General Discussion

General Discussionicefrog once posted a pic of his cat for the dota community to name

icefrog once posted a pic of his cat for the dota community to name in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    1% gave actual suggestions. 99% flamed him for posting dota unrelated content. Never has icefrog posted anything dota-unrelated to his english speaking players ever again. And to think pendragon talks so much shit about him.

    Question: if icefrog were to do that again in this age and state of the game (ahem, 90% of hero pool pick rate in last TI, pros saying "this patch was the most balanced" etc.) would the community still present the same hostility as it did back in the day? Was it justifiable to "scold" him for "slacking" off a bit back then?


      I remembered this LUL. There will always be those buthurt ledditors flaming icefrog everyday, will it be less compared as before ? Maybe but the DotA community has been fucked up as it has always been in recent years.

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        He really deserves a bit more credit than he does now I think. Seeing how much he has contributed to this game compared to every other person who has fiddled with the technical details of this game even way before valve took him in was really amazing.

        bot hard mute

          he probably gets a good compensation for his work from valve

          Full Давай

            introduction of tome of knowledge deserves pat on the back imo



              mom said it's my turn to ...

                Tome of knowledge existed as a semi-common in game power up in WC3, I wonder why it took them the valve port to finally implement it.

                Monetary compensation, sure he probably gets a big chunk from the hats sales, but seeing the kind of person he appears to be I think he'd be happier if the community appreciated him a bit more.

                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                  The problem with his patches is that he makes a hero OP then next patch its DEAD. Then he will slowly buff or rework the hero.
                  DoTA patches usually comes in long dates and its annoying if he removes a good concept (such as Tempest Double rapiras strat)
                  Next thing, he should probably buff the heroes that doesn't get actually picked in a SERIOUS tournament such as Majors, Summit's and etc... He needs to seek out the day every hero is gonna get picked and actually be VIABLE. He needs to be more active.
                  Now about his consistency, as explained above, one moment a hero is OP the next moment its dead, this can actually be avoided if you don't panic (considering how he just nerfed Arc Warden into oblivion one patch then slowly buffed him, this shows his paranoia).
                  But the thing is IceFrog is just a human and can actually make mistakes. I can barely imagine how hard he works to improve the game.
                  Everyone thinks everything should be perfect before them, as such people justify him based on what he has done, in short, judgement.
                  In the face of disaster, lies opportunity for renewal. As such, shitty patches like Ho Ho Ha Ha patch will one day lead to a perfect game.
                  Yes the guy actually deserves more credit for what he does, when I got bored of almost everything this game came to my little world.
                  Now then you little one out there, do you consider yourself as perfect?