General Discussion

General Discussionwhat hero does it tilt you to play against?

what hero does it tilt you to play against? in General Discussion

    for me if im playing mid it got to be shadow fiend , its not like the hero is op anymore but i fucking hate his fucking voice & if he gets some denies vs me when he says "haha DENIED!" or "ahahah OUTPLAYED!" i fucking want to fist the shit out of him & delete him from the map, NOT TO MENTION he looks like a fucking cockroach who just spread his wings when he ulti & i fucking hate cockroaches

    also if im playing safelane carry i fucking hate to play vs pudge because as soon as hes missing & obv no wards in the map cuz swag , u hvae to hide in the trees while hes probably not even ganking you just fapping in fountain

    Тази тема била редактирана

      ur fucking kylie jenner shitface profile picture triggeres me




          and stop acting like a fucking middle school white boy who just started vaping with those stupid swag and shit words fawk you meaaan booi?


            if he gets some denies vs me when he says "haha DENIED!" or "ahahah OUTPLAYED!"

            i love the hero because of it
            sadly he's awful

            kunst 2

              OD. He stole my mana and i can't juke as always. Pretty annoying.


                Putangina tinker bobo cyka blyat!


                  I don't remember any hero that is ultra annoying to paly against
                  Also RIP english

                  Riguma Borusu

                    you just can't stand the swag hero

                    Btw, it's enchantress for me, literally everything about that hero tips me off.

                    casual gamer


                      Dota 2 Department of Onco...

                        Slark. The way he works is disgusting. People who pick him disgust me. When Slark survives with almost no hp I feel the urge to find whoever is playing him and nail his hands to the wall.


                          I agree i dont hate sf at all i rather have sf against me instead of a tinker or invoker, but him saying "OUTPLAYED" triggers me so much i focus on him all game that i feel pity for the sf player he didnt deserve it

                          as a mid nuker, slark tilts me the most, 4 escaping skills (with sb) with joke cooldown, even dealing damage to that little fishy is frustrating, when you finally manage to lower his hp down to like %10 percent he just runs away and comes back again after 10 sec with full hp and kills you. I have no respect for slark spammers. Yeah i get a little salty when i can't kill someone early-mid game

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            How the hell does one get tilted by an automated hero response


                              also i sold my Glados and Stanley parable announcer pack for the same reason. They tilt me alot

                              Glados quotes:

                              game starts: "You must be the one the others were talking about. That talent-less one."

                              picking: "Your pick. Try not to embarrass yourself."

                              killing someone: "I hope you're proud of yourself."

                              respawning: "Oh, you were gone. Because nobody noticed."

                              JUST GIVE ME A BREAK U B*TCH




                                  @bws rip english ? a fucking peenoy monkey 3rd worlder talking about my english LOL




                                      Almost all of OP's most played heroes sometimes trigger me, tbh.


                                        I really don't like to play against good venomancers, most anoying hero in the game, even worse then alahu akbar suicide squad

                                        Massive Dynamic

                                          Techies. Even if the little fuck gets caught out of position, he has a bullshit deny that takes no skill. (As opposed to Abaddon's or Pudge's denies.)


                                            KOTL of the Light with his mana leak makes me want to ragequit.
                                            Also if I'm against a Lich in lane I want to cry. I play mostly offlane and for some reason the enemy always seems to put their Lich against me in their safelane. So with him zoning me and eating creeps I just have to give up on lane and iron talon jungle (which I hate doing because I don't like to lose my lane). If I don't I know I'll be level 2 at 10 minutes.


                                              Non currently but for awhile Omni would tilt me , but now I just pick Riki and ass fuck him.


                                                Bs and Viper... I can't play when i can't play move
                                                And they are just bullshit


                                                  i just hate axe abba aa beast dis enigma ember kotl kunka morph omni nyx riki ss spirit b veno venge nothing else


                                                    Riki, tinker, pa, aa.

                                                    yung griphook

                                                      husk, viper, pa spamming daggers mid


                                                        Yeah, KotL can do one. Solo offlane vs that mana leak makes me cry.

                                                        M U R D E R

                                                          "for some reason lich offlane"


                                                            Axe and nighstalker dual lane, even towers can't save u from them.


                                                              haha sf also walks in such swag. the hero's persona and looks are great, its just that he's so weak....

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                ^he can still snowball like a mofo if left unchecked or if he wins the lane really hard


                                                                  SPIRIT FUCKING BREAKER BREAKS MY FUCKING SPIRIT EVERY FUCKING TIME

                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                    void and drow on the same team



                                                                      phantom assassin
                                                                      any bash hero or hero with basher
                                                                      arc warden
                                                                      witch doctor


                                                                        Techies. I rage pick naga




                                                                            im a noob and only recently figured out that if you move further away from impetus, it does more damage, so for the whole time, ive been taking 200 each hit from ench
                                                                            also techies
                                                                            ONE LITTLE FUCK UP IN POSITIONING AND YOUR GONE

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                              Why noone mention tide? I mean He can stand afk on offlane and wont die cuz He just Takes absolute zero dmg.


                                                                                Enemy Sb charging mid non stop

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  Only my teammates seem to tilt me with their picks.

                                                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                    KoTL. FUCKING OLD MAN WITH HIS FUCKING MANA LEAK AND HIS FUCKING HORSES


                                                                                      tilt is for the weak

                                                                                      仙道 "ZL." クリストフ

                                                                                        the damn enchantress and slark, seriourly if both of them in one lane there are nothing i can think off...