General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is why i love the dota 2 community :D

This is why i love the dota 2 community :D in General Discussion
TheGlizzyGobbler I played a game recently in the international bracket I think it was around 3.7k~4k (somewhere in that range). I played roaming bounty hunter and I had a mid ember spirit. I ganked the enemy mid, Zeus, and even got a first blood on him. The ember spirit spoke in the mic giving me positive feedback. I went back into his lane and ganked zeus once more. The zeus was able to kill ember, however the gank still resulted in killing zeus. After this the ember then flamed me over the mic using pretty vivid terminology. After speaking back to him, he then decided to continually walk down mid and feed the zeus. He then proceeded to talk in all chat saying how he would feed and that he would even follow me while I was invisible to help the enemy team find me! He then proceeded to ask in the all chat to report me to send me to low prio. Is it just me that finds these people extremely entertaining? Whenever I have a person like this on my team I actually laugh more then rage.


      well you were sitting mid and taking his lvls... game even says (mid) not (roaming).

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        I see where you're coming from and that would normally be true, however I had a perfect kill attendance for the first 6 kills of our team meaning that I was roaming during the laning phase, because the first 6 kills for our team still occured during the laning phase. But doesn't dota buff state the lane you're in since I was there killing zeus?


          Nah, it tracks for the first few minutes of the game positions you are at, plus in chat and on graphs ember was behind on farm before he ever died during the laning stage nad zeus didnt have very many denies either


            You only got 1 kill on jug by the 6 minute mark and the other on zeus plus they both told you to leave them alone and on top of that ember only died due to zeus early ulti and ember having no ulti to escape, probs cuz u sat mid. Then he rages and feeds.

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              Dude that's the trade off for having a bounty mid get kills on the enemy mid. Of course when it results in ur own mid dying then it starts to look real bad having a bounty mid taking exp

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                Huh....That's pretty interesting actually cause I'm pretty certain that I was ganking more than mid..I wish I could watch the replay to confirm, but unfortunately it says its unavailable. :(


                  Never mind! Replay just came up!


                    yeah I understand beefballs