General Discussion

General DiscussionSitting around 4.4-4.6k

Sitting around 4.4-4.6k in General Discussion

    Im having trouble climbing out of 4.4-4.6k mmr bracket, anyone have any ways that they climbed? I just play any hero the team needs.

    Vem Comigo

      just win more games than you lose.


        I have the same issue. I was 4.7k 1 year ago and now 4.4k trash FeelsBadMan.


          omniknight lul. maybe lich now?

          Arek Akashi

            pick clinkz solo safelane
            send aggro trilane offlane
            rush 11 min malevo
            win the game by raping the opponent underfarmed carry
            get your 17 min deso
            get all tier 2 towers
            go rosh
            get tier 3

              Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                You don't have any very high skill games: Trouble climbing out of 4.4-4.6k am I missing something here?


                  ^im pretty sure that's an old smurf, look his match history
                  64% last 3 months, a random normal skill skrub wouldnt be capable of that

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    hhh sir i understant but im sure u team did pick a combo or a perceft late game i mean if u go like ember . anti mage , jugg , or slark u just destry enemy on late game no one can deal u dmg if u have a good safelane its ez game
                    for a sup u must pick a global one like slincer he could be so great for team fight if u have a enigma or a tide u can combo them and reep for a ez fight so u networth just grop up
                    most importen think its to take rosh before enemy team do so u can push for high ground secure rax mabye in 20-25min
                    if u cant win a game by my tact im just sure u buyed acc and u never learn to play whit buying any acc u dont have any high skill game like i se on u profile


                      cuz you deserve being 4.4-4.6k?