General Discussion

General DiscussionDota logic

Dota logic in General Discussion

    Silence is really effective against anti-Mage, because he need to cast spells
    Ogre has more starting intelligence than invoker.
    Panda can put out critical hit when he is drunk
    Tusk is a walrus with cat's nose and elephants' tusk
    Night stalker has no in built lifesteal as a vampire.
    Tide hunter sleeps with fishes as a water melon.


      gg dead game...


        Never argue with video game logic.

        Dire Wolf

          -Zeus is a god yet you can still kill him.
          -Many dota heroes are mortals like sniper, PA etc. And yet somehow they compete with gods and ancient beings who created entire worlds like zeus, ancient apparition, doom (satan), enigma, elder titan.
          -Heroes that shoot guns (sniper, gyro) don't hurt any more than ones who use knives or swords (riki, sven) who in turn don't hurt any more than ones who use just their fists to hit you (lifestealer, treant to name a couple). And who knows where magic projectiles fit on there ala pugna, invoker.

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            Armor (Vanguard) + Hammer (Basher) = Sword? (Abbysal Blade)

            ASSESS Product

              How the hell dota world still survive until now?? Blackhole and supernova everywhere, some ogre cutting all tree in his path.


                Naked lady naga has more armor than tiny who is made of rock,
                Guy goes behind tree suddenly he is invisible to your visual senses,
                Guy climbs stairs he is invisible now
                Riki and bounty are invisible even though they are right in front of your eyes and are moving
                If a guy kills his own creep you get no xp, if your creep kills that creep you get xp

                Pale Mannie

                  An unarmored ogre has more armor than an armored ogre


                    Where does drow keep her arrows?


                      or huskar spears?


                        Sf can get souls from wards and power cogs.
                        Global silence can't stop song of the siren.
                        Eul's is a magic staff that blows enemy up in the air with a powerful tornado and they take 50 damage upon landing.
                        Btw is there bananas on the ground if u cut down trees? I haven't played dota in half a month. Is that why timer's pick rate went up, besides the reactive armor buff?

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          Heat seeking missiles have no problem whatsoever hitting heroes like Lich and Ancient Apparition while ignoring a flaming Lina and Ember Spirit right next to them.


                            >hero is called weaver, doesn’t weave
                            >hero called dazzle can weave

                            >hero is called disruptor, can’t disrupt
                            >hero called shadow demon disrupts

                            >hero is called troll warlord
                            >doesn’t lead any trolls in war
                            >chen and enchantress, symbols of peace do lead trolls into war

                            >heat seeking missile
                            >hits ancient apparition

                            >rupture clinkz the bone archer that shoots bones
                            >he bleeds

                            >uses mana

                            >Treant doesn’t take double damage from fire attacks

                            >Fire attacks don’t heal fire heroes

                            >Black Hole doens’t instantly end the game

                            >Morphling can’t be anywhere he wants in the river at any time

                            >stone gaze works on tiny, wisp, and faceless void

                            >anti-mage ult deals magic damage

                            >natures prophet
                            >destroys trees

                            >lone druid
                            >has a bear companion, four allied heroes and countless creep underlings

                            >electrical abilities don’t carry throughout the river

                            >sun strike works at night

                            >spell steal
                            >actually spell piracy, original is still in place

                            >Lycan doesn’t shapeshift automatically at night

                            >Ogre Magi
                            >No Layers

                            >hero is called lion
                            >isn’t a lion

                            >hero is called bane
                            >doesn’t wear a mask
                            >isn’t a big guy for me

                            >Lucent beam
                            >Works in the morning


                            >Chaos Knight
                            >Stats, Cooldowns and Manacosts are consistent

                            >Legion commander
                            >Commands nothing

                            >Bat is killed
                            >Rider dies

                            >Macropyre works on ice path

                            >Shadow Shaman
                            >No shadow skills

                            >Spirit Breaker
                            >Doesn’t cause enemies to disconnect on kill

                            >Not tiny




                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  What makes you think guns would actually cause bigger wounds than claws or swords? Also, Weaver DOES weave, he weaves worlds.

                                  Swap Commends

                                    Beast master
                                    Can only control boars & hawks

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                    Pale Mannie

                                      >Chaos Knight
                                      >Stats, Cooldowns and Manacosts are consistent

                                      Lets balance ck that way:
                                      Stats gain have an inconsistent ±0.5 growth
                                      Cooldowns have a ±5 seconds inconsistence
                                      Manacosts can have a difference up to ±30 mana

                                      Gamblers will hate him

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