General Discussion

General DiscussionWay to deal with PA having BKB and >2000 Critical? or what could I ha...

Way to deal with PA having BKB and >2000 Critical? or what could I have done to prevent this loss? in General Discussion

    It's not just a hate for being powerless against her but I want to be better at Dota2 so badly because I don't take the insult "EZ" very well especially if the one who said that out is a fucking hard carry (namely, Mortred) that slaughter entire of my team effortlessly.

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    Vem Comigo

      blade mail goes trough bkb, abyssal goes trough bkb, any lockdown before or after the bkb can kill her, and nobody got a mkb, or the upgraded orchid

      too greddy of a lineup

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        Problem is that they have disabler (Riki and Pudge) and I'm too fragile for blade mail to kill PA but again, I wish I can beat that fucking ho.

        "When Ancient has fallen, You have my permission to be taunted EZ."

        Dire Wolf

          you have three shadow blades on your team but not one upgraded to silver edge to disable her dodge


            Wait what did you say again about silver edge!? It can go through her evasion!?

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            my wife is fat


              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                stop playing on a smurf account and learn how to play.

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  Silver edge disables her passives and also reduces her damage by half. The debuff doesn't work on bkb though, so you need to use it when she's locked down or when her bkb has ran off (the debuff also won't be purged by bkb if you get it on her before she bkbs).

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                    She's pretty weak right now
                    pick nukers so u can shut her down early (thats why anti mage is way better)
                    Buy mkb if u are carry


                      @Mocha Bloke

                      If you are not giving me an advice and call me a "smurf" then move out of my way.

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        3 shadow blades, it would have been better if all of you had Blademails. Blademail goes through bkb now.
                        Plus, shadow blade is 2800 gold, try farming a Demon Edge (2400gp) and work your way towards building mkb. That would have made all the difference. Another great cheap item to fight pa (besides blademail) is Solar Crest. Just pop it on pa and you'll wreck her anus. Less evasion, and the armor debuff, she's already squishy, but to make her more squishy will make your life easier.

                        Solar Crest, Bloodthorn, Mkb, she will be like a level 1 the rest of the game.

                        Plus there was far too much greed on your team. Judging from the other team, that shaman must have sentried and carried dusts often, instantly countering your sb's.

                        PA isn't that great right now (pa player), and you can shut her down super easy with nukers. Pick a skywrath, and watch as pa is shut down and becomes bird food. Hence, why people say omni/pa is a good combo since omni can repel the pa from her weakness.


                          Blade mail,mkb,harass her early game,silver edge if your team consists of retards that doesnt know how to stop her evasion and keeps hitting her without mkb,nearly every single PA I have played with or against are braindead and having these counters sill pretty much shut them down since they usually lack farming and positional skills


                            don't listen to the morons above

                            your farm was awful, no wonder you lost

                            pa sucks against AC and armor items in general, skadi
                            +bkb since PA can't jump you when you have bkb on which is actually huge

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              it's hard to say how would you win the game you posted, your teammates were pretty horrible


                                just 5 man early and use treants to scout out pudge hooks

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  ^ Oh shit, he's right! That slipped my mind! :stunned:


                                    5 man smoke and gank whoever in sight


                                      get 400 cs with luna in 43 min game would be a way of dealing with her

                                      Swap Commends

                                        U lost from min 0 with that draft.


                                          BLAEMAIL Ez


                                            Ez game noobs commend me


                                              bkb is a good way to counter pa. you wanna know why? bkb prevents pa from blink striking you in addition to countering riki's smokescreen and pudge's dismember

                                              agree with the dude above. your team mates sucked ball sacks. wtf is a ck with 5.7k hero dmg and np with 3.1k hd

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                              ASSESS Product

                                                Dun mad OP. At least you got some useful information like that Silver Edge thing (not only pa passive but also other heroes passive). In case you didnt know, to activate that Silver Edge attack enemy with right click attack after go invi. I saw a lot of players always use skill after invi *sigh*


                                                  Necrophos: 500 hp VS Anti-Mage: 750 hp

                                                  If Anti-Mage cast Mana Void on Necrophos dealing 1980 damage to him and Necrophos activated Blade Mail right before AM will cast Mana Void on him which of course result in Rotundjere's death, will AM take the damage from that Mana Void too?

                                                  I'm on the right team

                                                    You will need some good tanker that hold the team together during the fight, CK is the potential here but he wasn't farmed and the others are just squishy extra. You will lose either way unless the opponent made serious mistake and you took advantage of it.


