General Discussion

General DiscussionTi6 battlepass

Ti6 battlepass in General Discussion

    Since it's about to expire, why not everyone tell their compendium level? And what you liked and didn't the most about the pass.
    My battlepass is 225 ( unfortunately couldn't finish legion quest line for alternative style). Favorite thing battlecup for sure. Thing I didn't like was probably the fact that the alternative ursa/wind/clinks styles were too difficult to obtain. Sorry about my bad English btw. :")

    Johnny Rico

      297, when do we get the option to change the mmr? and the 3 free treasures.


        Lvl 366, not a single rare or ultra rare. So pretty angry about that. You can buy the items you want for cheap so I reckon next time I will just buy lvl 50 and not out another cent into it.


          320, and same, not a single rare or ultra rare. And pretty mad about that as well.


            I think we will get the treasures after the update when they remove the pass. Same no rares


              Only people I know who got rares or ultra rares were level 1000+
              I was only level 219. Ended up trading in a few of my treasures to finally get the Ash weather affect.

              Johnny Rico

                I only got the mirana bow, with 28 treasures and 2 caches, my 2 last one were sold.


                  What? What about free treasures, what?

                  Lvl 260, only spent like 20$.
                  Funny thing is, buying immortals and recycling it is far cheaper to get level than buying bp level. By the end you get lots of treasures which you can sell for even greater prices of immortals you've spent. Fuck logic.


                    2000 exactly. Got that after the latest 3x Lina balls, was 1985 before.

                    Spent a total of 165 Euros.

                    Sold stuff for approx, not sure, but I have made profit, and have One Mace of Aeons left.

                    Between 414 and 730 smt I spent 0 €, Just recycles, sold one mace of aeons and got lucky as fuck with 3x 50+ lvls.

                    Ie. So i have "spent more" then 165 since I have sold one mace of aeons on the market and invested thoose in levels.

                    I still have Gold Silentwake to sell.

                    Got this:

                    2 Mace of Aeons
                    7 Mirana Bows
                    6 Gold Riki
                    2 Gold Slark
                    1 Invoker
                    1 Lina
                    4 +50 Levels
                    5 Phoenix
                    2 Gold Jugger Pets
                    1 Gold Silent Wake
                    1 Gold Nyx
                    1 DP Courrier

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      when is battle pass going to expire btw? (like the exact date)

                      also my BP level is like 42 because i just simply didn't play over the summer

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      Dire Wolf

                        how do you get points by recycling? I recycled a few items but didn't seem to improve my level at all.


                          +I got Profit with the spinn wheel
                          -the Quest are very very poor translated so it's just luck sometimes and i only finished the normal clinks


                            Battlepass expires tomorrow (31st)
                            I got to level 152 which is okay with me because all I wanted was the Terrain and I didn't sink much money into it.
                            I hope next time they don't include annoying quests like the 35 blink calls on axe or the evade 99999 attacks and 5 spells. Otherwise I think this battle pass was way better than the previous one and I hope they continue improving.


                              @Dire Wolf
                              You don't recycle like normal items. If you right click the item theres an option that specifically says "Recycle - 2 battlepass levels" or something like that. It only works on items you got from the battlepass of course. If youre going to get another treasure in the next few levels its probably worth it recycling your extra immortals from treasure 1 and 2


                                Yo I don't know what happened but I went 25-0 as troll warlord.
                                Right after the game I got 3 treasures and got 2 immortals,one shitty pudge set

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  I got 3 shitty sets with the treasures and only shit sets in the wheel after 149 lvls, no rares either. My luckiest thing was 6 lvls with lina.

                                  BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                    I got the Invoker set on my 1st box when I was lv74 sold it for about 225$ before it was marketable; spent a few bucks on the promo so I could hit 125, got pretty lucky with drops and shit im now lv330+ due to recycling extras and getting extra levels from chest. [bought TB arcana and gem from some of the money too!]

                                    When do we get to keep season rank? I was playing it safe so I raised both my Normal Solo mmr and Season Solo mmr to 4.5k so I could rage and have little consequence; I wanna keep my season party at 4.3k so I can skip a few stupid games. ._.

                                    I got CM and PA arcana on the wheel but I lost it due to betting lul ez come ez go :(

                                    Never did any of those set quests because some of it were game losing stuff so no thanks!

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                                    Hatsune Miku

                                      ^ i think you can keep it tomorrow when the battlepass expires and you need at least 40 games to keep it

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I thought you couldn't sell shit cus you can only gift and you have to be friends for like 30 days to gift

                                        BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                          Yeah I sold it thru gift because I thought it would be alot cheaper when it comes out on market; I have about 80games on solo and 50+ games on season party :D! Thanks


                                            2985. Compendium was a waste of money. Luckily it was easy to generate huge profits from Trove Carafe flipping. In the end came out about $500 ahead and got duplicates of all the ultras, rares etc. Would of made more if I hadn't invested so heavily initially into compendium but who knew...
                                            Overall, a great year with free items and profits for everyone who wanted it so can't complain.
                                            2 Golden Silent Wake
                                            3 Golden Rippers
                                            3 Golden Infernal
                                            3 Golden Latticean
                                            3 Golden Nothlic
                                            2 Golden unopened Troves
                                            2 Invoker
                                            1 Mace
                                            2 Disciple Wyrmwrought
                                            A LOT of all the others... Can't even get rid of them in time...

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                              Haha nice mate^
                                              I was late to notice that i could make a profit by selling these treasures but i still have 5 which i will sell soon.


                                                Don't worry hue at least you figured it out.
                                                I dumped so much into the game before working it out myself so tbh I only expected a small handful to get there.
                                                Judging by only approximately 290 golden silent wakes I guess people don't know or don't care that it was free.

                                                Johnny Rico

                                                  So guys, i just recycle some shit after a match and got to lvl 300, immortal lvl 3,
                                                  BUM 50 fucking lvls
                                                  damm son open 2 immortals 2
                                                  BOM Gold Riki
                                                  gg ez lvl 350
                                                  1 golden riki, 50 lvls, 1 mirana bow

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    currently at work, any info about the mmr change?

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      I spent 10 dollars for the pass and 15 for the weekend deal. Currently have 55 dollars in my steam and about 20 dollars worth of items on my account as well.


                                                        Cn boxer I got 1 golden after opening 21 ( the one with drow) and at 36 after opening one with wk.
                                                        I also made profit out of opening t1 and t3 kind of on 0. Should I buy now t2 cuz it's cheaper or maybe open more trove/luckbox

                                                        Dire Wolf


                                                          HOW DO YOU SELL ITEMS?!?! you can only gift, so you guys actually make friends with people and they wait 30 days to buy your shit? fo real?

                                                          what fucking loser would wait 30 days to buy something?

                                                          oh well I suck at digital internet schemes

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            Im lvl 48 guys. Im proud


                                                              645. Got a lot of points through activities though. Also got 50 levels out of treasure 3 at one point.