General Discussion

General DiscussionPossible wraith king bug/exploit?

Possible wraith king bug/exploit? in General Discussion

    HI guys, I just encountered an interesting thing in my last game. the enemy wraith king in my last game seemed to be exploiting reincarnation somehow.

    Here are the details:

    Wraith King dies, pops ulti this is a level 1 ulti at the time.
    He then respawns and their team take rosh and give it to WK.
    We then kill him directly after (along with most of the rest of his team) and pop his agies
    He then respawns (naturally) then we focus him down and kill him.
    he then respawns AGAIN when his ulti was off cooldown, no agies and he had no refresher or octarine.
    we think that this is suspect so we then reset the team fight and take him out a minit or two later, he dies, respawns, dies then respawns a third time wiping our team.

    it then carried on for the rest of the game that we had to kill him 3-4 times (each time within a minute) and he had no octarine or refresher.

    and yes he does have deaths but as I stated previously it was after killing him multiple times (more than normal reincarnation)

    the other dodgy part is that straight after the game I go to watch the replay to see what I was missing and watch his cool downs ect. "Replay unavailable". for all five of us in the game.

    so finally my question, is this a known bug or exploit in the game or am I missing something?

    DISCLAIMER: Yes I understand I am trash tier and I am just normal skill and a noob like me shouldn't use dotabuff. I know all this, all I want to know is if this is a bug or if I am just going crazy

    Тази тема била редактирана

      try downloading replay now, it usually takes a few mins before it's available.


        You can download the replay via yasp.

        Here is the parsed match

        And holy shit, apparently its true.
        Notice how the number of deaths of WK is different between the match overview and the combat deaths. He should've died 17 times :D

        And after the aegis, there are some strange death time gaps of WK. According to yasp combat analysis, WK died at 39:01 but then he died again at 39:20 LUL. Same thing at 50:36 and 50:51.

        Emilia 💔

          First of all, shame on you for reporting the guy for no reason.

          So, I watched the replay, and I honestly don't see where you got the idea that he was using a bug or exploit at all? They didn't take Rosh until WK has his lvl 3 ultimate up, so it only has a 60 second cooldown. Not only that, but killing a WK will consume his ultimate before his aegis, aegis is only consumed if WK doesn't have enough mana for his ult, or if it's on cooldown.
          So really, this was on you and your team for thinking he was cheating in any way, and for not focusing him down to kill him multiple times or buying mana burn items.

          Please don't report people for nothing, there's no reason for it


            yeah he wasnt cheating youre just bad

            Ahegao Lord

              reporting someone for no reason