General Discussion

General DiscussionHey guys would like some help

Hey guys would like some help in General Discussion

    I love playing all positions on a team, and usually i can carry well. My last game I had good farm, 12 min battle fury on am, but the enemy team was pushing very hard early and other lanes were lost. What should i do in these situations. Usually when this happens the game always goes south very quickly.
    If anybody could check replay maybe and tell me what i could have done differently to carry my team?
    ty if anybody does


      Harambe The Great


      Harambe (MPBUH) is basically correct, some games are actually unwinnable as you're relying on the cooperation of 4 other people.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        heart was quite a bad item choice, and mb u should have invested more time in pushing and less in fighting to win some time for your team and for yourself.


          ye heart as 3rd big item is awful i only remember getting it so fast back when lina cores was popular


            i went heart because ta was almost 2 shotting me and it was while they were in our base so often that just going back to get fountain regen was not enough, but if not heart what would have been the best item for this situation?




                you should consider the enemy heroes, if they're about to push btwn 10-15, then try to to split as hard as possible. Always should have a defending and tower dmging hero. Also, my own experience: I go manta on AM first just because the enemy has 1 big hero that you really need to counter. Blink > manta > beepbop > gone.


                  Always get vanguard after or before BF, helps alot


                    got you, thanks a lot guys. I dont play am often and my main weakness is early push lineups when lanes are lost. Ill try and improve on this

                    STE 8-1-8

                      This is a good read on anti-mage, read it this morning they ask Black^ on his thoughts on AM's fit in the current meta as well as how to deal with early pushes or fighting early.


                      I hope you find this useful.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        Antimage is a rly bad core when ur enemy has a good midgame pick like TA or bat ( eventhough its rly good vs morph) he cant get online faster than 20 mins if enemy doesnt have storm shaman or something like these. but the best way is split push even when they have something to stop u like lc. bcz u cant do anything in early teamfights and u have a escape ability so split push with cleave and try to get online faster with bash and vanguard. if u dont die in 2 or 3 fights it will be rly hard for enemy team to stop u soon


                          Vg isn't always needed vlads better sometimes

                          INSAN KEKURANGAN

                            cant see replay since i'm on mobile, so just some feedbacks from reading the dotabuff page

                            1. against that line-up, total commitment to split push and spread out the enemy's heroes all over the map is of utmost importance

                            2. to achieve no.1, the timing on finishing manta is absolutely crucial to keep split plushing aggresively and staying alive (against NP orchid, morph EB, TA slow and desolate, even bat lasso if u're quick on your fingers)

                            3. instead of heart, go for linken.. that should've been your go-to item against that lineup (nice stats for extra tankiness, hp and mana regen, and blocks pretty much anything the enemy can throw at you to disable you)

                            4. if your team can survive until u finish linken, try considering building AC to nullify TA's presence in subsequent fights.. an AC-buffed juggernaut can really wreak havoc later on (assuming the yasha was to build manta and the ogre club was for bkb, not to complete sangyash lol)

                            your general aim should be to delay the game beyond 45+ minutes