General Discussion

General DiscussionWitch doctor - Skillbuild

Witch doctor - Skillbuild in General Discussion

    This hero intrigues me.
    I see some pro's like 1437 - He goes 4-1-0 stats
    I find maeldict mental, stupidly strong.. i recall games where i went mid with WD with max maeldict and you just dagon someone and they die.

    Whats the build?

    i like 4-0-2-1 at 7 if i don't need the heal in lane, if i need the heal then ill get it.

    Say you have a zues on your team, isn't something like 2-0-4 just insanely strong?
    But anyone with some insight?

    Also, do you build aether?


      i dont think you should get E every game since:

      -it has piss poor cast range and due to WD's squishiness it can get you in trouble if you have no setup
      -your death ward deals better damage at a better cast range
      -you sometimes dont need more damage

      personally i hate that skill because of what i mentioned so i always max out my Q then W and i just pump up my stats

      i also wouldnt go lens unless you have maledict, your Q already has high cast range and the "right click" range of your ward wont increase afaik (it'll increase the cast range tho so your ward would be a bit farther)


        4-4-0-1 in 80% of the games
        4-2-2-1 5%
        4-1-3-1 15%
        tehres no other builds

        aether is decent, but not top tier.

        q is being always maxed first.


          but then again im not rly a WD so take that with a grain of salt


            isn't maeldict just simply better though? like significantly more damage.

            Apparently i am on an 8 WD streak, however i never pick him only really random him. (hense the infrequency of picks)
            The majority of these games i max maeldict, even over stun some games.


            I like Voodoo rest, i feel like it has hectic potential, however whenever i go for a kill, if you don't maledict they just.. walk away from your ward.
            with maledict you get soooo much damage and they just pop.

            I could be very wrong though.

            I recall one game i maxed rest, and it proved crucial to the circumstances.


              it's significantly more damage IF there are other shit that's damaging him

              meaning to say, the damage is inconsistent compared to deathward

              really tho my only problem with maledict is that it's cast range is so shieet


                the cast range on maeldict is enough to cast on whomever you have stunned. if thats 2-3 people you've just 'poison nova'd' them.
                'if thier is other shit that's damaging them' Asuming you are playing with your team, then maledict seems far better.
                If you are snowballing as WD, you can solo kill with it, assuming the enemy is near a range creep or a jungle camp.

                I dunno, i'm 70% on wd, however i really don't play him enough to know. I really do like the idea of voodoo rest builds, especially because without the maledict you'll have the mana to heal a significant portion of hp.
                But you litterally turn into a mediocre stun, mediocre heal and a channeling ulti. I feel like there are better heros to fill this role.

                Say you go 4-0-4-1 and build urn, You have less, but still have heals to fill that void of not having Rest. but instead you are now a hectic damage dealing machine..
                With 4-4-0 you can't build anything to give you that damage.


                  yeah but sometimes your team needs the utility you can give rather than the damage

                  sure if your team has shittons of disables but lacks early game damage going 4-0-4-1 with an urn is definitely fine but doing it even in games where your enemies are already dead before you cast it or you won't be able to cast it unless you trade your life for it is bad

                  not saying you do that since i havent watched any of ur games but it's just a heads up that you shouldnt do the same build every game. there's no set skill build on WD, it's just me hating the skill xD exdeEEE


                    I'm very aware that builds vary to fit the situation, I've got a significant number of games under my belt. and 70% on a hero is respectable i think.

                    However there is a completely different playstyle when it comes to Rest builds vs Maeldict builds.
                    one of them is more 'push' 'recovery' and 'tanky' style. one of them is more 'This fucker is going to die'
                    In games that i went early restoration builds, i found uses for it alot.
                    In games that i went max maeldict, i get lots of kills with it.

                    I'd like to find someone with a greater understanding of the hero to shed insight onto thier thoughts regarding how the hero should be played.

                    In my eyes, currently.
                    I think 4-0-4 (assuming you don't need a value point in rest) with building an Urn. is the ideal build if your game doesn't 'force you' to get rest.


                      ur not getting urn in like... 0? of your matches, because theres 99% heroes that really like that urn instead of wd, just because ur greedy af.
                      you got decent manapool, insane regen with your w, and these 150 dmg means nothing to you tbh.

                      waste of gold

                      just rush aghs and win the game most of the teims.

                      not arin

                        you go lens if you're pos 4

                        otherwise just glimmer agh


                          i have OK stats on WD and ive played him quite a few games.

                          max stun every game, maledict can be gotten if you need the extra damage to kill the offlaner in lane or smth, otherwise max heal.

                          you will want glimmer, and ags if you can get any farm. force staff is good (like any support)

                          arcanes are good but you can honestly go brown boots to point booster too if you want.


                            A lot of the time if you are position 5 you are insanely squishy. Maledict has very short cast range and in many games being close enough to cast maledict probably means you are fucking dead. Better to go stats and hang around at the edge of the fight so you can get multiple casks off during the fight, keep the healing aura going and maybe even sneak in a death ward if possible.


                              I'm far from being skilled with WD, but I have my fair share of games (140).
                              Cask is a no-brainer: always max it first, unless you can get first blood with maledict early on. As some people have pointed out, the dmg output of maledict is ridiculous: usually one good cask and two ticks of maledict are more than enough to take down most heroes early on. On a general basis, I go 4-1-4 because voodoo restoration drains your mp too darn quickly, and the ability to heal at a faster rate is not really worth it.

                              Still, generally, the choice between voodoo and maledict depends on how your game is going to come out.

                              Choose voodoo if any of the following:

                              - You're going to babysit a lane;
                              - you're going for a sustain build in a snowball strat;
                              - you're going for a position 5.

                              Choose maledict if any of the following:

                              - You're going for an aggressive lane;
                              - You have teammates with burst damage;
                              - You're facing high HP pool enemy heroes;
                              - You're hoping to move into a position 4.


                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                              M U R D E R

                                1-4-1-1 is really good for early skirmishes but only if you can get soul ring and arcane boots in time (or else you run out of mana... if you have soul ring and arcanes you can maintain the maxed restoration when needed perfectly fine). enemy team likely simply cant outdamage your healing at that point.

                                but his skill build otherwise entirely depends on his lineup and what his role is, right?

                                also i sometimes build aether to enhance blink distance and cast range of ward, makes it better to hide and rape enemy team.

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                not arin

                                  1 4 1 is ultra retarded

                                  one good cask can win a teamfight

                                  M U R D E R

                                    yea but proper positioning from enemy and all your points in cask wasted if it doesnt bounce all 9 times (lich ulti anyone?). max restoration and you will heal your team no matter what.

                                    but his skill build otherwise entirely depends on his lineup and what his role is, right?


                                      Because it usually puts you in an awful position
                                      Don't blindly follow skillbuilds though, when the people you play with won't abuse your positioning as much and it can be the difference maker


                                        2041 could be good in some situations like when you have burst on your team like a zeus as you said. Maybe 3031. Next time I play wd ill try something like this out. Most of the time I go 4111 at lvl 7. This has really got me thinking.


                                          1 point in stun isn't enough though that's for certain.