General Discussion

General DiscussionAny suggestions on a new hero to learn ?

Any suggestions on a new hero to learn ? in General Discussion

    List hero or heros and reason why I should add him/her to my repitore .
    Thanks !


      You have a good repitore-nothing

      Massive Dynamic

        Learn Arc Warden, he is so broken in the upper brackets.

        casual gamer


          big mf bird

            A few very good heroes to learn are ones who can win games without a very high skill cap and/or very easy to learn, ect.
            1 (Safe) - Slark, WK, Jugg, Sven
            2 (Mid) - OD, TA, PotM, Jugg
            3 (Offlane) - Void (blink, vlads, manta, NO MoM), Axe, Timber, Tidehunter
            4 (Greedy support) - AA, Rubick, Omni, Riki
            5/6 (Solo/Sacrificial support) - Omni, Dazzle, Venge, Lion
            Heroes that can do well in/win games but take a while to learn.
            1- Arc, TB, Naga, Ember
            2 - Storm, Meepo, Ember, Arc
            3 - LD, Bat, Beastmaster, Brewmaster
            4 - ET, Oracle, Enigma, Wisp
            5 - Oracle, SD, ES, PotM (roaming)

            big mf bird

              Now heroes that WILL lose you games
              1- Gyro (Outscaled lategame, worse version of luna), Void MoM (far too squishy), Troll (literally almost irrevelant), PL (Outscaled lategame, needs too much farm)
              2 - QoP/Viper (good laning, useless past lane mostly), SF (shit on by mid gankers, cant comeback), Lina (raindrops make her combo lose most dmg)
              3 - Bristle (hardcountered by break, TP, and magicwand), Doom (Overnerfed, needs too much farm, reliant on ulti), Brood (food midgame, useless lategame)
              4 - Tusk (too greedy, cant really roam), Techies (WAY overnerfed, too little dmg, Q worthless midgame), Necro as support (Too greedy, cant do much without items)
              5 - There aren't actually many 5's who will really lose you games.


                I win games with troll and I only started playing with him around 6.87


                  @Standin. Ω
                  Any hero can work in NS
                  You can even go io carry and still manages to 1v9 the game if you're good enough


                    Earth spirit
                    Since you're actually decent you might actually want to learn to play heroes like that

                    ARC WARDEN

                      arc warden : so much fun to play this hero, u can solo kill any hero at level 6++(especially hero with no escape ability)


                        Go learn Pudge best mid hero.


                          @can't stop the rock
                          i don't think troll warlord is irrelevant check my last game just played him, if you know how to play the hero effectively he's still pretty strong.


                            Ye troll still can win games like fuckin shit


                              Kotl best in ns :)


                                Try Dark Seer, u have not play that hero yet. Pick that hero if the enemy carry is melee hero and theres no omni on enemy team.

                                Starting item tango, 2 clarity, obs(place the ward to block the nc camp so they wont be able to pull and make the ion shell become more effective. Since they cant pull, the creeps that u put Ion shell will follow their hero now if they are about to die give that fcking creeps a Surge to chase them) and soul ring recipe.

                                You should have arcane boots, meka and dagger(this to help u get good position to do combo wombo) bfore 20 minutes.

                                The skill i think u should know how to build it. Max ion shell 1st then get 2 lvl on surge then max vacuum.

                                Your item build is depends on enemy lineup. Get PIPE OF INSIGHT(if many high magic damage), CRIMSON GUARD(if they have strong right click) or SHIVA GUARD(to slow the enemy when u are initiating the fight with your vacuum+replica wall combo, bfore jumping in make sure to active it first since it slow) the guardian grieves is a must item since u can get more slot.


                                  Checked your profile. XD Mid heroes since you haven't played them yet. MEEPO IS REALLY fucking fun too and of course ^ DARK SEER.