General Discussion

General DiscussionDear players that say "K" to other players who complain about bad tea...

Dear players that say "K" to other players who complain about bad team mates in General Discussion

    Everytime I see a post about a player complaining about their shitty teammates i always see "K". What is it? It doesn't help the guy in any way by adding this letter, and you act like you never complained about your crappy teammates. If someone wants to rage on let them, instead say something like: "yeah i had a similar experience, with this and that" or "Yeah man i see you did really well! But this guy god damn i hope you reported him". Sentences like "hurr durr concentrate on your own game and dont blame your teammates you only have yourself to blame" or "dota isnt about all kills" I agree dota isnt about getting all the kills BUT this is only true if you are 15-1 or 20-0 or something like that BUT if you get something like 35-1 or 44-3 during a 1 hour game you actually have the right to sit in fountain and expect your teammates to finish the game, and blame them if they dont. 15-20 kills is one thing but losing a game where you are 35-0 or 40-4 or something ridiculous like that dont let anyone put you down because that loss is 100% NOT your fault. Ive seen a riki player who posted "i deserve a higher riki winrate" and i agree, he always did well. Its not riki's position to have high tower damage anyway. Go ahead and K this post all you want, deep down you know this is true.
    To the people who do have massive kills and high hero damage as cores with minimal deaths but still lose games: YOU BELONG IN HIGHER MMR. #coreslivesmatter



      registered flex offender



          Here we go again, >|


            Well "concentrate on your own game and dont blame your teammates you only have yourself to blame" is better than "K"


              Grown-ups lose a game, blame their team mates if they like but don't feel the need to whine about it on an Internet forum to a bunch of people who don't give a fuck about the whining of an entitled millennial.



                If you managed to deal massive kills,hero damage,and did well farming,you'll win more than you lose
                Nobody is THAT unlucky to get 4 shitters and plays against 5 tryhards out of all of his games


                  Because they have seen a people complaining like that so many times to the point where they just don't want to hear of it anymore.

                  Btw K.

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                  Corona FRIES


                    Hanamichi Sakuragi

                      I'm pretty sure saying K would be rude, so I'm just here to say that all of those players that blame then whine on the internet are dumb.
                      Like is there someone in real life that thinks he is right and the world is wrong?
                      People that say K in shitposts can actually help this community.

                      btw K.

                      Pale Mannie


                        rice cake

                          Good one Goethe.



                            rice cake



                                If the players are asking something like what item should they build on a heroes that they have no idea how to play or how could they improve themselves as a result of their mistake in their loss matches then I'm pretty sure that some of us in here DOTABUFF. Will be happy to answer those questions with a legit answer that can help you a lot.

                                But if you are whining around about your shitty teammates or how you are actually deserved (so-called) to be at [insert high amount of MMR here] then brace yourself, wave of "K" is coming for you.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  k .



                                    Hatsune Miku

                                      K ony 2012

                                      doc joferlyn simp



                                          K is short for okay, at least thats the meaning i originally thought about when replying in such a way to some complaint post back in the days.
                                          These kind of threads do not seek answers or discussion, they seek attention and aim to satisfy op's ego; they are followed up by two kinds of replies - "you are a retard" posted by most ppl, and "ive also been in this kind of shit but it was harder for me" by other attention hoz. both groups suck.

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                                            A person who writes about his shitty teammates thinks that only he has such team. No. Everybody does. I wouldnt even care if miracle wrote about his shitty teammates that brought him back to 8 k cuz its non-sense . Just a crying. Just a whining. Nothing more


                                              I dont even read such shit and post k as it steals seconds from my useless life and those threads are even more useless

                                              the realm's delight

                                                pretty sure i typed the first k on these forums




                                                    If you're gotten 40 kills then you should be able to win the game regardless of your teammates. Even heroes like Riki who are terrible pushers should be able to safely push towers after killing the enemy team. Sure it wont be the fastest push but you're still getting closer to winning the game.
                                                    If you have 40 kills and 0 tower damage that just means you spent the whole game chasing kills without actually attempting to win and then yes you are just as much to blame for your loss as your teammates are. After all if you're just there to get a high KDA and you don't care about trying to win, then why should your team care about trying to win?

                                                    Yes some games you will lose because of your team and there's nothing more you could realistically have done, but other games you will only win because of your team so it balances out and there no point making a big deal about either scenario.

                                                    yung griphook

                                                      Nobody likes it when people complain. nobody cares about what you have to say. Just man up and deal with it. Often times people forget about the time their team lost because they fed, or got carried while being useless, and only focus on the one time they played well but lost.

                                                      It happens, move on.


                                                        keep ur fucking complaints to urself nobody cares and nobody wants to hear em


                                                          i used to believe like you , that if you have a high winrate , the game loss isn't your fault. Untill one game i did really well as slark i had like 35-4 KDA but then in a team fight at enemy base i dived way too hard got kills but died too & had no buyback & enemy team counter gg pushed us. THE LOSS WAS MY FAULT even if i had a good KDA , people in my bracket including me don't really know the limit of the hero & when we get fed sometimes overestimate our potential in killing & dive way too hard & sometimes it result in a throw. So Don't judge a game only by someone's KDA ratio.