                                                      you wont find much useful information about what you seek if you plan on playing solo in normal skill bracket. The picking stage, laning stage and team fights are way too uncoordinated. So try finding some decent players and form a party and play. Dota is a team game after all. Sure there are heroes(axe,invoker,nukers) and items(silvers edge blade mail,mkb) to counter a pa but in normal skill games tht we play(I too mostly play in normal skill when solo), the chances of having a 5 carry team with o faith in each other is high. And thts where gay heroes like riki, slark, clinkz etc shine. If u still want to play solo, pick a hero u like, always first pick it, learn to play against its counters and raise your mmr where u can find some decent teammates in solo queue. I did tht with lycan last patch and won many hopeless games. He is just not gud this patch. A gud hero to spam this patch is alchemist with the armlet into radiance build. But doing this means you restrict yourself to a few heroes. Also another advice- if the enemy team has 5 carries; go shadow blade. Doing these things wont make u a better player though.


                                                        "...and raise your mmr where u can find some decent teammates in solo queue."

                                                        brb dying

                                                        Magbalugtong Jr.

                                                          your line up sucks, and u dont have a single force staff/euls/g.scepter
                                                          having a PA or sven in as ur opponent is u have to kite them. its a team effort, their damage is useless if they cant hit u

                                                          Bading Elementary School

                                                            Want to deal with it ??? im just a 1kmmr sea pinoy player
                                                            He just wasted his gold on a shit rapier
                                                            Get a nuker hero or disable that pierces spell imunity



                                                              Dude, there are two main counters to PA that really fuck her up. Mainly Razor(with his Static Link she won't crit you for shit) and Shadow Demon(he can create two of her and Purge her of buffs like her Blur) watch as your illusions crit PA


                                                                @ Rapshouri

                                                                You honesly seem like a new player so you're probably going to see PA a lot. I started shortly before the PA arcana was released so I got murdered by her plenty of times right after I started. So heres my 2-cents worth:

                                                                Firstly I'm going to focus on what you could have done because theres sadly no way to control your teammates.
                                                                PA feeds off squishy heroes such as Drow and Luna. If she jumps on you you're pretty much dead. So don't go too far from your towers alone unless you're sure of where she is. In fights, stay at the back and make it as difficult as possible for her to jump on you.
                                                                Before she gets BKB shes very easy to kill with nukes. Don't try get into a rightclick battle with her because you will lose. 2 heroes with nukes will ususally be able to kill a PA easily. Stuns also help a lot.
                                                                BKB is very useful since it stops her slowing you and stops her jumping on you. If you're a carry then BKB is very helpful. If you're a support I suggest getting a ghost sceptre.
                                                                There are 3 items that Hard counter PA. These are MKB, Silver's Edge and Bloodthorn. If you are a right click carry then MKB is usually your best option. If you're a natural shadow blade builder then Silvers is the best choice. Bloodthorn is for orchid carriers to upgrade later into the game.
                                                                Remember, PA is most dangerous once she gets BKB and Lifesteal. Unless you outnumber her greatly or are very far ahead, you wont be able to kill her at this point. Once she pops BKB try disengage while losing as few people as possible.
                                                                Stuns that go through BKB are very useful against PA. Things like Abyssal blade and Dismember can waste some of her BKB duration and let you kill her.
                                                                Blademail on fairly tanky heroes also destroys PA.

                                                                Now about your general gameplay:
                                                                Don't get shadowblade if a teammate is already getting one or if your team has an invis hero. Its just going to make your team easy to counter. 1 per team is okay. 2 or more is wasted gold. The only exception is if you need it for a silvers edge.
                                                                Try not to pick a squishy hero if your team is already full of squishy heroes.
                                                                As luna don't get Glaives early on. It pushes the lane. Only get it when you plan to start farming jungle. Also Max out your lucent beam first. It not only is a great nuke early on, but your ults damage is based off it.
                                                                Be careful when you're alone. Look at the minimap and see where the enemy is. Decide which heroes pose a threat to you. In that game for example, Pudge; Riki and PA could all probably solo you early on. If you don't know where 1 or more of those heroes is then don't go too far from your team or towers.


                                                                  Also about your other question, I think blademail will only return as much damage as you have HP left. If you have 200 HP and you get killed by a 300 damage nuke while you have blademail on then the enemy should only take 200 damage. I may be wrong about this though.

                                                                  However if the damage cannot kill you (if you're affected by shallow grave for example) then blademail will return the full damage regardless of how much HP you have.