General Discussion

General DiscussionMost stable patch?

Most stable patch? in General Discussion

    I've been playing dota for like 7-8 years and I think this is the most stabble patch so far..
    maybe a little nerf on Axe


      Morphling is a free win.


        nerf for a hero with 48% winrate? why?


          I see him everygame with bh..


            Axe has highest winrate in lowest skill games and progressively sucks more in higher mmr games. Why dos he suck bad in high mmr games though? Seems broken w blademail.

            Riguma Borusu

              Not really so broken once you learn to precast disables and have good vision, which is more likely to happen in higher MMR, where it's kinda necessary for axe to go BKB lategame if he wants to initiate consistently.

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              Livin' Real Good


                Well it's obvious, in lower MMR games it's EXTREMELY easy catch someone farming next to a whole creep wave alone, it's pretty much dunk city thanks to their awful positioning skills and map awareness.

                The second reason is that Axe is pretty dominate early game (Counter Helix) and bad players can't really handle a hard lane, anything that's not a free farm lane with supports backing them up pretty much makes them tilt and play passive, and maybe even just give up and start flaming. lol To make things worse, almost NO ONE supports in lower MMR's, so yeah, it's a wonderland for Axe.

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                  ^very elegantly described

                  Pale Mannie

                    I love to crush them with Axe