General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I Switch Camera Controls?

Should I Switch Camera Controls? in General Discussion

    I've been playing Dota for about 3 years (started at age 13 lol) and I've always used WASD to move my camera just because I felt more comfortable with it. I've always read about people talking about how WASD is inefficient, but really isn't it just personal preference? Is there something deeper and so much more important that would make it worth changing how I've controlled the camera for so long? I've gotten to 4.4k using WASD so it seems to be kinda okay

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      Just use the mouse. you should be moving to a position with the mouse not keys

      4k scrub owning ur bitch ass

        Yes. I did the same thing as you back when I was 2k. Use your mouse to control your camera and learn to edge pan for team fights or chasing and click on the minimap to jump across the map quickly. Using WASD in addition to hitting spells can get complicated and more complex heroes require quick hand movements(like invoker). Learn edge panning and ditch WASD for camera.


          you stop moving when you need to use an ability or item. How do you manage to use all the buttons without making a mistake, I see people using 1-7 for items like moving my fingers to number to number takes way to long

          mom said it's my turn to ...

            ^take time to setup your hotkeys, look down on your keyboard and decide which buttons feel the most comfortable to you. Personally i switch between QWER or legacy (quick cast or nah) and my inventory keys 3,4,g,capslock,z and space, with slight variations depending on hero.

            Would anyone recommend right click grip screen over edge pan though?


              check out these hotkeys lol

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              mom said it's my turn to ...

                And you actually play invoker and tinker lul. How do you even manage to cast your items when your hotkeys are set at the numpad?


                  numpad and keypad are different things. I assume he has something like an orbweaver / nostromo to the left of his keyboard

                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                    oh my bad. But still, i couldnt imagine playing with hotkeys so tightly spaced and cramped that it seems like its too easy to mess up which item you would want to use


                      Moving the mouse is easier like in Dota 1 days.


                        i would gladly to see your hands when you are playing dota.


                          lol, i do the same thing but i came from playing smash bros competitive and FPS games before i started playing dota so the whole wasd thing is ez, plus you can add alt + (hotkey) and be fine.

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                          Livin' Real Good

                            I used to play on " MMO " configuration, and it used WASD for the camera movement too. I feel like WASD offers SUPERIOR camera move ment, at the cost of some good hotkeys. Use whatever you're comfortable with, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Some people use screen panning cause " they're favorite pro uses it " or " it's the official way to move camera in moba's " but do what works for you.

                            The only reason I switched to " Normal " configuration that uses screen panning is cause I really liked the hotkeys I got out of it, but i'm 100% sure WASD gives you much more control of the screen, it's more fluid, and your body stays still without having to pan, thus giving you more control and even slightly more accuracy in the heat of the moment.

                            But I like QWE R
                            for my abilities. (I use A and S for Deny and Stop)


                            ZXCVBN for my items, it's just more comfortable that way.

                            That allows me to use ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 for my control groups right above. :)

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                            D the Superior
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                                i use z x c v b n d f and space to micro i cant even think about using 4 more keys to move the camera
                                but maybe is fine wasd to move the camera, i remember the good old days when some people used to move wc3 dota camera with arrow keys and switch their hands between arrows and wasd position like crazy, that was funny


                                  most good players use mouse instead of wasd, and several move-camera-to-area hotkeys that can be now changed using n-gaming settings, not console. move camera to hero is a good thing as well.

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                                    i started using mouse wheel clicker for moving minimap several months ago and it's quite good imo



                                      indeed turned 16 May 3rd! ddsama and benao can confirm.


                                      Do you mean just like dragging with it like you would while spectating?


                                        not sure what does it have in common with spectating but i guess yeah

                                        you dont have to move your mouse on the edge of the screen everytime you wanna move your camera, this way your mouse is in the middle of screen where youre using it normally
                                        also you can just slowly adjust it, which is quite good during laning and teamfight

                                        im using combination of middle mouse button, clicking on minimap and centering camera on hero by doubletapping a key

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                                          Yep i think this is the best way to improve your screen control because it doesnt take much work and very effective (should get used to it tho) and you still have a lot of key on the keyboard that you can use for the hotkey


                                            since we are talking hot keys...

                                            i just want to free up my spacebar which has always been my mic, is there a way to make my mic go on when i talk without hotkeys and make my spacebar move to hero instead?


                                              I use legacy for hero spells, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 for hotkeys... I move camera with mouse. xd