General Discussion

General Discussionabsolutely grateful for the MM system.

absolutely grateful for the MM system. in General Discussion
king slayer

    Dota is just dota you know.. if you lose its ur fault dont worry its def not ur teammates fault because dota is a perfectly balanced game putting you with skilled players from the former Soviet Union so you can be a strong comrade.
    kill me please


      omfg is this hourly teammate bullshit nonsense annoying

      look you little fing hypocrite. open the games where you won, the enemy team will have the same shitty scores that you blame on your team.

      ofc you don't remember how much the enemy was bad and how easy it was to feed off them, but of course you're gonna remember when your team is bad and the game was hard.

      you are shit and you couldn't win, now you come here to take your frustration on us

      go back to your troll hut you little hypocrite.

      look you little hypocrite, a game that you won:

      if you were on the enemy team with the same score and you lost, you would be bitching about how those omni ogre gyro are useless and the system is unfair.

      read up on this:

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        Damn dude that's rough , maybe chill for a bit before playing again cuz you might be tilted

        king slayer

          nah i only get tilted ingame.. btw this fuckface invoker begged for mid got it we got him sentries and everything and he was 0-5 7 minutes in

          king slayer

   add if you wanna stack guys im so done with playing solo


              the results of a bunch of ur matches do not affect ur mmr at all, in the end. you still keep fluctuating around the rating u deserve. if you win some, you'll eventually lose som later; and vice versa. ur teammates do not affect ur mmr progression, but eventually lose you some games. idk why would you be so mad about it, though, as if u never lost the game for ur team urself.


                also all the three gamesu listed were obviously winnable, lul

                king slayer

                  Nah trust me I tried everything in all three games.. no body listen to me they justed flamed each other in Russian.. PS i know i dont give a shit about MMR anyway I want a higher winrate


                    u died a lot for no reason in all of them, and didnt farm enough


                      if you tried everything possible but you were 9k, then you would've won that game without a doubt


                        Sometimes u just get ddosed not a whole lot u can do bout that


                          ^You have to have some BSJ Visualization to not be a dogshit shitstain

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                          king slayer


                            king slayer

                              FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS STUPID ASS GAME

                              king slayer



                                  u cant win vs that tinker plus u probably didnt earlu rosh.....pudge with pipe and 3k aswell...
                                  plus your negative atitude on your team is just gg...

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    I think your tilted bro..., you should chill for now, have a smoke? ( that's what I do when I tilt)

                                    king slayer

                                      am i In a hiden pool or something
                                      @help! LOOK AT MY FUCKING TEAM dont speak about anything I didint even say a word just muted everybody


                                        the only thing i noticed is ur tower dmg is so fucking low , especially on AM , when i play AM i usually end up with 12k tower dmg

                                          Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                            Behavior score is important. Seems your a toxic gamer with negative 1000 behavior score.


                                              Smurf complaining about mm system ;)

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                i used to enjoy my daily serving of salty smurf tears, but now ive got like 10 liters on stock and thats just from today. we need some kind of way to stop this madness

                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                  Too much salt will kill you



                                                    sucks to be you, i keep mine in a pool. i like to bathe in them.

                                                    @king slayer

                                                    this whole post can be summarised in this:

                                                    "i'm a shitstain who loses all my games on my main, so i made a new smurf to re calibrate and show the world that it's my teammates faults that i'm in low mmr."

                                                    1v9 doesn't work in high mmr kiddo, dota is a 5v5 game, no matter how high your solo skill is. you will never reach high mmr because you only play for yourself, and not your team.

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                    dookie daddy

                                                      1v9 works till you hit between 500 mmr of your actual skil rating then it's a team game and you gotta work out your issues with how you work with people in your game.

                                                      I say it all the time as much as you hate your team you NEED them to win.

                                                      Coffee Bean~

                                                        where is triplesteal's blue star?


                                                          Salty arrogant VHS hunters pfft