General Discussion

General DiscussionMoney removed

Money removed in General Discussion
kishi kaisei

    Why I have removed money from the card without my knowledge for the payment plus dotabaff?Can i have it back?I wanted only 1 month


      it's a subscription, you should've canceled it.

      kishi kaisei

        can i have my money back? for this month?

        bum farto

          You have to go here and cancel it. Sorry you lost $6 I can paypal it back to you if it's that important.

          me, government hooker

            get in touch with the staff, i believe they will refund you, think it has been done in the past


              they'll see this thread soon, u dont need to put any additional effort in contacting them


                Hey selfish, I refunded the month you were just billed for. Sorry about the confusion on the subscription status! Please let me know if there is anything else you need.


                  I understand it's the easiest moneygrab to make it a subscription as default option. But regarding the customers it would be a better option if you let the people choose whether they want a subscription and make it a one-month thing by default. I myself stopped using quite a few products completely just because of the subscription bs where I would just hop on and off from time to time instead.



                    Thanks for the feedback. This is something we talk about a lot. The last thing we want is for someone to feel cheated when they give us money. I refunded their payment but let them keep plus for the free month because being frustrated like that sucks.

                    We offer buying one month only in the form of prepaid codes for those who don't like subscriptions here:

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      i mean, nobody should feel cheated because its explicitly told that its a subscription

                      still, it shouldnt be a subscription by default


                        To get to that you have to scroll all the way to the bottom (while there's a button at the very top) and the button isn't highlighted and "buy prepaid codes" isn't as intuitive as "upgrade to plus". So basically almost nobody will end up on that page by themselves even though it exists. It's literally designed so people would subscribe rather than buy codes. If you reversed that - majority of people would end up buying codes instead of subscribing. And I'm pretty sure of it.

                        But hey, that's your choice of design and I understand that this probably gets you more money even with some dissatisfied customers. Quite a lot of people will not care anyway for those few dollars.

                        kishi kaisei

                          I dont get yet my money.

                          bum farto

                            A reverse charge can take up to 5 working days to return in some cases longer. You're just going to have to wait for your $6 back.

                            kishi kaisei

                              BTW i cant send message to your "".When im trying to type something i see this- Delivery Status Notification (Failure)


                                I would kill ppl for 6$