General Discussion

General Discussionbest solo supports in low level mmr

best solo supports in low level mmr in General Discussion

    what are the best solo supports to use in low level mmr that would fit in almost all situations and can control the early game on their own?

    so far this is what i know (in tier list format since tiers are fun to do)

    A tier:
    CM (can farm with frostbite, good laning presence by roaming, can do fine with just a few ms items, aura is nice)
    shadow shaman (same as CM except more disables and arguably damage, can push, can also do fine without much items but can get them fine with shock; havent tried him tho)
    oracle (people dont know how much damage the nuke does, just a better overall savior than omni/abaddon and requires less farm, 2 PURGES, SEMI BKB, decent disable, high healing)

    B tier:
    kotl (no one knows how to play against mana leak, can farm/stack/clear waves with illuminate, ult is an asshole, E is like CM's aura except imo its better but cant gank as reliably as A tiers)
    ogre (ignite is a nice spell for zoning people out and has high kill potential because the slow is an ass but stun has low range for early ganking and cant farm as reliably)
    bane (debuffs and high nuke damage + good disables except he cant farm and too single targeted; havent tried him tho)

    C tier:
    every mainstream healer supports (warlock, omni, dazzle, abaddon) cuz theyre too shit to have lane presence + cant farm + cant roam cuz all they have are heals

    D tier:
    everyone else

    there are other supports like SD and ET that i havent mentioned but idk whats their stand, i personally think SD is really good since he's like kotl except he has infinitely more lane presence with poison and can gank just fine with banish. people dunno what he does so that might be a problem tho

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        Warlock and omni are the best supports below 5 k (cuz they provide huge teamfight advantages)


          If u take it serious, u should also consider lich and necrophos, both possess great lane presence.
          But imo qop is the best hero to support bcs u can always escape and steal kills.


            Witch Doctor is pretty good. A good heal and a massive damage output through your ulti because at low MMR games you often get away with channeling spells. The stun sometimes is a wee bit too short if you don't get bounces though.


              Lich carried me all the way to 4k. But in very low skill games you need support that can heal teammates plus arcane boots, because they don't know how to manage their HP and MP.

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                A++ Tier Lich in 4-6k

                these idiots don't know how to come back, all i have to do is lead my team and i get ez mmr XDDDD


                  be creative

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                    Lich WD Lion Bane?

                    Lich rushing mek solo offlane quite funny, min 4 lvl 6 doublekill on lvl 3 enemy laners


                      ROFL LMAO


                        if i ever play lich, where should i lane him and how should i play him?


                          any lane, as support? I think his purpose is to fuck up lane xp for the enemy using sacrifice (he eats allied creep for mana), so take sacrifice 1st always unless you can get a first blood kill at rune with q or something.

                          eat ranged creeps, prioritise the siege ones.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            Lich eats creeps on any lane with the same efficiency.


                              Why nobody mention my man Jakiro ??
                              Can push hard, multiple 2.5 sec stun with 7 sec CD (!), and powerful multi slow.


                                ^ idk, he just feels too slow for me


                                  Not many people like DoT's. Situationally strong though, like against normal skill void should be really good -- you can exploit his bad chronospheres with ulti.

                                  Jakiro also has NONE immediate damage, so there's that.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    that is just stupid, lich is made for the offlane.

                                    his objective there isnt to eat creeps like a moron, but to win the lane.

                                    the hero is made to be a super strong laner, putting him at a safelane baby sitter against an offlaner who doesn't need anything except exp is just throwing your advantage away.

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                                      so cookie, eat ranged creeps in the offlane and spam Q on their safelaner then kill them with ult at lv 6 cuz theyre lv 3

                                      thats the plan eyy?


                                        ^he wont be lvl 3 unless his support is leeching xp (which happens often in ns)


                                          not completly, the plan is to ruin his safelane and kill whenever possible. not just on lvl 6

                                          kill him and his support, the support is dependant on the carry, ruin both of them and it's a free win

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                                            what should i get for items? tranqs veil/mek mobility?

