. even if u win team fight u cannot take rax without losing rax

          just my opinion,

          the evasion, the no CD on ult, that was pretty OP in the right hands.

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              assuming u got uncontested farm for a very quick midas and necrobook for super early insane pushing

              but thats the same logic as freefarm alch or someshit, it doesnt happen unless ur enemies are idiots

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                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  Arc Warden doesnt need a nerf. Its not like its easy to farm DR in a game. And a decent Arc Warden can farm a Midas, BoT, lvl3 Necro at around 20mins+. But what if the enemy has spec which can counfer him anywhere from the map? Plus, his necro become easy 200 gold if he is using it too much for pushing.

                  He has a terrible 42% win rate last patch and this time, it might get lower. Poor fellow


                    Well he did have 100% win rate in competitive Dota...


                      Poor beloved warden.


                        Arc warden having bad winrate is a given, regardless if he is/was beyond broken. You can't play Arc Warden without a brain.

                        Arek Akashi

                          Arc was broken.


                            Arc was broken yes but this not refreshing cd nerf completely destroyed him as a carry.


                              Meh. According to meta tab he has 51% winrate this month in 5k so he's still obviously playable. He just has a high skill requirement to be successful

                              Bread Mage

                                Old AW was the rare hero that got less and less interesting and less and less interactive as the game went on, to the point of just sitting in fountain and A-moving a lane with double. That is, quite frankly, horrible design. He didn't get nerfed so much as reworked. He's still searching for a real identity right now, which is why he's got a pitiful winrate in pubs: People are experimenting, trying to figure out what the hero is actually best at. That, and a lot of people are still trying to play old Arc Warden, because people are idiots.


                                  Rat is a good tool at times, but all heroes except Arc are more versatile and can be used for other things as well, but Arc, imo, is the only hero susceptible for a single role: rat king.