General Discussion

General Discussionso what happens when u start to hit ur mmr ceiling?

so what happens when u start to hit ur mmr ceiling? in General Discussion

    since i started playing more than 1 year ago, i was never at the right mmr. i was always constantly learning faster than my games, and was winning a lot 60% winrate. but now i am almost 3.3k and i can feel games starting to get harder, and im not learning as much. it has gotten to the point where im not sure how to progress. whats worse is that i can feel a wide variation in my skill at different heroes. i don't want to be one of those guys who can only play a few heroes at my current skill bracket.

    so what happens now as u approach 50% winrate? this has never happened to me. how do u go from here? do you just slowly grind, and slowly get better with experience? or stay there forever?


      Watch pro games

      King of Low Prio

        Accept that you are where you should be. You are not supposed to keep rising you are supposed to reach a point where the odds of winning are equal to your odds of losing.


          Play unranked and complete all hero challenge. Most players are unable to fully understand all abilities, passives and spells of whoever they may face. If you are frustrated about your decreasing win rate, play unranked for fun and try heroes you haven't played.
          Although for grinding mmr you have to narrow down your hero repertoire, to get better in Dota you have to understand all of them.


            Typically if you keep trying you'll go on a massive win streak then go lose back down then your next win streak you'll be better than last time so you'll either get back up there more consistently or go even higher . Rinse and repeat and you'll slowly raise / get better .


              You QUIT or SMURF.

              Dire Wolf

                You'll ping pong between winning 3-4 in a row and then losing 3-4 in a row without a lot you can do to turn the matches around. It'll look rigged, but that's what happens when you hit your peak.


                  If you want to improve you'll go higher. Watch your replays, analise stuff, work on last-hits, lane control, hero matchups, decision making and you'll go up in mmr.

                  There's no such thing as you'll stuck in 3k because you can't go beyond that.


                    im proof of that tilt... look at my profile... tilting is real... currently i sit at 3.2mmr


                      You;re not tilt. You're just smurf. :)


                        Watch professional games, not on twitch, but ingame in players perspective. Analyse your own replays, actively search for the mistakes that you made and write them down. Practice lane mechanics like aggro pulling, last hitting, zoning, harrassing,... Your Approach to not spam certain heroes is noble, but there are ca 110 heroes in the game, you wont be able to Play them all at your top skill level, so try to perfect atleast some of them so you can pick them if needed.

                        Best Treant EU

                          wtf u talk about 3,3 k? u have 0 ranked games. and u play in normal skill bracket - thats not 3,3k mmr. play ur calibration games and u will end at 2,5 k mmr were u belong.


                            Nice catch mul ^

                            shag bro

                              Watching high mmr in-games on their player perspective is actually true to helping you play better because you constantly see what is their thought process. High skilled players are always thinking around objectives (taking towers, roshan), hitting timings, farming, not getting ganked, counter ganking. If you can understand what these timings are for different heroes with the different team dynamics, you can actually improve your game play as well


                                I don't believe in skill ceilings. They're just walls that are meant to be broken.

                                Watch pro plays, find ur niche hero, and just break out of your current skill and go beyond what is expected from you.


                                  1. Watch Pro games, tournaments or mmr.
                                  2. Analysis your lost and win games. This include what is your mistakes and how u should did.
                                  3. Stop crying and blaming + flaming your teammate. Be nice to each others.
                                  4. Specialize your role but if no supports u should.
                                  Honestly, im 4,4K solo going down to 2,9K then now im at 3,8K. And those what i do to maintain my mmr.


                                    I'm only 1.5k I started out at 1.2 when I was actually terrible then fell to 900 mmr. After months of U ranked I tried ranked and rose to 1700 mmr but now I feel I am put on teams of trolls and rage. I want to create a smurf to actually see where I would stand but is it worth it? I feel like I'll never raise above what I am now because of teammates


                                      if ur stuck at 1500 mmr and you don't know why then you're just not good at the game if you can't win against players who barely know the basics of the game. that doesn't mean you can't improve, you just need to take an active approach to improving instead of just spamming out games and hope you pick up stuff naturally.

                                      by active approach i mean like or reading guides or requesting coaching or watching replays with someone who can tell you what your mistakes are, because you do not understand the mistakes that you're making if you are stuck at 1500 mmr and think smurfing is going to make you better at the game. all that's going to end up is that you're going to make the same mistakes on your smurf and therefore calibrate at the same mmr because you're not improving.


                                        It's been said before, but bad/toxic teammates help you in the long run as long as you aren't one yourself. Why? Because your team is composed of you and 4 other random people and the enemy team is 5 random people. Whatever the odds of an individual player being an asshole is (I'm guessing around 20%, but it doesn't even really matter what the exact number is), you multiply it by 4 for your team and by 5 for the enemy team. So for every 4 games you lose due to toxic teammates you win 5 due to the enemy team collapsing- over a large enough sample of course. Anyone can get a run of bad luck.

                                        I'm not saying it's fun to play with douche bags, but it's not holding back your MMR... unless you are one yourself. Then your team gets that ugly 100% bonus chance every single game. Never forget though that the enemy team is made up of people too; you never know what kind of horse-cockery going on behind their keyboards and mics, but if you're not being a dick yourself there will be more of them across the river statistically over the long haul.

                                        At the end of the day it can just take a really long time to be proficient at the huge list of things to improve on in Dota. I look at how many games I've played and it's almost embarrassing that I still feel almost like a beginner sometimes. It just takes awhile. There's a few heroes I've played a lot that I think I'm getting pretty decent on, but then there's all the rest that I try to learn and that kills my win statistics & MMR. It will come though. It just takes forever.


                                          I do. I had low p and it took an insane amount of games to get out of it but I would consistently be better then those around me but my team would feed lanes or sups would not support. I played party play in 2ks and did fine. In the 1k mmr it's just trolls and rage players

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                                              Excuses, excuses everywhere..if u were truly better than ur teammates u would be able to carry them in most of the games. Period. Blaming team is one of the main causes of not being able to improve.


                                                I tried to help alot of kids from EU west servers. they are mostly toxic and flamer at 3000-3500 mmr. These mmr is hell elo as fuck. None of the kids behavior never stop bitches because of what they want to play as. Here's another example. Pudge in my team, he wants to support as a pudge. Left AM in safelane without support. What does this pudge do he went offlane with wind ranger instead of going to safelane. He misses 9 hooks. Now, this happened alot in 12 games with pudge kept me losing 100 mmr . Ive told that pudge player. that hero you play does not fit in the meta. because you have nothing agaisnt enemy team with ton of aoe or high burst dps. This type of player refused to understanding and decided to get mad.


                                                  When it comes to 4.5k + u just have to spend a lot of time on this game and practise your best heros/learn from mistakes. 5k+ players are usually people who sacrifice their whole free time for playing dota.

                                                  Is that your goal ?

                                                  Dota takes so much energy since we put so much effort in it to win a game, especially playing heros that depend on miro skills.

                                                  So take a look at average 5k+ guy. He's a student, or have some shitty work in a shitty place. Think all the time how to improve at dota. Why dont u put so much effort in how to improve in your life ?

                                                  I currently hoover around 4.7-4.9. Is this my ceiling ? Probably not, I would just have to spend even more time on the game to become better. Analize mistakes, watch more pro plays from players perspective. Lose some more hair in the process since screen emits waves bad for your hair. Which normal person has time for that ?

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                                                    I Do. Im asexuell what gives me Lot free time.