                                            do i even need item rofl


                                              Tranq into Aghanim
                                              Arcanes into Mek

                                              Never buy Tranq and Mek - it's stupid.

                                              P.S. Those who say that Aghanim rush on Lich is bad are ones who were slain by Lich with Aghanim. They know how op it is and try to prevent massive abuse.

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                                                Rikimaru support is monster at low level mmr


                                                  Never ahgs on lich, that's throwing away your gold


                                                    Just buy veil of discord better than waiting for aganims on lich. You can't farm for that aganims if you go full support. Veil is cheaper and easier to get imo. And it will synergistically good if you have carry with stun or any magic skill.


                                                      ^Like I said...


                                                        idk about you but i'm trashing these 4k games, standard build: tranq wand windlace

                                                        then i extend to what the game needs, ex this game i needed a forcestaff and a ghost scepter

                                                        and yes, i will build dual boots if needed.

                                                        as much as everyone hates it, dual boots is a legit working strat. only time i'd remove the tranqs is if i need something else in that slot.

                                                        no reason to waste a perfectly good item if i'm not gonna replace it.

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                                                          roaming riki owns low mmr.


                                                            ^yeah he becomes a hard carry because he kill everyone when supporting


                                                              ps all 'support' means in low level mmr is that a) i will buy and possibly upgrade the courier, b) buy a few wards and c)not farm lane creeps during the first 10mins.


                                                                i think we have a little bit different 'low mmr' in mind.

                                                                unless by 'a few wards' you mean like 20+ observer and even more sentry wards, perhaps a gem too (depending on game length of course)


                                                                  ps all 'support' means in low level mmr is that a) i will buy and possibly upgrade the courier, b) buy a few wards and c)not farm lane creeps during the first 10mins.

                                                                  you're not supporting

                                                                  and this is what i meant with support =/= ward bitch


                                                                    that'd be why i put support in quotes cookie.


                                                                      id call out lich and omni tbh

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        I don't think shadow shaman is very good low level actually. He has to stand still to shackle which usually leads to him dying cus your team lacks the coordination to protect and the ss probably lacks the proper positioning to get off shackle without dying. His ult is very good for taking out towers but teams don't play around it properly. You'll say ok ults up and we just won a fight, let's push this t2 and your carries will go farm.

                                                                        CM is good just cus of her aura, but damn she is squishy and needs good positioning as well.

                                                                        I'd say top 5 are lich, ogre, witch dr, omni and cm. Witch dr is actually not that good in pro play cus his ult is easily interrupted and his stun isn't reliable/strong enough, but in pubs he's quite good and with aghs can wipe entire teams.

                                                                        Ogre is so fucking tanky you just run at people and stun then and hit them and win lane.

                                                                        Lich again wins lanes, wins games.

                                                                        CM aura mostly, decent in lane.

                                                                        Omni cus the ult is so op in pubs plus anti magic shield.

                                                                        Lion is also pretty good, 2 stuns.


                                                                          In low level mmr? Yeah honestly I would say QoP since you can escape ganks with her.

                                                                          Any other hero who you can escape ganks with is good too. I used to like oracle for solo support since you could just ulti yourself when you got ganked and get a free escape, he's not so good now without the invis.

                                                                          Basically stay away from anything like Skywrath Mage etc which are too easy for spirit breakers/rikis/bloodseeker/PA/pudge etc to pick off, which doesn't give a lot of options. You might consider Invoker support since he can use ghost walk to escape ganks and throw out tornado and EMP and cold snap from long range for the crowd control.



                                                                            support isn't a ward bitch, but support NEEDS wards to control the map and be effective. Right?


                                                                              but the thing is, that's only a side job.

                                                                              most of the time you'll need like like 2-3 wards on the map only. it takes 10 seconds to ward.

                                                                              that's not your main job, you'll be warding once every couple of minutes.

