General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease help me.

Please help me. in General Discussion

    Hi, I am fairly new to reddit but I am playing DotA for quite some time. When I calibrated I got around 2.4k mmr, I managed to climb a few times to 2.9k+ but never managed to get into 3k. Always when i was 3 or so games away I went on massive losing streak. Right now happend the same thing. It was mostly because of team mates this time, in one game I got tiny and morph which fought over mid and completely tilted the rest of the team and did dumb things. Game after that I got the same morph, running on full agi versus lion, mirana, jugg, axe and bristle. Usualy in ranked I try to play supports, at least in solo que, but I got so sick of losing evertime I try to reach 3k so I started spaming magina, luna etc.. And still I can't touch the 3k by any means. It's really taking out the joy from the game and tilting me more and more.
    Could you please give me any advice? At this point I am not anymore sure what is it, that I am doing wrong. Is it my mechanical skills, my decision making? I just dont know and it frustrates me

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      Reddit is for subhumans. Isnt it?


        You'll get better eventually. When you deserve 3k you'll get there.


          @Plyo Why the hell should I go with this on reddit, assuming I already did not, and why shouldn't I post it here, on forum about dota, where are many people from dota community which are fairly good at the game?

          @Experiencedmemer That is kinda easy to say, but hard to do.


            In my opinion those heroes like AM, medusa...etc are good not very ofter also need specific line up which can fight early and as 4 couse am is kinda useless till he farm up his items....also i think you shouls mass couple heroes and try mastery on them,as we everybody know heroea which is strong early-late are best, jugg, slark, even sven...or offlaners like axe

            casual gamer

              antimage can do things like split push and blow people up in fights and medusa cant

              conversely medusa is better in low skilled games because she soaks stuns/damage and dominates in the ultra lategame that many games progress to in that tier, especially because nobody will build halberd sheep euls, medusa countering items

              I honestly think the hero just sucks. although that might be my salt that I have sub 50% winrate. without some kraken shell-esque skill or mobility she gets perma disabled and ignored by the enemy team in the lategame anyway even if they don't have dusa counters (am void mainly, anyone with diffusal)


                PLAY LESS GAMES. Used to spam ranked queue, but tilt and then that tilt would carry over to the next game. Now I only play 2 -3 games. Then I do other stuff IRL studying and shit. Or even watch streams usually low viewer 6k players. Where you can at least poke them with noob questions and shit. You could watch your own replays for your mistakes, but that becomes too difficult as you need some semblence of discipline to look at it over and over. Or you can find someone with higher mmr than you and queue with them in party mmr. They might teach your something or w/e. Basically you can't rush through it if you are gunna tilt since tilting and queuing for games is like all your work down the drain. Lastly, get a mic and talk to your team, but don't spew negative bullshit, just say informative shit.


                  First, don't blame your team.
                  Second, anything works in 3k. So u probably just not playing well enough.

                  fk basrad

                    Probably better to get help in game as opposed to just asking tbh


                      Control your emotions
                      Don't let your anger carry over to the next game after you lost
                      Try to be a nice person to your team although they are retards
                      I won it only by motivating the noob void play better (some people are just too stubborn and arrogant,but worth the try)
                      Also keep trying to improve


                        Play more & learn more... If u deserve it,u will get it...

                        Forget me not

                          Just some advice , try using riki, pa or spec, and watch some riki, pa, spec gameplay on youtube . usually i go pa mid or offlane . riki roam support or 4th core and spec saflane carry. get better at using them , they are one of the easiest hero to use i think and they are at early and late game except spec . I'm climbing from 2,2k solo and 1,8k party to both respectively 3,4 and 3,3. And of course don't blame in game at your teammate even if they really do make mistake. Just inform they normally and give some advice . because if you keep blaming your teammate it will only make the game 5vs 5 which is already hard to be 4 vs 6 when the the teammate you blaming got a short fuse and go throwing

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