General Discussion

General Discussionnecro underrated?

necro underrated? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    hero seems good. is it just the predominance of void and am and also the existence of glimmer that means this hero is never picked?

    seems like glimmer is something that can be played around, and without any direct counters the hero is pretty strong

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      Necro is a carry . A 6 slotted other carry is 2 times more usefull than 6 slotted necro

      casual gamer

        ^^ no?

        a 6 slotted necro puts in work. just because he can't right click whatever down doesn't make him low impact

        if we give him a sample 6 slot build of EB shivas aghs refresh octarine (travels/greaves) he can rekt people even into the lategame.

        games aren't decided by 2 6 slotted carries hitting each other until 1 dies anyway. necro spikes early and can deathball and take towers. this synergizes nicely with picks like void, pitlord, huskar, drow, and omni.

        Anonymous mode- No chat

          As offlane or support, he also has no escapes or disables (beyond the ult). That's why he's not so often picked.


            Niche pick
            Also people keeps thinking necro is a support


              If you snowball out of control , then he can dominate the early game , but late game , he needs to be 6 sloted to be able to stay in fights , dagon , shiva , maybe a refresher etc etc , if he's not 5-6 sloted , he can just use the scythe and stay in the fight for a bit , if you're lucky , you live , if you don't , nope . Also , a carry like sven , anti mage is always better then a scythe . Sure , the agh scythe can be game changing , because the no buyback on a hard carry is huge , but otherwise , idk

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                he is very strong


                  necro is a pos 3 or 4. His ult is extremely useful at anytime during any game. His aura scales, and can provide his team with decent healing early game. I do not think necro can carry a team like some other carrys, but he can put in work I am positive of that


                    Late game necrophos is extremely scary to face as one aghs ulti will just win u the game.


                      What he said, lategame necro is one of scariest heroes to face. With Silver Edge, Refresher and Dagon, no hero can face him 1 on 1. And if he doesn't need to reap same guy twice to kill him, he can just do it to 2 people xD

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                      casual gamer

                        ^^ if you go eblade or veil with aghs it feels like you can ult people at 75% hp ROFL

                        its super legit to use dagon as a KS stick because u need that OP regen

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                          s e e m s g o o d ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                          Dire Wolf

                            He's like doom, he takes a hero completely out of a team fight. So yeah other carries might do more direct dmg or tower dmg, but have your team focus one hero to quickly drop them to 47% hp, aghs necro ults and they die and can't come back for like 80 seconds with no buyback. It's ridiculously strong.

                            And he pushes well, keeps team alive with his pulse spam. He's fine as a safe lane carry you just need to compliment him with some tower dmg and he works best along side some burst heroes to to drop those enemies to 47%


                              Playing necro is like playing pugna, you must end game before 30 mins and be aggressive as fack as you can. Longer than that, hes like a pop that melts easily late game. Especially if yo are against AM,SVEN,JUGG . Even you got 7-8 slotted items necro _these carries will melt you in just a splash on seconds late game.

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                                nah that's bull shit you're just playing him wrong then

                                necro with the correct items can take on dps carries 1v1 late game without much issue

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                                  I see recent necro game on you zenoth. Did you win? Xd.
                                  As i said end game before 30 mins mark to win with hero like necro/pugna. Isn't ?? Your win necro games below 30mins. Jist telling my claim correct.

                                  casual gamer

                                    ^ I doubt you've done close to 80k hero damage ever rofl, although I cant check because ur a sub 50% winrate smurf


                                      i lost the game for many reasons but necro being weak late game isnt one of them

                                      i could face a seven slotted morphling and win, what's your point?


                                        Winrate doesn't matter when smurfing unranked😂 . i smurf to chill and flame.


                                          Link me that match zenoth, ez to analyze if your the key player as necro to win that game.😂


                                            I'll wait. Please select your best necro play


                                              Nvm, took him 1 year to flashback when did he play necro and carry his team vs full sloted SVEN/MORPH/JUGG/AM.@@

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