General Discussion

General Discussionwhat's the best way to deal with a tilt?

what's the best way to deal with a tilt? in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    Recently fell off to 49% winrate after a series of terrible "not even close" losses. Somehow I just went inexplicably shit at this game. How do I cure a tilt effectively?

    Guy Riki

      You can't


        Take a well deserved break.
        Clear your mind.
        Let your soul gravitate,
        To the love!

        Pale Mannie


            Make an alt account, go on it when you are unhappy on your main, and either pick random heroes or try silly builds. That's what I do. If I lose two games in one day, I go on my alt account and play to have fun. Also, sometimes I find a new hero to play or like. Right now I am play a lot of Shadow Demon straight to dagon.


              lots of ways to deal with it, but for sure stop solo queueing.

              either smurf or party queue, play in a tourny or private league instead, just dodge solo queue for a bit.

              or just stop playing dota for a bit, go beat a singleplayer game then come back.


                1v1 solo mid, or just sit and listen to music while watching dota, then break for a bit then come back and que.

                I'm on the right team

                  "That's the secret cap, I'm always on tilt" - Bruce Kappa


                    play mirana, free win hero. fixes tilt.

                    Magbalugtong Jr.

                      stop playing and visit DotaBUff :D review ur stats and stay for shitty posts!

                      Need to talk,remove your ...

                        ^ This man knows what to do

                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                          3/22 would stay again


                            If you are tilting I would heavily suggest just quitting dota entirely. Don't weigh the people unlucky enough to be paired with you down with an insta loss, like you are if you get this guy on your team -


                              When your tilted try to go outside first and try to clear your mind advice from 5k,this is just my smurf :)


                                personally after ive queued 3+ games in a row i just get tired of it and stop on my own because all my key pressing seems forced and im not really into it, so i go and watch tv or do some work or something. i dunno how else to do it but if you can learn this youll end up thanking urself a ton as the next day you'll be really happy u stopped.

                                id also recommend listening to upbeat music and stuff

                                (by kitrak)

                                Best Treant EU

                                  play techies and suicide every time its off cooldown

                                  Eternal Meow

                                    Play a different mode. Try a custom game. Do something else entirely for a while not related to dota.

                                    I like to try least played. Still losing, but at least it doesn't feel as bad to lose in that mode.

                                    If you are in a party, ask your friends to pick heroes they are good at for a while and you do the same. Every time I want to try someone new, my friends all do the same thing and we get stomped. I ask if we can just play heroes we're good at for a while just to win a few games.


                                      Well if it's your coffee table or other furniture , try putting a magazine under the short leg may help some . If you feel you are tilting when you are walking first thing maybe get some decongestant , ears nose and throat are connected you May have some some fluid build up in the middle ear . Also if you feel one of your legs is longer than the other they have procedures to correct his now . If it is your house you are concerned about the foundation may have sunk under part of your house . They can fix this as well but it'll cost you a pretty penny . Hopefully it is just some of your furniture that's tilted hope this helps .

                                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                                        ^helped a lot thanks now i could definitely announce to the whole world that the earth is flat after taking your tilt correcting advices and seeing the horizon in perfect alignment Kappa

                                        sin blyadi

                                          Jst leave the game

                                          SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                                            When I feel like I am put with bad guys for like 2-3 games, I first-pick pudge and feed with the KDA of 1/13. I get better mates next game :D I don't know the magic behind this case but I think it is a little related to your win rate and skill bracket distribution.
                                            I play well -> Valve thinks I am good player -> Puts me with bad guys with low WR, ( and tilting AF ofc ). I throw -> Valve decides I am a big bad guy -> Puts me with a good player and 3 other bad ones -> 2 good guys in the team -> win -> repeat above..


                                              For every kill there must be a death such is the circle (jerk) of life


                                                watch replay of your games, learn your mistakes and think about how you could do better.

                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                  Smoke weed everyday and your red days will disappear and you have a lot more green days.


                                                    go to bed and fap


                                                      Go full retard

                                                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                        Actually tried playing one of my older accounts where I used to abuse charms just for fun and tried practicing meepo, but apparently that account scales into VHS and wasn't aware that the players in the game weren't shit-retarded ppl that I can steal a win from. Oh well, at least I kinda performed better than I first expected even when getting stomped flat or carried hard.



                                                          im also tilting now, and -25 sounds fun

                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                            Honestly though, stop playing after two loss ranked streak, otherwise, well, you will tilt.


                                                              Realize and accept the fact this is just a PC free to play videogame. Maybe you are too much in it.

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