General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do you have to do to get 10 in farming?

what do you have to do to get 10 in farming? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    on dota's game recap where they rank farming, pushing, support, fighting, what contributes to farming score? Cs or gpm only? Cus I got almost 9 cs and it said I was a 4.4 in farming on this game I got a 7.6 for pushing though so maybe cs is for pushing? But my gpm seemed decent too for a pub game, I'm surprised my farm score was that low.

    And in before all the flamers talk about how shitty that is for luna, dudes I'm 3k, no one hits 10 cs/min ever, most carries win games with like 6 or 7 cs/min tops and 500-600 gpm.


      I suspect it is relative to other players on team. Like solo supporting =10. Dual supporting always lower.


        was practicing as AM for 20 mins in a solo practice lobby.

        1100 gpm.

        8.3 farming score

        Xd xd x d x dx d x dxdxd

        yea idk man

        another example, playing alchemist on smurf with a friend.

        1.2k gpm

        4.5 farming score???

        lmao isn't 1.4k like a high score or something lol

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          i always have 700-800 gpm in my games but never higher farming score than 5.0 , even the average is bullshit , even if i go like 35-4 im not the highest avg but some retard who afked jungle whole match


            I suspect it counts farm u got vs all available farm on the map. Just like how if u kill most towers u will get 10. But it is unlikely u will farm everything on a map

            1000 xpm

              13,83 cs/min = 5,8 farming score boys :)! dunno what they wanna see from us:

              i will tryhard with treant when im back from work.


                It's stupid
                The 5 side graph of the latest 20 matches makes more sense


                  I mean when I played that alch game I devoured almost all farm on the map.

                  In perspective, while my score with 4.5, my team was all hovering between 0.5 and 2.0 so... idk man

                  1000 xpm

                    ok i checked my records. 15,29 cs/min was a 6,7 farming score. the gpm was rather low with 750. so maybe it depends more on cs/min


                      Can someone good with core naga play her and see what's the farm score?Quite curious


                        It's probably bugged. Just like how the higher up you go, 700gpm won't even give u a full farming score while being like 400gpm in 1k means u are a farm god




                          but yeah idk.

                          again im just practicing in lobby cuz my pc is broken, but 8.7 for 1135 gpm?


                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            You should buy octarine to boost your farm w illusions and stack camps while u are at it with dom


                              Idk when i was learning invoker i had both farming and pushing 10 and i rat like all the time back then


                                im mainly just practicing LH until 10 then see how fast I can get manta and then I just am enjoying farming really fast so I just farm and then end the game.

                                But I'm not trying to powergame farming to the point it's not viable in a real game. I'm avoiding lanes and mostly staying in the jungle like you would in a normal game.

                                Buying octarine/dom on anti-mage just to abuse a 0 opponent game isn't really practice.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  has to be bugged then, makes no sense. Even if it's relative to other players we are way ahead of teammates and opposing team

                                  inst:  MissMissclick

                                    we are just trying to get to the bottom of the farming rating. anyway who says am doesnt farm lane. he cuts lane like a lil bitch all da time.


                                      Is it possibly presented as what percentage of your gold was gotten from creeps? For example say you got 70% of your gold from farming creeps, 20% from towers and 10% from kills or assists then you would have a score of 7. This would mean that it is impossible to get 10 for farming since you are always going to get gold from towers even if you spend the entire game AFK jungling.
                                      Just a Theory.



                                        I know but against 0 players it's not really fair.

                                        If you mostly jungle you can just pretend it's a score you'd get in a hard game where you can't go to lane.


                                          my friend got 26.3 last hits/min in a real game before


                                          too old to be parsed though

                                          my recent 900+ gpm games on TB all registered as 5 out of 10 on farming...

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            desolator on AM ? does it stack with ur mana burn?


                                              Deso doesn't stack with Mana-burn. I'm assuming he didn't Skill manaburn since a Deso will make you farm faster than the manaburn will