Like if you let your enemy run
Timber + Void + Mirana + Kunkka +Shadow demom
And you dont even get a keeper gg.
there isnt a combo that you cant win agaisnt, if they are doing drown strat, pick gape closers.
If they are yolo pushing pick some heros to disrupt the push.
PA is not balanced.
And I haven't seen Visage for a long time... (not on winning side at least)
yes, some chaos is necessairy to make the game interesting.
this game is so balanced that it's boring
I agree with cookie, it's kind of stale right now. People will argue that it's best balanced but in my opinion not as fun lol
The number of
Cancer heroes listed itself shows it is better than past cancer patches. It means there's usually a chance for cancers all around xD
I want their to be a few strong heroes then average then a very small amount of weak heroes that you would have to master to be good with. That sounds like the best kind of meta Imo (ssbm anyone?)
the game ends too fast
its easy for teams with 1-2 of dazzle, jakiro, drow, dp to rax at 18 minutes even if that's not what they set out to do with their draft
people are going to complain no matter what the game looks like. The game is balanced and it makes it harder to consistently play well, especially at the more unpredictable mmr's which makes people like it a little less.
I think it's great, heroes aren't getting spammed at all in my games and I haven't even seen pitlord picked yet. I can pick any carry I want and have a good shot to win.
We've had the same shit for the past 6 months. You know how boring it gets. 6.87 6.88 are basically the same expect Pheonix and LS aren't as strong.
In need for a game changing patch soon
Morphling is the one. Tons of burst, easily escape from ganks, fast creep wiper, hitting buildings so hard, even hard to die with stat morph. Pretty much what every carry needs.
he seems hit or miss until 5k+
half the time I see morph his lane just gets shrekt and then the enemy drow or dp rapes rax before he has travels
or they build fucking TREADS when they have free farm rofl
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I think that now we have the most balanced patch in dota history.
There isnt a trully op hero, every strong carry is countered by other strong carry, of course there are annoying heroes, but still, there isnt a hero that can wreck everyone doesnt matter the game.
They will just rework Underlord skills, that are a little bit to strong.
Plus the hero pool has never been bigger (i think).
What do you guys think of this patch?