General Discussion

General DiscussionHow the hell my smurf acc with only 20games+ faced a 7k player?

How the hell my smurf acc with only 20games+ faced a 7k player? in General Discussion

    Hello Guys I made a new acc smurfing and suddenly in my game today i faced a player which has 7k mmr in the enemy team while in my team all accounts are 1-15 trophies does this affect my mmr calibrate? Can anyone predict how much mmr will get in this acc.
    Heres the picture of the match i played with the *acc buyer* 7k thats is :


      1) anount of games is not considered in matchmaking, only ur rating is
      2) hidden mmr is separate from "ranked" mmr, and can be very different to it


        Maybe He lost enough games to be on trash hidden mmr Unranked


          Oh.. I wonder i faced with many high mmr my main acc i played i usually played with all 3k none above it but this acc is assorted i get to play with 5k 4k and that 7k guy.


            Don't smurf. Stop being part of the problem lower tiers have to face.


              @muki Could you explain please?

              Melancholy LSD

                There is a lot of smurfs down at my level. But honestly they are no better than a good new play if they're smurfing.


                  @triple i don't think your first point is 100% correct. if you create a new account you are matched with other people with a low number of games. it takes a while before you enter the general pool entirely.


                    u might be right, but i dont think so. certain mmr ranges just have a very high share of smurf accounts, cz most of the ppl who decide to smurf are similar to each other in terms of their skill (well, it would be more correct that there are several large groups of smurfs by their starting mmr).

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                    Player 215168758

                      High uncertainty


                        i don't think smurfs are better or worse than others at their mmr - they just stand out like a sore thumb when they have a bad game and, because they can just make a new smurf whenever they like, tend to be quick to get toxic/abandon games.


                          Yes, I usually face off like other smurfers too in a match but i never faced 7k opponent before otherwise i think he's really an acc buyer thou.