General Discussion

General Discussioncalibrated finished my account

calibrated finished my account in General Discussion

    So i calibrated finished and i got a solo mmr of 4550. would had expected to get 4.6-4.8 if i actually won my last 3 games. but sadly the team i had was so horrible that i just decided to balance out my kda instead.

    One thing i concluded from this was that

    1)winrate is not important
    2)K/D/A is So important i can't stress enough how much it will affect your solo ranked mm
    3)GPM/XPM is secondary

    would had been happy if i was closer to the 5k mark so i could climb to 5k easier but oh well. it's good enough knowing that the max cap is 4999


      So that means you should never play supp when calibrating ?
      i have smurf acc which have a good gpm/xpm bcs i always spam alch, my question is is it ok to use support if you want to land at 4,5-4,9 ?


        i have no comments on that as i rarely play support role but in my opinion,i think it'll not be as impactful as compared to playing a mid/carry role.


          What is your original mmr ?

          Siiilver Surfffeeer

            got a smurf last year playing earth spirit support calibrated at 3.9kmmr (4 wins 6 lossess). you need a good K/D/A HD GPM/XPM..

            a good K/D/A means more kills than deaths (K > D) that will lead to high HD GPM/XPM if you get more kills..

            if you get something like 2/0/20 it's not that good compared to 20/10/15 because you can have a 2/0/20 K/D/A but your HD GPM/XPM is low because you are playing support for example

            if you are the top in your team much more if you top both (your team, enemy team) e.g highest LVL, GPM/XPM, HD, good K/D/A you'll unlikely to lose mmr in calibration

            to smurfers you need to play good during your first 40 games.

            in calibration you need to stomp the game my friend calibrates his first game 3.3k after stomping playing mid he got 4.9k after 10 games

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              Does that mean you have to play all ur games with high kda in the normal matches ? I mean I should have high kda on all normal all pick and same in ranked right ? Pls tell me I wanna create a smurf and try well.

              Siiilver Surfffeeer

                yes high K/D/A (more kills, less deaths as much as possible and more assists) means you play good.

                look at my first 3 games. game 1 i played support.. game 2 I played mid where I managed to help carry the game by giving my carry enough farm.. game 3 I played support and help the team. the next game I have is Very High Skill bracket which I played against a 5k player and a player who sits in the top 100 with the highest winrate, he is top 13 at that time of the match.

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                Johnny Rico

                  I think that for supps the game takes wards bought(one thing about this, never buy all wards togheter, it only counts as one ) and place, smoke, dust, hero healing(some people spam oracle to get high mmr, the guy just keep healing people the whole game), and assists, to calculate the shit.
                  If you are playing a sup hero, and do a carry build the game wont see the diference