General Discussion

General Discussionlone druid

lone druid in General Discussion
Player 175043649

    im trying to play ld, how do you usually play him, when to farm, when to fight, is rushing midas then radiance is good? give me your thoughts


      midas into radiance is the default build, sometimes when game is easy u skip early boots, or dont upgrade them into phase boots.
      always farm untill u get ur radiance, then u can fight with ur team, but if it doesnt go well, just go split.


        Deso moonshard AC.

        rice cake

          ^what triple said. Plus. If u offlane, you shud pull the enemy creeps with your bear if possible, so u can last hit freely. If lane going too hard, just jungle your offlane camp. Use your bear to occasionally block camp if their supp stacking. Bear entangle is using pseudo random, use this to your advantage. Hit creeps a couple of times, if it doesn't proc the entangle, the next will guaranteed entangle. And when you lv. 7, don't level up bear yet. Wait your bear proc entangle to enemy hero, then, go lvl up the bear, this way will guarantee a second entangle, and a kill for you..

          rice cake

            Work on your micromanagement, while chasing let the hero auto attack while you move your bear. Do animation cancelling on bear so u don't have to wait for lengthy backswing animation.

            rice cake

              If you have team with good cover up, don't rush aghanim, go tank up your bear with ac, and push as a team. If your team is unreliable, just play greedily, and split push, and aghanim for maximum farming and pushing potential but still, go AC first. Lastly don't afk your hero in fountain if u have aghs, lul. When someone pick LD, they expected to do at least basic micro. Farm with all of units you control.


                bear entangle is a myth

                rice cake

                  Gitu kira-kira ceng

                  rice cake

                    Lu kalo mau entangle Keluar, lu pukul-pukul orang pake beruang sambil ucapin "entangel an*****g" biasanya langsung keluar klo sumpah serapah


                      Pls upgrade boots to tranquil on druid and phase on bear

                      Player 175043649

                        im losing every match with ld lol
                        i feel really useless early game, 6 games and my team are giving me solo offlane or jungle, i tried to get midas around 8-11 (stay in lane the whole time) and get radiance around 24-28, is that really late? i mean if i dont join fights my team are losing and if i join fights i dont make much difference if entangle doesnt comes out, and late game the most i can do is pushing lanes and doing some rat, what do you get after midas and rad? ill try out the leveling up bear thing next game

                        Birming Ham

                          Your skill build is a problem. You have to have 4-1-1 by level 7, otherwise you are the easiest gank target in the game. Savage roar is also good in teamfights as it can stop spells such as Fiends Grip, CM Ult, and if you are quick enough you can cancel spells with long cast animations (Doom, Fissure). In general it's a very good spell to save yourself, or your teammates

                          If you are offlane expect to get Radiance at ~21 minutes if you are good at finding farm, and can last hit with over 95% accuracy. Otherwise you will end up with later Radiance timings. As you are playing in the 'High Skill' bracket, you probably aren't very good at this, however this can be countered by the lack of skill in the enemy safelane. Therefore you will probably get MORE farm than you should if the enemy supports don't know what they are doing.

                          As for items, Brown boots on both, then Midas, Basi, then Radiance. If you are offlane you may want to get Midas before boots on the bear, as you may be starved of gold. If you have a roamer and expect to get kills, then get boots on both otherwise you may miss out on a kill. After Radiance get AC, Vlads is good in competitive games but not in pubs. After AC you can get anything. Abyssal, Mjollnir, Pipe, Mkb, Moon Shard. Only get Mkb if they have evasion. It is very bad for +Damage. Moon Shard is good if you don't need anything else. It increases your Dps by a lot, especially against towers. If they have Illusion heroes, or Evasive heroes (E.g. Ember) then go for Mjollnir/Abyssal respectively.

                          Remember to spam your Rabid. By level 10 you will have 4-4-1 skill build, (Please, don't max Savage Roar until 12, 13, 14) where your Rabid has 30 sec duration, 30 sec CD. The Basi will let you have 100% mana while spamming Rabid. I have seen countless Lone Druid's (even at 5.5k mmr) who don't use Rabid when it is off CD. With Rabid your Bear is close to having Haste, without you probably won't kill anybody.

                          Player 175043649

                            i was going q w till level 8 in my last game because i jungle, usually i go max bear 1st but yea i get what you mean, im pretty confident with my lasthit, my unranked is hs but my ranked is vhs but i mostly play support there so i suck at carrying and good at support, i always spam rabid i dont forget that, so 21 min radiance is ok huh, i thought it was late or something, i was playing at a tournament last week and my carry playing ld get midas and rad by min 18 i thought that was the normal timing, thanks

                            Livin' Real Good

                              I learned from this thread, cool yo.


                                hello, begginer here.
                                Can some1 explain/confirm me some things about LD's itemization?
                                1) Why Midas on bear? Purely bcz of attack speed?
                                2) Why radiance? Only cuz it gives you some dmg when your bear is too far away from hero or bcz farming boost?
                                Thanks in advance for responds


                                  You need Midas to help rush to radiance and to better farm you are farming for two heros but should gear your Bear first. The bear is your DD and when geared right or after ult Spirit is your tank.
                                  Radiance gives AoE damage and Blind 17% so your oponents will hit less pluss the added damage is much needed since your bears CC procs randomly


                                    Also practice using your bear to body block and harass early on in laning stage. You should ask for a solo lane if possible and lane whenever possible. Jungleing is slow imo with LD unless your super strong at Microing and moving to next camp before or bear finishes the last few hits. Best of luck.

                                    Watch Purge play this hero he gives some great advice on how to play and gank with LD, If played right he's can be realy difficult to kill.


                                      Fuck dont bump man


                                        Ive gotten a 12 min Radi on LD before as I didnt go Midas first. However you generally should get a midas unless you are having complete freefarm that you can get a super fast Radi as a Radi increases your gold more than a midas does.

                                        For spirit bear

                                        Boots - radi - AC - mjollner - Pipe - Abyssal

                                        For Syllabear

                                        Boots - Solarcrest - Aghs - heart - bkb - vlads

                                        You probably wont be able to get enough gold for all those items but that is what I would most likely build if I did get that far.

                                        otherwise in an actual game I go

                                        boots x 2, (easy) radi, (hard) midas, upg boots (tranqs for lone, phase for bear), AC, maelstrom, Basher, upg hood to pipe, bkb (if lots of magic that my lone cant tank), upg maelstrom, upg basher, the rest are depending on the enemy team and how well im doing.

                                        I normally play LD offlane or if we dont have a mid than I mid Ld which can be quite good as your bear can get all runes except for illusions.

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