General Discussion

General DiscussionSo if I wanted to trade Mace of aeons for new invoker immortal...

So if I wanted to trade Mace of aeons for new invoker immortal... in General Discussion

    who would be down?

    ✪ BATSSS

      Market price hasnt come out... BUT BY LOGIC... U won and the trader lost since...
      1. Its a set vs single item
      2. 2 Spell eff.. Vs 1
      3. Especially with Magus Apex (if u have... Or force him/her to trade plus Magus Apex)


        Im looking for someone that wants to trade. I have 2 aeons, i have magus apex id throw in too i guess.

        I figured the chances are slim of someone actually wanting to do it, but I figured id give it a shot here.

        I understand there are trading websites out there, but i don't really use those at all.


          You can't because aeons is cheaper than your wanted set. Wait til voker's item became cheap then go for trade. Smth liddat


            absolutely noone

            Livin' Real Good

              I have the invoker one, but, i'd NEVER, EVER trade for that shitty Void one. This is one of the greatest sets/immortals in awhile.

              Evil Invoker O_O

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                i know :( bp level 1333 and i didnt get it :(