General Discussion

General DiscussionHI There

HI There in General Discussion

    hi i dont know that you could make thread here in dotabuff, sooooooooo, im here to say hi XD
    just so this thread don't feel like its useless, can anyone share a tips to improve my mmr... thanks


      Stop finding excuses like "me deserve 4k but poopoo teamm8s"
      Learn from your mistakes
      Play your best on every MMR game
      Be discipline (give more fucks about not missing last hit,control lane,draw creep aggros,etc)


        ^what he said


          there's only 3 methods to gain mmr, and all of them are ''gitting gud'' aka learning to play.


          1. watch your own replays and try to find any mistake you make, mistakes are anything that isn't under your control.

          you should be able to control everyone and everything you want in a game.

          2. watch better players play and analyse what they're doing better and compare that to your own.

          3. watch guides from high mmr players(only), don't read any guide that's made by anyone low mmr. you can learn something wrong and it's very hard to fix bad habbits. the reason someone is high mmr is because he figured out everything needed to beat any mmr previous to that.

          i'd recommend high mmr players who do overall commentaries/analysis ex purge, bren, ecko etc.

          and make sure you tryhard to learn, no matter how much you play you won't improve unless you play to learn.
          you can play 10000 matches and you'll be always low mmr, if you don't play to learn.


            Thx for adding up cookie


              hi sam

              the realm's delight

                3k sam SoBayed

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  IMPOSTERS DAMMIT


                    for a second I thought that's sam LUL

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