                                                                              it's not where your effectiveness comes from as a support.

                                                                              edit: ofc you should almost never have wards in stock in the shop as a good support, but that's only once every couple of minutes to buy/place a ward.

                                                                              i play a different type of support to everyone else, most players play support to just buy wards and babysit the carries

                                                                              i don't do that, i play support to disrupt the enemy as much as possible.

                                                                              which in fact is 10x more efficient than babysitting, since no matter how bad my team is at taking the space i provide them by babysitting; when i disrupt the enemy, THE ENEMY HAS NO SPACE TO DO ANYTHING THEY WANT.

                                                                              so even if my carry can't lasthit, their carry doesn't even get to attempt a last hit, even if he's a miracle of hitting every lasthit.

                                                                              when i ward, i make sure that i'll screw over the enemy with that ward as much as i can rather than just creating a safe space for my team to farm.

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                ROFL LICH IS A BEAST


                                                                                went 7-0 during laning phase and destroyed the PA

                                                                                frost armor is such an ass skill, i just spammed it on everyone and almost no one was dying to lc duels


                                                                                  Surprised that everyone totally forgot Nightstalker.

                                                                                  Why this hero is good:
                                                                                  1. Great roaming support.
                                                                                  2. Can do alot without the need for gold (in the early game). - I like to just save up money for an Agh's later, but you are usually the warding slave, and its best if you buy smoke's to help your ganks go better.
                                                                                  3. Can transition into a semi-carry if your team really needs help.


                                                                                    told ya, just in the picking phase when picking lich, tell a teammate to pick a carry offlaner(viper void clinkz slard) and it should be ez +25 since he'll snowball for you.

                                                                                    god, i love making other people win games for me.

                                                                                    cheap, dirty and ez +25

                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                      problem with omni is his garbage laning phase

                                                                                      what you'll be doing is to just babysit your carry, but then you cant zone offlaners cuz ur melee lol

                                                                                      this makes the lane harder for my carry, sure he cant die but if he gets harassed he wont get farmed too


                                                                                        Niiiiiiiiightstalkah. But then he is a roaming support, not a lane support D:

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                                                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                          Winter wyvern, very strong zoner with arctic burn, can farm with splinter blast, heal that negates physical damage, and her ult can kill squishy heroes if their carries are nearby

                                                                                          Pretty good lane presence too


                                                                                            I really like warlock.

                                                                                            1. Good rightclick to zone out Offlaners alone. Not the good offlaners like tide, timber, darkseer. But in low mmr games you can see every hero offlane.

                                                                                            2. He has a heal.

                                                                                            3. Awesome teamfight with q,e and ulti. There will always be a situation in lower mmr games where all enemy heros are clumbed together and you can hit all with your ult and your other spells. ez teamwipe.

                                                                                            4. Games tend to last longer. And warlock is still great in lategame if you manage to get agha + refresher.

                                                                                            5. Versatile: low mmr matches are sometimes so fucking random. You pick a carry and you get 4 other carrys in your team. You pick a supp and you team just picks 4 other supports. And laning positions are not always clear at the start. In that case you can play him mid and offlane too very well.


                                                                                              Sir cookie.. when pick lich.. sometimes the offlaner wants solo..
                                                                                              is it better to babysitting the carry in safelane and get some kills, or disrupt the enemy like u said in offlane..?
                                                                                              because when my team picks 2 supps (including Lich) babysitting the carry is ez to kills the enemy offlaner..


                                                                                                ask your teammates if they are gonna pick some offlane carry so you can combo that with lich, dont force them into something they don't know.


                                                                                                  im actually surprised that high 2k isnt really that braindead; even tho i just picked lich my bb teammate actually knew how to work with me


                                                                                                    Doesn't matter what sup you choose, if you don't know how to pull, create space for Carry, deward and tp to help then you're useless. Usually I can't stand the cookie guy, however, supporting isn't just warding, or getting a cour. Glhf


                                                                                                      what you got against me little NS player?

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