General Discussion

General DiscussionHIGH SKILL PLS DOTA

HIGH SKILL PLS DOTA in General Discussion
id smurf

    bro guys and sist, can u all help me ?
    i start my first match at dota in good , 7 match no lose and good average slark spam heroes
    and i also pick role sup like venge for counter late game hero, warding , ganking and bring tp is my job
    i just get my high skill once , when i pick weaver , for fast game,
    and this is really break my heart haha
    play everyday , watching pro player in utube
    i dun say this is my team fault , cause random
    because my skill not too far from them , but cmon
    i just want to ask u all my master, can i get high skill for all my match :"v
    but now look my match not good at all , some i feed , fck
    ur comment will be helpfull for newbie here
    #sorrybadenglish #indonesianplayerhere #handsomegaminglol




        Just focus on improving yourself
        High skill will come by itself when you're good enough


          if you have a hard time improving yourself, just keep playing mate..
          it will not make you godly player, but at least your mechanical skill will increase because of muscle memory, even if your game understanding increase a litle..
          dota is a complex game, so better have fun while git gud..
          many players want to rush their learning curve end up getting depressed lul..

          THE FUCK?!

            maen ama bot gan wkwk


              create dummy account and stomp or fvck ur first match :))) u can even go with very high skill.

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                Just gitgut


                  Maen gitgut aje bray

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                      Sea smurfs

                      id smurf

                        what mean gitgut

                        Saaya  Irie

                          well. I still believe in APM. or Actions per minute. Whenever i cr8 a smurf account it's always Very Highskill. maybe it really depends on how much u do in the game in any role...

                          Saaya  Irie

                            well. I still believe in APM. or Actions per minute. Whenever i cr8 a smurf account it's always Very Highskill. maybe it really depends on how much u do in the game in any role...


                              If I made a smurf I honestly want to calibrate to Normal Skill, anyway because thats the only fun bracket where u go 321-3-5 as shadow shaman


                                Maintain your kda makesure high gpm and xpm
                                High skill will look for u

                                rice cake

                                  nasiv cuk


                                    dr 0% wr in this patch ? lol
                                    keep improving


                                      Learn more i guess....


                                        Kalo lo emg pantas di hs/vhs bracket gw rasa lu udh hs dari dulu.. Emg skill lu yg gk memadai..
                                        Tips:stop smurfing, get atleast 500hrs of dota and try to read and understand every hero' abilities and item information

                                        KuroKy  ~

                                          Played 4 normal skill then switched to high skill look at my profile

                                          we dont need u money (8)
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