General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm Looking for you!

I'm Looking for you! in General Discussion

    Hey guys I'm pretty new to the whole forum thing, maybe cause I felt no need in the past.

    Let me tell you a little about myself, I'm a very competitive person. I love being the best in anything I do, and recently my competitive focus has come down to 2 things, sports and dota 2. See with sports I know actively what I'm doing wrong, and how I can improve. I have team-mates who push me to limits I never even dreamed of, winning my city provincial (State) football. But whatever nobody gives a shit about that, what I want to talk about is Dota 2. I watch my replays, watch the pros, and am actively trying to get better, yet I've hit a 6 month wall of about 3.5-3.7k. I am trying everything I can to do better, but I feel like I'm lacking the motivation to really push myself, and to see what I need to improve on. This is where you come in. I'm looking for any players who are fairly skilled (3.5+) to play with me in solo 1 vs 1's and to also play together as a little squad. We'd track our mmr progress and it'd be a little game to see who can get the higher mmr, as well as win the 1 vs 1's . I've never really done something like this before and am hoping somebody out there, even if it's just 1 guy, is wanting to push themselves to be the best they can possibly be. Reply or message me on steam, we'll sort things out from there, I'm open to play with anyone who meets the requirements, no judgments here.

    Let's get better together

    D the Superior
      Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

        Don't ask here all you'll get is memes and shitposts. Try r/truedota2 or r/learndota2


          If you weren't from US I'd gladly help practicing 1v1 and such. Im having semester break in a week and will have a shitton of time and (if the weather stays so fucking shit here in switzerland) not a lot to do. So, add me on steam, if I have time I'll watch some of your replays and will try to give you some tips.
          Also: Stop abandoning so fucking much, so you that youre competitive, but theres nothing competitive about leaving a game which isnt over yet. Maybe you just have an attitude problem?

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          Mr. Furryhentai

            what server?


              Competitive? Grow up


                NA servers, but can go to Europe, aswell FS wish I had a better internet for my first year of dota. Believe me I'm the most positive player you'll ever see


                  "Positive player you've ever seen."

                  I give it like two weeks before this game breaks you

                  Vem Comigo

                    here is the best post that you can have acces in the forum
                    I made some memes, or find them on the interwebs
                    Another thing, here in dotabuff we have a hero, his name is phantom riki, he is our legend, one day he will comeback and destroy all the predict topics on the forum, and he will kill all smurfs.


                      whats wrong with you Benao? Competitive does not have to mean Million Dollar tournaments, it can just mean playing in a small regional inhouse league you twat.
                      add me, then we can try to play