General Discussion

General Discussionto legion players in 2k mmr

to legion players in 2k mmr in General Discussion

    this is how u play her pls , dont jungle 5ever without hitting a tower once in ur life i got fed up of my team picking her & lost with her last game so i picked her this game ty

    PMS Mantra

      So... basically... rat?


        not rat , but when you duel & kill ppl push towers not go back to afk farm like most other lc junglers do , why would i rat dota when i had 2 rampages on enemy team

        Mao Xina

          Nothing particular. after seeing ur enemies item build i know it was potato bracket.


            Pa rush orchid

            bot hard mute

              u needed 12 min jungle farm for power treads??


                12min jungle farm? as if i stood 12 min there to farm treads , rofl i just bought brown boots shadowblade basilus blight stone & went for duels then finished treads when i had the time mabe use ur brain

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