General Discussion

General Discussioncarry rushing aghs?

carry rushing aghs? in General Discussion

    after realising u can farm aghs in 10 minutes, i've began to wonder is it worth rushing it on some cores? Is it only worth on tiny/mirana, or?

    Riguma Borusu

      There is no general answer for this, you always have to weight whether you actually need it... The question is also stupid considering an aghs can do anything from making your team revive and fight again (wk) to buffing your whole team (sven) to giving a shitty buff to omnislash.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран
      Dune, the Desert Planet

        On PotM and Meepo only.


          Drow Ranger?

          casual gamer

            ^ drow I wouldn't go aghs before at least mael. usually if I'm going to agh I go hotd pike mael then aghs, so theres quite the buildup


              definately not tiny. 10 min ags or 6 min blink dagger, ill take blink.

              Corona FRIES

                If it hurts your farming potential then don't


                  Mirano only


                    The real question is, rushing aghs b4 blink on sk

                    Corona FRIES

                      @santana, thats a little bit too greedy, it will delay your early impact for another 2k gold

                      M U R D E R

                        Shadow Fiend? :DD

                        Jk jk i know its boots aquila sb and only then aghs

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                        casual gamer

                          aghs before blink on sk never pls


                            A jungle luna rushed aghs after domi then dumsptered us

                            casual gamer

                              yeah luna aghs does a shitton of damage and is often unexpected