General Discussion

General DiscussionPlayers with highest win rates

Players with highest win rates in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    You know how we can see the top 100 players with highest win rates?
    What cheats do they use?
    Or do they have like 30 monitors and get conveniently matched up against their counterparts?

    Like the person in 1st with a 94% win rate. There is no way you're that lucky, it has to be cheats, right?


      most of them use party queue, like 5 man stacking on russia.
      having highest winrate has absoluteñy nothing to do with being best.

      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        If you check his stats, 523 of his games are normal matches, only 8 ranked matches.

        still, at 96.22% win rate, its incredible. He is not cheating but he is still great. I think what his doing is:

        His account probably calibrated at 3800+ mmr. But his 'main account' is 5-6k mmr. Usually they do this as party. So basically, they're playing a dummy account way lower than their original mmr. They don't play ranked so that the difficulty will not increase. Its like your a 3k mmr and playing with a 500 mmr, imagine how easy will it be.

        If you check his games as earth spirit, they're playing as a party.

        All of this is just my theory though, haha.

        If we're talking bout win rate, a player with high ranked win rate is more impressive. Secret.Puppey is my example: 68.19% winrate on ranked matches in his caliber is incredible.


          Thought the same. What impresses me is that how they make every game looks like roflstomp with convincing stats that one is expected to have in these kind of games, not some immortal or afk fountain stats.

          Anyway have a look at his teammates. They are the same for those 3 games when he was using ES. But I didn't check all his past games so that could be a clue which proves 5 man stacking.

          ^Ayy that is another theory too. But 96% is way too high because you won't be the only smurfs around unless you are playing with a 1k account.

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          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            Yeah, that is amazing, and I did check his games, all of them are unranked.

            I guess that does make sense, and I do not mind party queuing with someone that is like 1.8 since I get an ez 25 party mmr (2.7 party currently)