General Discussion

General DiscussionNerf Slark.

Nerf Slark. in General Discussion
Father Jack from Marketing

    DO EET. Hes just go so many escapes with SB, pounce, his ult and dark pact that diffuses almost everything on a 6 second cool down once you max it. Then you have his insane out of sight health regen.

    I know hes around 50% WR, all I can say is absolute dribblers must be picking him right now to keep that down as anyone with half a brain and the standard item build should be reking most pub games.


      Slark's win rate is highest in the potato bracket.

      By your logic, 5k+ are absolute dribblers.

      Ironically, he's most picked in 5k+

      Father Jack from Marketing

        I am unfortunately in potato, and I see him almost every game. I imagine as soon as hes picked in the higher tiers people counter him properly, because if they dont he will win the game.

        casual gamer

          picked/banned every game and useless half the time anyway

          nerf him again is just going to make him dumpster tier


            Keep strong mate..
            And with time you will get used and know well how to counter him..
            By that time just you will feel grateful and ez win if the enemy pick him..

            *Cough cough (axe n zeuz)


              One silencer one sven stun he is dead

              1000 xpm

                troll got owned by slark ;(


                  slark suffer against some heroes
                  anti mage
                  faceless void
                  timber saw
                  a good earth shaker and elder titan
                  the new underlord hurt him since he is more like stat based hero and his damage almost halved


                    Again with the neft what is wrong with you people ???????????????????????????

                    Pale Mannie

                      Everytime i see Slark on enemy team, i win. And when i pick Slark, i win too.


                        Slark is so easy to counter just pick bloodcyka and GG

                        M U R D E R

                          Most of the time heavy pressure early game and then end fast tends to net you a win


                            slark sux


                              i actually think slark is well stronger in higher bracket where your team will be most likely competent , if he get the support he needs in lane & your team is not retarded to throw the lead , there is no way for you to lose as slark in 5k+ if you play him well.

                              In lower brackets 2k 3k , sometimes you pick safelane & still get no support & go 1v2 in ur lane while ur team duo offlane instead , your team doesnt understand how slark is played & expect you to "slark go omg" & initiate on enemy to just die from 50 disables on you rather than them starting the fights & letting you pick offs supports who are out of position in fight.


                                Just pick some hero that can stun or deal damage in aoe, be patient and use ur stuns when dark pact is over. The potato bracket slarks that you are facing are just super easy to counter.


                                  ^ this. + if u dont Feed slark and get some sentry against him most players below 5k will end up with like 5 lh per min and beeing super useless in late.

                                  Father Jack from Marketing

                                    @XPM - Not owned mate, I was the only reason that game didnt finish on 20 mins. The problem there was that he didnt show he was building a butterfly in the end game, and i built a daedalus (or started to) rather than build an MKB which i would have had he shown an eaglesong in his inventory. ITs not just that game though, ive been thinking this for months.

                                    I'll admit, the biggest problem in the potato bracket is that 90% of supports are terrible, and slarks go round the map for 30 mins picking them off with a shadow blade over and over again. That said he can literally 1 v 1 almost any hero that is out of position 1 v 1, and I dont want to hear "dont be oop then" because oop happens all day in potato, which is why hes so strong.

                                    He is also amazing in the late game and IMO the introduction of the Echo Sabre really made him a much better hero, its the most core item on him now.

                                    Late game, slark can get 95% damage, disappear into some trees and come out 10 seconds later with full hp. No fountain required, no heals, no supports. He can sit there and fap for 10 seconds then come back into the fight at near full HP and his silver edge would have cooled down as well.

                                    I've played over 4k games, there are meta heros every time balance changes are made, i play many heros - This is the only one I think genuinely needs a pub nerf.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      So which is the op slark this game

                                      or this one?

                                      I just think it's funny you lose with a slark on your team, then lose to one and complain about how op he is.

                                      The omni probably fucked your team more than slark did.

                                      Father Jack from Marketing

                                        @Dire - If you read my last post, its not about one game, Ive been thinking this for a long time. Admittedly that game was frustrating, no doubt. But I see this alot, many games where slark is contained and ganked but when it goes late hes just so strong. I realy think Echo Sabre is just so good on him as well, its really an item that was made for him (And Sven xD)

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                                        Vem Comigo

                                          He still cant 1v5, unless your team doesnt have 1 stun.


                                            Slark has so many counters the hero is a situational pick but kids for some reason want to pick him every game. Axe, Zeus, blood, void. He is not op at all


                                              Lul get disruptor ez rape.

                                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                A good slark is pretty much unstoppable. He is a nightmare against support. Can kill a single target and still can escape with ease.

                                                I think Valve should remove the auto life regen on slark's Shadow Dance but maybe increase the life regen when activated and decrease the cooldown.


                                                  There are plenty of safelaners that can take over a game if there are no counterpicks and you get a good start. Honestly Slark is not that great if you counterpick him appropriately and don't run down sidelanes solo and feed him 5 kills after he gets his sb. After all the nerfs to pounce damage he is not that scary anymore, right now Morphling and Drow are far stronger and more difficult to deal with in high brackets.

                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                    I'm a good Slark, or so I think, I like to first pick him and still get a huge score, the hero is pretty ridiculous, no matter how much someone like BSJ down plays him. Rofl

                                                    An average Slark is counterable, but a good Slark is pretty hard to stop, won't lie about that one. The only hero I legit hate facing is Axe, cause he'll just blink on top of my shadow cloud and go " Rawrr! "

                                                    But I think in organized tournament play they would be able to handle him much easier, cause you know, everyone there actually has map awareness, and actually wards, actually has positioning skills, and game sense. <-- This is why he will probably never get nerfed in the way you are hoping, so you're gonna have to get good OP, or hold this L.

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                                                      A good slark counters warding entirely with his ultimate passive

                                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                        But I think in organized tournament play they would be able to handle him much easier, cause you know, everyone there actually has map awareness, and actually wards, actually has positioning skills, and game sense.

                                                        10/10 correct. But in a solo pub game where your teammates and enemies are complete stranger to each other, some people just pick the hero they want, not the hero that can help win the team. The hero where they're comfortable than a hero that can counter the opposing team.

                                                        I have a recently game where I 2nd picked as Lifestealer then the enemy pick Axe. And guess what: our next 3 heroes are all melee. The axe loved it, BD creeps the top, and we see a 10mins vanguard+dag axe.


                                                          Mirana's daddy?

