General Discussion

General DiscussionManila picks and stats

Manila picks and stats in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Just looking at lan finals here, a few things seem baffling. But lans can always be a bit skewed based on the teams picking the heroes. If a bad team loves a particular hero it can give it a poor win rate. But puck and enchantress have some really crappy win rates with a moderate amount of picks, Puck is 2-9, enchantress 3-8. Pretty awful. I'm a little surprised teams still go with them at all, neither seems strong right now in pub play either.

    Lifestealer is cleaning up and hard to counter, I'd first ban him every game, well maybe only behind bounty hunter. Naix is like 65% despite being the most picked hero, bh almost never gets through but he's winning at 80%. Pretty amazing. And when bh doesn't get through, riki is cleaning up.

    Also if you want a stat that speaks to dominence, newbee, 8.03 kda. Next highest is mvp pheonix at 4.91, then another big drop to fnatic at 4.26. Or put it this way, the gap between Newbee and the 2nd place team for kda is bigger than the gap between 2nd place mvp pheonix and the last place team in kda, complexity. Newbee as a team averages only 10 deaths a game. They're just crushing people.

    Match length, only one match under 20 mins where mvp stompped eg in group stage. Other than that, 20-30 mins, newbee is 3-0. So half their wins are under 30 minutes as well, and haven't had a single game go past 40 mins.

    Pretty sure they're going to roll their way through the rest of this tournament.


      Yeah Newbee is looking pretty dominant, the Western teams are looking like they barely even know which way to plus in their keyboards. Would be pretty sad if going off this major Newbee wins TI a second time, I much prefer the titled to be shared around by different teams but atm who is meant to beat them? Even OG and Liquid are easily crushed by them. Maybe it's time to get behind MVP Phoenix.

      And before anyone accuses me of being racist I studied both Chinese and Japanese at uni.

      These moron professional drafters need to start first phase banning lifestealer - he's 8 for 10 in the playoffs so far with an average KDA of over 6 or something like that. Who care about playing against a doom - oh no he takes a hero out of a fight - meanwhile Lifestealer is bursting down the enemy position 1 carry in the time it takes doom to cast doom. Think I'll be sitting this whole patch out now that the cancer of the month has been worked out - yet again another one I don't play and yet again another hero who makes playing against it no fun for anyone.

      Just a reminder that Lifestealer has received almost nothing but major and continuous buffs for 5 straight patches in a row now (only slight nerf is no infesting ancient creeps till level 11).

      Puck and Ench are shit in pubs as reflected by their poor winrates but I'm assured that winrate is not a reflection of heroes strength - even though they then go on to lose in professional games as well anyway.


        Miracle haven't died in 6 days dafuq man
        Blizzard nerf pls

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          Luquid or OG must take TI(or even Manilla)!!!!! For the love of the god.

          Dire Wolf

            Idk why anyone who watches the matches would really be against newbee. Their style of play is super fun to watch, it's highly aggressive, lots of action. They run at you a lot and are one of the more entertaining teams. And chuan is pretty funny in interviews. I think people just got mad at TI 2014 cus the chinese teams didn't seem very excited when they won. But look at how awkward EG was last year and you can't tell me that's better. Eg last TI finals was actually pretty dull as well, they just farmed a ton, not a lot of kills going on until that stupid mistake in the rosh pit lead to team wipe and that universe echo slam.

            Anyway newbee vs OG is going to be pretty sweet.


              Newbee will win Kpii is too good. Aus represent to strong