General Discussion

General DiscussionYASP MMR calculator?

YASP MMR calculator? in General Discussion

    YASP is accurate ? or not ... this YASP can really see your hidden MMR ?


      Yasp will be acurate if you play solo quee only. It will weigh average mmr of the game base on players revealed solo mmr.


        i played party with my friend and it gives me 6 normal bracket


          even in playing only solo queue, it's easily 1k off


            Base on your first 10 games you're 3-3.5k mmr gamer☺


              skill bracket is decided by valve, not yasp/dotabuff and it's right there on the replay file

              party games won't lower your solo rating, the skill bracket is an average in between your rating and theirs aka if you're 4k and they're 1k than the bracket should be 2.5k aka Normal skill in a party game.

              anyways yasp is 95% correct, but you should hover over the number to see the range. example yasp can say that you're 3k mmr but you're acutally 4k. but it also says that the range is +-1000 mmr

              so hover over the range and you'll see where you could be. usually for players who play in solo ranked it's pretty much +-200

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                No its not.

                King of Low Prio

                  in mid range mmr games 2-5k mmr it is relatively accurate unless you are playing party alot with people who has large skill differences


                    i played 6 game's party with my friend 2k mmr .. and i check to YASP my hidden MMR it say that i have 3.844 .. so its possible my MMR above 4.4k? or below 3.5k ?


                      the best way for you to figure out your calibration mmr is simpler than yasp

                      i use this formula

                      Main acc mmr ± 500

                      this works only for 1-5k players since 4999 is max calibration.

                      6k+ players get 4.5-5k calibrations

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                      █‌ █

                        data is from 4 matches, your main mmr is probably more accurate.


                          ^obviously . That's irrelevant

                          King of Low Prio

                            6 games is not 'alot'' and will barely change anything on in terms of yasp estimate, I have played hundreds of games with my girl who is like 2k and my estimate is still fairly accurate because it takes that into account. Now if you ONLY play party and rarely solo the number can be way off


                              what is the meaning of standard deviation 418.34 match 14 in yasp...??? my hidden mmr ave is 3783... if i will start ryt now to calibr8 ,what would b my MMR(lets say for example my performance evry game is 15/5/16) 10 tbd ? ...

                              Smoke Mid Everyday -ミキ

                                Guys, don't care much about MMR, since i play only for fun and only ar, sd but I was interested to find out my MMR somehow.
                                Here are my facts:
                                - When I solo, it's very high skill 90% of time
                                - Yasp shows my MMR is 3.4 k and increasing since I have started playing solo. (No body was online :))
                                - My friend who plays with me always is 2k in DOTA 2 mmr, yasp says he is 3k (a bit off don't you think)
                                Conclusion, yes yasp takes in equation MMR of players who showed theirs, I bumped my friend 1k, and lost max 1k in rank for yasp MMR because logically if 4k and 2k players play always together by yasp algorithms they will have average of 2.8-3.4 which is exactly the range we are in :)

                                PS: WORDCLOUD! Best thing ever at yasp, please implement this feature in DOTA 2, really you can feel the player behavior by scanning his ALL CHAT

                                Cheers to ALL !