                                                          Visita Hari Danta



                                                              A-well-a ev'rybody's heard about the bird bird bird bird
                                                              B-bird's the word oh well-a bird bird bird
                                                              Bird is a word oh well-a bird bird bird
                                                              Well-a bird is the word oh well-a bird bird bird
                                                              B-bird's the word a-well-a bird bird
                                                              Well-a bird is a word a-well-a bird bird
                                                              B-bird's a-well-a bird bird bird
                                                              B-bird's a word a-well-a bird bird bird
                                                              Well-a bird is a word a-well-a bird bird
                                                              B-bird's the word now well-a
                                                              Don't you know 'bout the bird
                                                              Well ev'rybody knows that the bird is a word
                                                              Oh well-a bird bird b-birds oh word well!
                                                              A-well-a ev'rybody dance about the bird bird bird bird
                                                              B-bird's the word oh well-a bird bird bird
                                                              B-bird's the word a-well-a bird bird bird
                                                              B-birds the word now when a bird bird
                                                              B-birds a word now when -a bird bird bird
                                                              B-bird's a word now well-a bird bird bird
                                                              B-bird's the word oh well-a bird bird bird
                                                              B-bird's the word a-well-a bird bird bird
                                                              B-bird's the word a-well-a don't you know 'bout the bird
                                                              Well ev'rybody's talkin' a-bout the bird a-well-a bird bird
                                                              B-birds the word well papa com-a mau ma-papa
                                                              Com-a ma mau papa com-a mau mau
                                                              Papa com-a mau mau well-a don't you know 'bout the bird
                                                              Well ev'rybody know that the bird is a word a-well-a bird bird

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                                                                the films rly great


                                                                  Dude i lost a match and got an abandon, do i post it on forum like, "noob team ffs" or "some genius unplug my pc"? No, because no one will give a sht about that.

                                                                  Oh wait, i forgot a 10 years old kid can play this game. Sorry :/


                                                                    i think K. means something like "whatever i dont care what u think"

                                                                    PMS Mantra


                                                                      Lost a game, flipped out on my Invoker afterwards calling him all sorts of bad things, etc. Blamed him for loss because he had so many kills and so much farm and yet still lost. Made him add me on friends list saying it was to commemorate the fact that he made me lose. Flamed him some more, even posted an activity feed saying he didn't know how to do anything but lose. All the while he was apologizing to me for the loss. I know he wasn't a bad player, but I am beginning to think that maybe I am... a bad team mate.

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                                                                        K we all lost games teammates were shit why arent we Komplaining?

                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          It is supposed to be your way of showing that you do not care. This isn't your personal blog, it's a forum for discussion and that's definitely not a discussion.


                                                                            Those complaining about their teammates are often bad teammates themselves


                                                                              What 1nx4c said


                                                                                why do people blame their teammates, its like the worst thing to do, its not gonna help in any way


                                                                         when you only have yourself to "blame" aha rolf sure

                                                                                  Jacques Lacan

                                                                                    K for Kappa



                                                                                      because ns scrubs are too blind to see the scoreboard properly, you're so tunneled on that kda it's sad...

                                                                                      33 kill sf only has 1k tower damage, it's like he accidentally clicked a tower once.

                                                                                      sadly kills don't win you games, destroying the ancient does.

                                                                                      kills are only pickups on the way to ending the game.

                                                                                      Holy Roman Empire

                                                                                        I think that riki guy played him as a carry and/or took last hits from the real carry so basically yes he will stomp but carry riki sucks.


                                                                                          The best way to get over shit teammates is to realise they will still be shit in their next game but they won't be on your team (inshallah)


                                                                                            Oh right so if you watch games and not judge by stats how can you push lanes while every lane is pushed and once you win the team fight they've taken rax and your the only one alive and you dont have time to push to a tower


                                                                                              K K K K K K K K


                                                                                                because i push lanes before teamfights, i plan out my games. there's a reason my games are 20-30 min long, i leave NOTHING to chance

                                                                                                and yes, i'll judge anyone based of his stats. that reflects his performance

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                                                                                                  LUL HYPE FOR INFERNO Kreygasm


                                                                                                    The thing is if you have that much hero damage (80k) and 33 kills as sf it actually COMPENSATES for his poor tower damage. Yeah lets criticise the sf for having poor tower damage instead of critising his feeding teammates. Yeah blaming your teammates doesnt do anything, correct. BUT blaming the MVP for poor tower damage even tho he didnt more than well in other aspects of the game? Get off your high horse. That sf may not be the perfect cookie but hes the best cookie in the jar.Lets also ignore the 178 tower damage Windrunner, or the brown boots dragon knight. Both heroes pushers btw!!!

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